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Created December 15, 2015 22:14
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import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as sci
import numpy.linalg as la
import cv2
import math
import functions
def detectBall(img, gray):
:param img: colored image of opencv image type
:param gray: grayscale image of opencv image type
:return: image with circles marked. Can also return (radius, x, y) coordinates of circles by returning circle_indices
# =============================
# Read ball image
# =============================
RESIZE = 1 # Resize width and height to width/RESIZE and
# height/RESIZE. Value of 1 means no resizing.
ROWS, COLS = gray.shape # Get size of image
img = cv2.resize(img, (COLS/RESIZE,ROWS/RESIZE)) # Resize images
gray = cv2.resize(gray,(COLS/RESIZE,ROWS/RESIZE))
b,g,r = cv2.split(img) # split image into b, g, r channels.
ROWS, COLS = gray.shape # Get new size of image
# =============================
# Initialize variables
# =============================
blur = functions.blur(img, BLURSIZE)
# =============================
# Detect Edges in Different channels and then recombine channel edges
# =============================
isEdgeGray, angleGradGray = functions.detect_edge(gray,THRESH, BLURSIZE)
isEdgeBlue, angleGradBlue = functions.detect_edge(b,THRESH, BLURSIZE)
isEdgeGreen, angleGradGreen = functions.detect_edge(g, THRESH, BLURSIZE)
isEdgeRed, angleGradRed = functions.detect_edge(r, THRESH, BLURSIZE)
isEdge = np.logical_or(isEdgeBlue, np.logical_or(isEdgeGreen, isEdgeRed))
# Convert edgeImg from boolean to int. Every True pixel becomes 255.
edgeImg = np.array(isEdge, dtype = np.uint8)
edgeImg = np.multiply(edgeImg, 255)
# ===============================
# Set parameters for hough transform
radMin = ROWS/9 # minimum radius of circles detected
radMax = (ROWS + COLS)/2 # maximum radius of circles detected
distMin = ROWS/8 # minimum distance apart for circles detected
votesMin = 12 # threshold for hough many votes a (radius, x, y) triplet needs to have before it's
# considered a circle
img, circle_indices = functions.hough_circle(img, gray, isEdge, angleGradGray, radMin, radMax, distMin, votesMin)
return img
gray = cv2.imread("overlapping ball.jpg", 0)
img = cv2.imread("overlapping ball.jpg", -1)
detectedImg = detectBall(img, gray)
print type(detectedImg)
print "hi"
cv2.imwrite("overlapping ball pre reduce.jpg", detectedImg)
cv2.imshow("wtf", detectedImg)
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filter
import scipy.signal as signal
import numpy.linalg as la
import cv2
import math
np.set_printoptions(edgeitems = 4)
def grad_to_edge_angle(angleGrad):
:param angleGrad: angle of gradient
:return: approximate angle of edge direction. Directions can be 0, pi/4, pi/2, 3pi/4.
Angles ~0 or pi become pi/2
Angles ~pi/4 or -3pi/4 become 3pi/4
Angles ~ pi/2 or -pi/2 become 0
Angles ~ 3pi/4 or -pi/4 become pi/4
angleGrad = angleGrad * 4 / math.pi + 2
angleGrad = round(angleGrad)
return (angleGrad % 4)* math.pi / 4
def grad_to_approx_angle(angleGrad):
:param angleGrad: angle of gradient
:return: approximate angle of gradient direction. Directions can be 0, pi/4, pi/2, 3pi/4.
Angles ~0 or pi become 0
Angles ~pi/4 or -3pi/4 become pi/4
Angles ~ pi/2 or -pi/2 become pi/2
Angles ~ 3pi/4 or -pi/4 become 3pi/4
angleGrad = angleGrad * 4 / math.pi
angleGrad = round(angleGrad)
return (angleGrad % 4)* math.pi / 4
Detects edges with the Canny edge detector. Unused in this project because run time was too high.
