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Last active February 18, 2019 15:24
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First encounter with Erlang
%% API
classify_day({saturday}) -> classify_day({weekend});
classify_day({sunday}) -> classify_day({weekend});
classify_day({weekend}) -> weekend;
classify_day({_}) -> weekday.
%% API
area({rectangle, Width, Height}) -> Width * Height;
area({circle, Radius}) -> 3.14159 * Radius * Radius;
area({square, Side}) -> Side * Side.
-export([main/0, server/0]).
-import(geometry, [area/1]).
-import(dates, [classify_day/1]).
-import(myfactorial, [factorial/1]).
-import(io, [fwrite/2, fwrite/1]).
main() ->
fwrite("Hello, world!~n"),
%Area = area({rectangle, 10, 4}),
%fwrite("The area of a rectangle of 10x4 is ~w~n", [area({rectangle, 10, 4})]),
fwrite("Sunday is the ~w and thursday is ~w~n", [classify_day({sunday}), classify_day({thursday})]),
fwrite("The factorial of 4 is ~w and of 8 is ~w~n", [factorial(4), factorial(8)]),
Pid = spawn(fun() -> server() end),
Pid ! {self(), {rectangle, 6, 10}},
receive N -> fwrite("Rectangle's area is ~w~n", [N]) end,
fwrite("Circle's area is ~w~n", [rpc(Pid, {circle, 5})]).
server() ->
{From, {rectangle, Width, Height}} ->
Area = Width * Height,
%fwrite("The area of the rectangle is ~w~n", [Area]),
From ! Area,
{From, {circle, Radius}} ->
Area = 3.14159 * Radius * Radius,
%fwrite("The area of the circle is ~w~n", [Area]),
From ! Area,
{From, Request} ->
%fwrite("I don't know how to calculate that :(~n"),
From ! {error, Request},
rpc(Pid, Request) ->
Pid ! {self(), Request},
{Pid, Response} ->
%% API
factorial(N) when N > 1 -> N * factorial(N - 1);
factorial(_) -> 1.
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