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Last active November 6, 2022 07:10
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* To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
* worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
* See <>
package com.unascribed;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Implements FlexVer, a SemVer-compatible intuitive comparator for free-form versioning strings as
* seen in the wild. It's designed to sort versions like people do, rather than attempting to force
* conformance to a rigid and limited standard. As such, it imposes no restrictions. Comparing two
* versions with differing formats will likely produce nonsensical results (garbage in, garbage out),
* but best effort is made to correct for basic structural changes, and versions of differing length
* will be parsed in a logical fashion.
public class FlexVerComparator {
* Break apart a string into "logical" version components, by splitting it where a string
* of characters changes from numeric to non-numeric.
private static List<Comparable<?>> decompose(String str, boolean debug) {
if (str.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList();
boolean lastWasNumber = Character.isDigit(str.codePointAt(0));
StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
List<Comparable<?>> out = new ArrayList<>();
// remove appendices
int plus = str.indexOf('+');
if (plus != -1) str = str.substring(0, plus);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isLowSurrogate(str.charAt(i))) continue;
int cp = str.codePointAt(i);
boolean number = Character.isDigit(cp);
if (number != lastWasNumber) {
complete(lastWasNumber, accum, out, debug);
lastWasNumber = number;
complete(lastWasNumber, accum, out, debug);
return out;
private static void complete(boolean number, StringBuilder accum, List<Comparable<?>> out, boolean debug) {
if (debug) {
} else {
String s = accum.toString();
if (number) {
// just in case someone uses a pointlessly long version string...
} else {
// it's difficult to generically deal with comparables - these operations are safe
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static int compare(String a, String b) {
// gives wrong precedence to array length, causing 1.0.1 to sort as older than 1.0.0_01
// so, implement it ourselves from scratch
List<Comparable<?>> ad = decompose(a, false);
List<Comparable<?>> bd = decompose(b, false);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(ad.size(), bd.size()); i++) {
Comparable ac = i >= ad.size() ? null : ad.get(i);
Comparable bc = i >= bd.size() ? null : bd.get(i);
if (typeof(ac) != typeof(bc)) {
// Comparables assume the input object is the same type as the object, so we need to
// ensure that's true; this will happen in the case of two critically mismatched
// versions that contain a symbol where a number is expected - in this case, lexical
// is the best we can do
ac = ac == null ? null : ac.toString();
bc = bc == null ? null : bc.toString();
int c;
if (bc == null && isSemverPrerelease(ac)) {
// special case: compatibility with semver, which sorts "pre-releases" differently
c = -1;
} else if (ac == null && isSemverPrerelease(bc)) {
c = 1;
} else if (ac == null) {
// special case: nulls are *always* lesser
// bc cannot be null here, don't need to check
c = -1;
} else {
c = bc == null ? 1 : ac.compareTo(bc);
if (c != 0) return c;
return 0;
private static boolean isSemverPrerelease(Object o) {
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = (String)o;
return s.length() > 1 && s.charAt(0) == '-';
return false;
private static Class<?> typeof(Object o) {
return o == null ? null : o.getClass();
private static void test(String a, String b) {
int c = signum(compare(a, b));
int c2 = signum(compare(b, a));
if (-c2 != c) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comparison method violates its general contract! ("+a+" <=> "+b+" is not commutative)");
String res = "";
if (c < 0) res = "<";
if (c == 0) res = "=";
if (c > 0) res = ">";
System.out.println(represent(a)+"\u001B[0m "+res+" "+represent(b));
private static int signum(int i) {
return i < 0 ? -1 : i > 0 ? 1 : 0;
private static String represent(String str) {
List<Comparable<?>> d = decompose(str, true);
boolean odd = true;
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for (Object o : d) {
int color = o instanceof Number ? 96 : 95;
odd = !odd;
if (str.contains("+")) {
return out.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
test("b1.7.3", "a1.2.6");
test("b1.2.6", "a1.7.3");
test("a1.1.2", "a1.1.2_01");
test("1.16.5-0.00.5", "1.14.2-1.3.7");
test("1.0.0", "1.0.0_01");
test("1.0.1", "1.0.0_01");
test("1.0.0_01", "1.0.1");
test("0.17.1-beta.1", "0.17.1");
test("0.17.1-beta.1", "0.17.1-beta.2");
test("1.4.5_01", "1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17");
test("1.4.5_01", "1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17+ohgod");
test("14w16a", "18w40b");
test("18w40a", "18w40b");
test("1.4.5_01+fabric-1.17", "18w40b");
test("13w02a", "c0.3.0_01");
test("0.6.0-1.18.x", "0.9.beta-1.18.x");
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