:param img:
:param HIGHTHRESH: gradient magnitude threshold value needed to start an edge
:param LOWTHRESH: gradient magnitude threshold value needed to continue an edge
:param BLURSIZE: size of Gaussian kernel
:return: boolean matrix of edge pixels, and matrix of gradient angle each pixel
ROWS, COLS = img.shape
# =============================
# "Generate Sobel and Gaussian kernels"
# =============================
sobelx = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[-2.0, 0.0, 2.0],
[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
sobely = np.array([[-1.0, -2.0, -1.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0]])
gauss = cv2.getGaussianKernel(BLURSIZE, BLURSIZE/3)
gauss = np.outer(gauss, gauss)
# =============================
# "Apply Gaussian mask"
# =============================
img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, gauss)
gradImgx = np.copy(img)
gradImgy = np.copy(img)
gradImgy = signal.convolve2d(gradImgy, sobely, mode = "same")/4.0
gradImgx = signal.convolve2d(gradImgx, sobelx, mode = "same")/4.0
# =============================
# "Calculate gradient angle and magnitude at each pixel"
# =============================
angleGrad = np.arctan2(gradImgy, gradImgx)
magGrad = np.sqrt(np.square(gradImgy) + np.square(gradImgx))
# =====================
# "Trace along edges"
# =====================
# Go to every pixel. If >= HIGHTHRESH, set it as an edge. Trace along edge direction to find more edges.
isEdge = np.greater_equal(magGrad, HIGHTHRESH)
isEdge = np.array(isEdge, dtype = np.uint8)
# temp = np.multiply(isEdge, 255)
# cv2.imshow("Edges with thresholding", temp)
for r in range(0,ROWS):
for c in range(0,COLS):
# Hysteresis
if isEdge[r][c]:
trace_edge(r, c, LOWTHRESH, isEdge, magGrad, angleGrad)
trace_edge(r, c, LOWTHRESH, isEdge, magGrad, np.multiply(angleGrad, -1))
# temp = np.multiply(isEdge, 255)
# cv2.imshow('Edge w/ Hysteresis', temp)
# =====================
# Nonmaximal suppression
# =====================
for r in range(0,ROWS):
for c in range(0,COLS):
if isEdge[r][c]:
suppress_edge(r, c, magGrad, angleGrad, isEdge)
# isEdge = np.multiply(isEdge, 255)
isEdge = np.greater_equal(magGrad, LOWTHRESH)
isEdge = np.array(isEdge, dtype = np.uint8)
return isEdge, angleGrad
# cv2.imshow('Edge with hysteresis and nonmaximal suppression', isEdge)
def trace_edge(r, c, LOWTHRESH, isEdge, magGrad, angleGrad):
Helper function for canny_edge. Takes pixel at r,c and traces along its gradient for edges
:param r: row of edge
:param c: column of edge
:param LOWTHRESH: gradient magnitude threshold value needed to continue an edge
:param isEdge: boolean matrix of whether a pixel is an edge or not
:param magGrad: matrix of gradient magnitude at each pixel
:param angleGrad: matrix of gradient angle at each pixel
:return: None. (All operations are performed on the given isEdge matrix)
edgeAngle = grad_to_edge_angle(angleGrad[r][c])
deltaX = round(math.cos(edgeAngle))
deltaY = round(math.sin(edgeAngle))
r = r+deltaY
c = c+deltaX
if r >= 0 and r < np.shape(isEdge)[0] and c > 0 and c < np.shape(isEdge)[1] and magGrad[r][c] >= LOWTHRESH:
isEdge[r][c] = 1
# trace_edge(r, c, LOWTHRESH, isEdge, magGrad, angleGrad)
def suppress_edge(r, c, magGrad, angleGrad, isEdge):
Helper function for canny_edge. Suppresses edges that are not maximal edges.
