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Last active February 2, 2016 01:38
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Convierte una imagen en un archivo .icns
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
src = ARGV[0]
if src == ''
puts "Usage: ./iconiza take five.jpg"
puts "Convierte una imagen en un archivo .icns"
name = src.split('.')
name = name.join('.')
dst = File.dirname( File.expand_path src)+"/#{name}.iconset"
unless dst
Dir.mkdir dst
resoluciones = [
[1024, '512x512@2x'],
[512 , '512x512'],
[512, '256x256@2x'],
[256 , '256x256'],
[256, '128x128@2x'],
[128, '128x128'],
[64, '32x32@2x'],
[32, '16x16@2x'],
[32, '32x32'],
[16, '16x16']
resoluciones.each do |r|
res, name = r
puts "Creando #{name}.png (#{res}x#{res})"
cmd = "convert '#{src}' -resize #{res}x#{res}^ -background none -depth 24 -gravity center -extent #{res}x#{res} '#{dst}/icon_#{name}.png'"
system cmd
`iconutil -c icns "#{dst}"`
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