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Last active May 10, 2019 00:48
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  • Save umutseven92/1f79b6757f1ca92358f258b29dd1f2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save umutseven92/1f79b6757f1ca92358f258b29dd1f2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of a git-leaks command that runs on a repo with one leak.
$ gitleaks --repo-path=. -v && git push
INFO[2019-05-10T01:34:24+01:00] opening .
"line": "const AWS_KEY = \"AKIALALEMEL33243OLIAE\"",
"commit": "1310d0e0c6d41ff4df89d3bf9fe0cf428932b1eb",
"offender": "AKIALALEMEL33243OLIA",
"reason": "AWS",
"commitMsg": "Add keys ",
"author": "Umut Seven \\u003e",
"file": "keys.go",
"repo": ".",
"date": "2019-05-10T01:33:39+01:00"
WARN[2019-05-10T01:34:28+01:00] 1 leaks detected. 201 commits inspected in 3 seconds 363 milliseconds
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