:param r: row of edge
:param c: column of edge
:param isEdge: boolean matrix of whether a pixel is an edge or not
:param magGrad: matrix of gradient magnitude at each pixel
:param angleGrad: matrix of gradient angle at each pixel
:return: None. (All operations are performed on the given isEdge matrix)
currentGrad= grad_to_approx_angle(angleGrad[r][c])
deltaX = round(math.cos(currentGrad))
deltaY = round(math.sin(currentGrad))
rstar = r + deltaY
cstar = c + deltaX
if rstar >= 0 and rstar < np.shape(isEdge)[0] and cstar > 0 and cstar < np.shape(isEdge)[1] and isEdge[rstar][cstar]:
nextGrad = angleGrad[r][c]
if nextGrad > currentGrad:
isEdge[r][c] = 0
isEdge[rstar][cstar] = 0
suppress_edge(rstar, cstar, magGrad, angleGrad,isEdge)
def blur(img, blursize):
:param img: image to be blurred
:param blursize: size of gaussian kernel to blur with
:return: blurred image
# =============================
# Generate Gaussian kernel
# =============================
# first parameter is kernel size, second parameter is standard deviation
gauss = cv2.getGaussianKernel(blursize, blursize/3)
gauss = np.outer(gauss, gauss)
# =============================
# Filter with Gaussian kernel
# =============================
img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, gauss)
return img
def detect_edge(img, thresh, blursize):
Detects edges in an image
:param img: image to detect edges in
:param thresh: minimum magnitude of gradient before it's considered an edge
:param blursize: size of Gaussian blur filter
:return: boolean matrix of edges in image
# =============================
# "Generate Sobel kernel"
# =============================
img = blur(img, blursize)
sobelx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],
[-2, 0, 2],
[-1, 0, 1]])
sobely = np.array([[-1, -2, -1],
[0, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 1]])
# find partial derivatives of image by convolving with Sobel kernels
gradImgx = np.copy(img)
gradImgy = np.copy(img)
gradImgy = signal.convolve2d(gradImgy, sobely, mode = "same")/4.0
gradImgx = signal.convolve2d(gradImgx, sobelx, mode = "same")/4.0
# =============================
# "Calculate gradient angle and magnitude at each pixel"
# =============================
angleGrad = np.arctan2(gradImgy, gradImgx)
magGrad = np.sqrt(np.square(gradImgy) + np.square(gradImgx))
isEdge = np.greater_equal(magGrad, thresh)
return isEdge, angleGrad
def hough_circle(colorImg, img, isEdge, angleGrad, radMin, radMax, distMin, votesMin):
Uses the Hough circle transform to detect circles in image
:param img: Image to be operated on. size rows x cols. cv2 image format
:param isEdge: rows x col size boolean matrix. True if pixel is edge pixel.
:param angleGrad: rows x col size float matrix. gradient direction at each pixel.
:param radMin: int, minimum radius of circles detected
:param radMax: int, maximum radius of circles detected
:param distMin: int, minimum distance between circles detected
:param votesMin: int, minimum threshold for accumulator value. The higher this value is,
the less false circles detected
:return: numpy array of circles detected. Stored as a = [[radii], [rows], [cols]]
a[0][i] is the radius of the ith circle
a[1][i] is the row where the center of the ith circle is located
a[2][i] is the col where the center of the ith circle is located
rows, cols = img.shape
# Initialize accumulator matrix
param_votes = np.zeros((radMax, rows, cols), dtype = int)
# Initialize accumulator matrix of local maximums
param_maxes = np.zeros((radMax, rows, cols), dtype = int)
# Perform Hough transform on each edge point with radii ranging from radMin to radMax
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
# Get gradient angle at pixel (r,c)
# (r, c) is the proposed center for the circle
theta = angleGrad[r][c]
if isEdge[r][c]:
for rad in range(radMin, radMax):
# For each proposed, center,
# Test each possible radius and give a vote to the resulting (rad, center) coordinates
xstar = round(c - rad * math.cos(theta))
ystar = round(r - rad * math.sin(theta))
if xstar >=0 and xstar < cols and ystar >=0 and ystar < rows:
param_votes[rad][ystar][xstar] += 1
# Add pi to the gradient angle so the angle also points in the other direction because
# who knows is the gradient is pointing towards or away from the center of the circle.
theta = theta + math.pi
xstar = round(c - rad * math.cos(theta))
ystar = round(r - rad * math.sin(theta))
# Add a vote to (rad, center) if the center is within the bounds of the image
if xstar >=0 and xstar < cols and ystar >=0 and ystar < rows:
