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Last active April 7, 2020 08:36
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How can I get the parent's argument to FieldResolver?
import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
import { Resolver, Query, Args, Arg, Mutation, Authorized, FieldResolver, Root, Ctx } from 'type-graphql';
import { Book, BookFilter, BooksFilter, CreateBookInput } from './book.entity';
import { Author, AuthorInput } from '../author/author.entity';
import { Category, CategoryInput } from '../category/category.entity';
import { AuthorBook } from '../author-book/author-book.entity';
import { BookReadingStatus } from '../book-reading-status/book-reading-status.entity';
import { BookLike } from '../book-like/book-like.entity';
import { UserLibrary } from '../user-library/user-library.entity';
import { BookRating } from '../book-rating/book-rating.entity';
export class BookResolver {
@Query(() => Book, { nullable: true })
async book(
@Args() { id, title, slug }: BookFilter
): Promise<Book> {
if (id) { return this.bookRepository.findOne({ id }); }
if (title) { return this.bookRepository.findOne({ title }); }
if (slug) { return this.bookRepository.findOne({ slug }); }
@Query(() => [Book])
async allBooks(
@Args() { title, skip, take }: BooksFilter
): Promise<Book[]> {
if (title) { return this.bookRepository.find({ where: `"title" ILIKE '${title}%'`, skip, take }); }
return this.bookRepository.find({ skip, take });
@Authorized('ADMIN', 'MODERATOR', 'MEMBER')
@FieldResolver(() => BookReadingStatus, { nullable: true })
async bookReadingStatus(
@Root() book: Book,
@Ctx() context: any
): Promise<BookReadingStatus> {
const bookId =;
const userId = context.req.session.userId;
const data = await this.bookReadingStatusRepository.findOne({ userId, bookId });
return data;
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How can I get the parent's argument to FieldResolver?

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