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Created October 29, 2015 18:23
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C-section rates around the world- Module #1 exercise
country year percent footnotes
Afghanistan 2011 3.6 1
Austria 2011 29
Bahrain 2011 30
Bangladesh 2011 17.1
Belarus 2011 24
Belize 2011 28.1
Brazil 2011 53.7
Bulgaria 2011 33.1
Cameroon 2011 3.8
Canada 2011 26.9
Colombia 2011 42.8
Czech Republic 2011 24.7
Denmark 2011 21
Estonia 2011 20.2
Ethiopia 2011 1.5 1
Finland 2011 16.3
Georgia 2011 35.1
Germany 2011 32.1
Ghana 2011 11.4
Iceland 2011 16.6
Iraq 2011 22.2
Ireland 2011 28.1
Japan 2011 19.2
Kazakhstan 2011 15.9
Kyrgyzstan 2011 7
Latvia 2011 23.6
Lithuania 2011 25
Luxembourg 2011 31
Macedonia 2011 24.9
Maldives 2011 41.1
Malta 2011 34
Mauritius 2011 43.8 11
Morocco 2011 16
Mozambique 2011 3.9
Nepal 2011 4.6
Nigeria 2011 4.7
Norway 2011 17
Oman 2011 17 14
Peru 2011 22.9
Philippines 2011 11.1
Poland 2011 35.2
Portugal 2011 35.2
Republic of Moldova 2011 14.8
San Marino 2011 35.4
Senegal 2011 5.9 1
Spain 2011 25
Sweden 2011 17
Switzerland 2011 33.3
Turkmenistan 2011 5.9
Uganda 2011 5.3
United States of America 2011 32.8
Uzbekistan 2011 9
Viet Nam 2011 20
Zimbabwe 2011 4.5 1
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<h1>Percentage of Births Delivered by Cesarean Section in 2011, by Country</h1>
<p>Source: <a href="" target="_blank">WHO Data</a></p>
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