param_votes[rad][ystar][xstar] += 1
# Find local maximums in the accumulator matrix.
param_votes[param_votes < votesMin] = 0
param_max = filter.maximum_filter(param_votes, size = (distMin, distMin, distMin))
param_max = np.logical_and(param_votes, param_max)
# Find indices of maximums
circle_indices = np.where(param_max)
# Will most likely find too many circles, so use helper function to average clusters of circles
# Also removes false positives
circle_indices = reduce_circles(circle_indices, distMin, param_votes)
total_circles = len(circle_indices[0])
# draw detected circles onto img
for i in range(0, total_circles):
rad = circle_indices[0][i]
r = circle_indices[1][i]
c = circle_indices[2][i], (c, r), rad, (0,255,0), thickness = 3), (c, r), 1, (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2)
return colorImg, circle_indices
def reduce_circles(circle_indices, distMin, param_votes):
Helper function for hough_circle
Averages clusters of circles
:param circle_indices: numpy array of circles detected. Stored as a = [[radii], [rows], [cols]]
a[0][i] is the radius of the ith circle
a[1][i] is the row where the center of the ith circle is located
a[2][i] is the col where the center of the ith circle is located
:param distMin: int, minimum distance between circles detected. (The function averages circles clustered within
a distMin x distMin square)
:param votesMin: int, minimum threshold for accumulator value. The higher this value is,
the less false circles detected
:return: numpy array of circles
rad_indices = circle_indices[0]
r_indices = circle_indices[1]
c_indices = circle_indices[2]
print rad_indices
print r_indices
print c_indices
total_circles = len(rad_indices)
print "total circles ", total_circles
new_circle_indices = [[],[],[]]
radtemp = 0 # accumulator value for radii
rtemp = 0 # accumulator value for rows
ctemp = 0 # accumulator value for columns
weightcount = 0 # accumulator value for weight of each circle.
# A proposed circle with n votes contributes n^2 weight
count = 0 # total number of circles detected in a cluster.
minThresh = total_circles / 5 # Each cluster has a count that records number of circles in that cluster.
# If count is below minThresh, the cluster is disregarded as a false positive.
# Remove an (radius, center) once it's been determined part of a cluster. Iterate until no more proposed circles to
# iterate through. Iterate backwards so deleting things doesn't mess up indexing.
while np.size(rad_indices)!= 0:
# get center
r0 = r_indices[0]
c0 = c_indices[0]
for i in reversed(range(0, total_circles)):
# If iterate through all other proposed circles, and find ones with center within a
# distMin x distMin square.
if abs(r0 - r_indices[i]) < distMin and abs(c0 - c_indices[i] < distMin):
# (radius, center) values of proposed circle wwe've iterated to
rad = rad_indices[i]
r = r_indices[i]
c = c_indices[i]
# increase accumulator values, weighted by weight
weight = param_votes[rad][r][c]*param_votes[rad][r][c]
radtemp += rad * weight
rtemp += r * weight
ctemp += c * weight
# delete proposed circle from rad_indices
rad_indices = np.delete(rad_indices, i)
r_indices = np.delete(r_indices, i)
c_indices = np.delete(c_indices, i)
weightcount += weight
count += 1
total_circles = len(rad_indices)
# if more circles in cluster than minThresh, average the radii and center values to combine the cluster into
# one circle
if count >= minThresh:
new_circle_indices[0].append(radtemp / weightcount)
new_circle_indices[1].append(rtemp / weightcount)
new_circle_indices[2].append(ctemp /weightcount)
# Optional code. If you know you won't have circles within circles, uncomment this code.
# This removes circles with centers inside of other circles.
# for i in reversed(range(0, total_circles)):
# if abs(rtemp / weightcount - r_indices[i]) < radtemp / weightcount and abs(ctemp /weightcount - c_indices[i]) < radtemp / weightcount:
# rad_indices = np.delete(rad_indices, i)
# r_indices = np.delete(r_indices, i)
# c_indices = np.delete(c_indices, i)
# total_circles = len(rad_indices)
# reset accumulators to 0 for the next cluster
radtemp = 0
rtemp = 0
ctemp = 0
count = 0
weightcount = 0
return np.array(new_circle_indices)
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