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Calculating YoY revenue when not all accounts existed last year
create or replace table arr_base(account_id varchar, account_name varchar, activity_date date, arr number(32,4));
insert into arr_base (account_id, account_name, activity_date, arr)
('A','ACCOUNT A','2021-01-31',50)
,('B','ACCOUNT B','2021-01-31',40)
,('A','ACCOUNT A','2020-01-31',40)
,('B','ACCOUNT B','2020-01-31', 35)
,('C','ACCOUNT C','2020-01-31', 30)
,('D','ACCOUNT D','2020-01-31', 30)
-- add more data if you want
insert into arr_base (account_id, account_name, activity_date, arr)
n.account_id, n.account_name, n.activity_date, n.arr * uniform(1,4, random()) as arr
-- lets add some more data
select b.account_id, b.account_name, dateadd(year,-(num + 1), b.activity_date) as activity_date, b.arr
arr_base b cross join
(select seq4() as num from table(generator(rowcount=>10))) t
) n
where n.activity_date not in (select distinct activity_date from arr_base)
order by 1,2,3,4
set start_date = '2020-01-01'::timestamp_ltz;
set end_date = current_date();
set years = (select datediff(years,$start_date, $end_date) +1 );
with cte_accounts as (select distinct account_id, account_name from arr_base where activity_date between $start_date and $end_date )
,cte_dates as (select distinct year(activity_Date) as activity_year, activity_Date from arr_base where activity_date between $start_date and $end_date)
,cte_years as ( select seq4() + year($start_date) as txn_year from table(generator(rowcount=> $years)))
,cte_arr as (select account_id, account_name, year(activity_date) as activity_year, SUM( arr) as arr from arr_base where activity_date between $start_date and $end_date group by account_id, account_name, year(activity_date))
-- cartesian product
,f1.arr as arr_current_year
,f2.arr as arr_next_year
,case when f2.arr is not null and f1.arr is not null then ((f2.arr - f1.arr) / f1.arr) else null end as yoy_arr
cte_accounts a cross join
cte_dates d
) as dim left outer join
cte_arr as f1 on dim.account_id = f1.account_id and dim.activity_year = f1.activity_year left outer join
cte_arr as f2 on dim.account_id = f2.account_id and (dim.activity_year+1) = f2.activity_year
order by dim.activity_year
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