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Last active March 8, 2016 20:55
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Save unbibium/6472677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I'm trying to get ManyCam to switch to my FaceTime camera. It activates ManyCam, and makes sure the Cameras menu is expanded, and even makes FaceTime LOOK selected, but I can't get it to actually switch the input to FaceTime. If I get this working, I'll be able to write another one for a second input, and be able to switch between the two with s…
activate application "ManyCam"
global targetPosition
tell application "System Events" to tell window 1 of process "ManyCam"
click radio button "Sources" of radio group 1
local cameraGroupRow
local cameraGroup
local StillImageRow
local clickme
local clickmetoo
tell scroll area of splitter group 1
log "one"
set c to entire contents
set allElements to first item in c
log "twoe"
log class of allElements
repeat with element in allElements
log element's class & ": " & element's value
if element's class is outline then
log (name of every action of element) as list
log (name of every attribute of element) as list
end if
-- make sure Cameras menu, and any others, are expanded.
if element's class is UI element then
if value of element's attribute "AXValue" is equal to 0 then
tell element to perform action "AXPress"
end if
end if
-- find row containing facetime
if element's class is row then
set rowName to value of first text field of element
if rowName contains "FaceTime" then
set clickme to element
set clickmetoo to first text field of element
end if
get value of element's attribute "AXChildren"
set derp2 to it
end try
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- this is the only thing that seems to do anything
tell application "System Events" to select clickme
tell application "System Events" to select clickmetoo
tell application "System Events" to click clickme
tell application "System Events" to click clickmetoo
set targetPosition to clickme's position
set children to value of clickme's attribute "AXChildren"
log "target position of clickme: " & targetPosition
log children
click at targetPosition
-- here i try to send the click to the text field
set targetPosition to clickmetoo's position
set children to value of clickmetoo's attribute "AXChildren"
log children
log "target position of clickmetoo: " & targetPosition
click at targetPosition
-- this should create a slightly different position,
-- but it doesn't.
set targetToo to {(first item of targetPosition as number) + 3, (second item of targetPosition as number) + 3}
log "add'l target position of clickmetoo: " & targetPosition
click at targetToo
log derp2
log "end"
end tell
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