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Last active June 24, 2016 13:27
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Defining sigma-labelled ranked trees and unranked trees
Module FiniteRankedTree.
Inductive Forest {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} : nat -> Set :=
| leaf : Forest O
| sibl : RankedTree -> forall n, Forest n -> Forest (S n)
RankedTree {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} : Set := node : forall a, Forest (sigma a) -> RankedTree.
End FiniteRankedTree.
Module RankedTree.
Require Import List.
CoInductive Forest {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} : nat -> Set :=
| leaf : Forest O
| sibl : RankedTree -> forall n, Forest n -> Forest (S n)
RankedTree {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} : Set := node : forall a, Forest (sigma a) -> RankedTree.
Fail Fixpoint to_list {A : Set} {s : A -> nat} {n : nat} (f : Forest (sigma:=s) n) : list (RankedTree (sigma:=s)) :=
match f with
| leaf => nil
| sibl t _ f' => t :: to_list f'
Fail Fixpoint child {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} (t : RankedTree (sigma:=sigma)) (i: nat) :=
match t with
| node a f => (fix child' j g :=
match g with
| leaf => None
| sibl t _ h =>
match j with
| 0 => Some t
| S k => child' k h
end) i f
End RankedTree.
Check RankedTree.node.
Module Tree.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.
(*Set Reversible Pattern Implicit.*)
Inductive Forest (T : Set): nat -> Set :=
| leaf : Forest T O
| sibl (_ : T) {n : nat} : Forest T n -> Forest T (S n).
Arguments leaf {T}.
About leaf.
Arguments sibl {T} _ {n} _.
About sibl.
CoInductive RankedTree {A : Set} (sigma : A -> nat) : Set := node : forall a, Forest (RankedTree sigma) (sigma a) -> RankedTree sigma.
Arguments node {A sigma} a _.
About node.
CoInductive UnrankedTree {A : Set} (sigma : A -> nat) : Set := unode : A -> list (UnrankedTree sigma) -> UnrankedTree sigma.
About UnrankedTree.
About unode.
Require Import List.
About RankedTree.
Definition children {A : Set} {sigma : A -> nat} (t : RankedTree sigma) : list (RankedTree sigma) :=
match t with
| node a f => (fix to_list {n : nat} (g : Forest (RankedTree sigma) n) := match g with
| leaf => nil
| sibl t _ h => t :: to_list h
end) _ f
End Tree.
Section Test1.
Import Tree.
Let id_nat := fun x:nat => x.
Check (sibl (node (sigma:=id_nat) 0 leaf) leaf).
Check (sibl (node 0 leaf) (sibl (node (sigma:=id_nat) 0 leaf) leaf)).
Let t1 := node (sigma:=id_nat) 1 (sibl (node 0 leaf) leaf).
Let t2 := node (sigma:=id_nat) 2 (sibl (node 0 leaf) (sibl (node (sigma:=id_nat) 0 leaf) leaf)).
Eval compute in (children t2).
Check (node 0 leaf : RankedTree id_nat).
CoFixpoint x : RankedTree id_nat := (node 1 (sibl x leaf)).
Fail CoFixpoint x : RankedTree id_nat := (node 2 (sibl x leaf)).
End Test1.
Section Test2.
Import RankedTree.
Let id_nat := fun x:nat => x.
Let t1 := node (sigma:=id_nat) 1 (sibl (node 0 leaf) 0 leaf).
Check t1.
End Test2.
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