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Created June 29, 2024 02:29
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Python: get list of ollama models from

Scrape model listings from

This is some helper code I wrote to list models available on It returns a list of models with a little metadata about each one, just what's visible on the site.

Useful mostly for command line junkies like myself, so you can see what options you have for doing ollama pull <modelname> when downloading new models to try out.

import aiohttp, asyncio, yarl, bs4, re, json
async def get_ollama_library(**query):
def parseage(s):
s = str(s).lower().strip()
if s.endswith(" ago"):
s = " ".join(s.split(" ")[:-1])
m = re.match("^(\\d*(\\.\\d*)?) *(d(ay)?|h(ou)?r?|mo(nth)?|m(in(ute)?)?|s(ec(ond)?)?|w((ee)?k)?|y((ea)?r)?)s? ago", s)
if m != None:
num = float(
unit =
units = [('s', 1.0), ('mo', 60.0*60.0*24.0*30.0), ('m', 60.0), ('h', 60.0*60.0), ('d', 60.0*60.0*24.0), ('w', 60*60*24*7), ('y', 60*60*24*365)]
for prefix, factor in units:
if unit.startswith(prefix):
return num * factor
return s
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
url = yarl.URL("")
res = await sess.get(str(url))
doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(await res.text())
def getmodelinfo(elem):
name = elem.find("h2").text.strip().splitlines()[0]
desc = elem.find_all("p")[0].text.strip()
info = {}
if len(elem.find_all("p")) > 1:
for p in elem.find_all("p")[1:]:
for k,v in [tuple(sorted([w.strip().lower().replace(',','') for w in l.split("\xa0")], key=lambda w: any([ch.isnumeric() for ch in str(w)]) )) for l in p.text.strip().split("\n\n\n") if len(l.strip()) > 0]:
info[k] = float(v) if all([ch.isnumeric() or ch in ['-','.'] for ch in str(v)]) else parseage(v) if str(v).endswith(" ago") else str(v)
return dict(list(info.items()) + list({'name': name, 'desc': desc}.items()))
modelinfos = []
for h2elem in doc.find_all("h2"):
minfo = getmodelinfo(h2elem.parent.parent)
return modelinfos, doc
def get_models():
import asyncio
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