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Created July 13, 2020 21:05
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% Decoding QAM waveform using I/Q receiver
% Define parameters
N_samp = 1000; % Number of samples per symbol
N_symb = 10; % Number of symbols in transmission
cfreq = 1/10; % Carrier frequency of cosine and sine carriers
% Generate inphase and quadrature channels with 2-PAM waveforms
chI = 2*round(rand(1,N_symb))-1;
chQ = 2*round(rand(1,N_symb))-1;
samp_I = [];
samp_Q = [];
for ind = 1:1:N_symb
samp_I = [samp_I chI(ind)*ones(1,N_samp)];
samp_Q = [samp_Q chQ(ind)*ones(1,N_samp)];
% Apply cosine and sine carriers to inphase and quadrature components, sum
% waveforms together into composite transmission
tx_signal = samp_I.*cos(2.*pi.*cfreq.*(1:1:length(samp_I))) + samp_Q.*sin(2.*pi.*cfreq.*(1:1:length(samp_Q)));
% Separate out inphase and quadrature components from composite
% transmission
sig_I_unfilt = tx_signal.*cos(2.*pi.*cfreq.*(1:1:length(tx_signal)));
sig_Q_unfilt = tx_signal.*sin(2.*pi.*cfreq.*(1:1:length(tx_signal)));
lpf_coeffs = firls(11,[0 cfreq 1.05*cfreq 1],[1 1 0 0]); % Design lowpass filter to remove double frequency term
sig_I_filt = 2.*filter(lpf_coeffs,1,sig_I_unfilt);
sig_Q_filt = 2.*filter(lpf_coeffs,1,sig_Q_unfilt);
% Plot before + after inphase/quadrature signals regarding composite
% waveform creation
xlabel('Time (n)');ylabel('Amplitude');
%title('Inphase Signal Component');
xlabel('Time (n)');ylabel('Amplitude');
%title('Quadrature Signal Component');
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