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Created July 10, 2010 05:05
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LastFM scrobbler for Radio Paradise favorites
-e svn+
A quick and dirty script I wrote to scrobble my Radio Paradise favorites to Last.FM
import re
from urllib import urlopen
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import lastfm
debug = True
lastfm_api = '----'
lastfm_secret = '----'
lastfm_session = '----'
def scrape_user_favorites(user_profile_url):
if debug:
soup = BeautifulSoup(open('my_user_page.html'))
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(user_profile_url))
my_songs = []
#naive regex to split the Track info on the hyphen
track_split = re.compile(r'(?P<artist>.*)\s-\s(?P<song>.*)')
for th in soup.findAll('th'):
if th.string == 'Highest Rated Songs':
song_list = th.findNextSibling('tr').td
for part in song_list.findAll('br'):
track_elem = part.previousSibling
rp_song_url = track_elem['href']
track = track_elem.string
m = track_split.match(track)
if m:
rating = int(part.previousSibling.previousSibling.string.strip()[0])
return my_songs
def scrobble_tracks(track_list):
if debug:
api = lastfm.Api(lastfm_api,lastfm_secret,lastfm_session)
api = lastfm.Api(lastfm_api,lastfm_secret,lastfm_session)
me = api.get_user('unbracketed')
misses = []
for track_info in track_list:
results = list(api.search_track(track_info[1],artist=track_info[2]))
if len(results) == 1:
track = results[0]
print 'found track: %s' % track
print '%d results for ' % len(results)
print track_info
return misses
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = ""
faves = scrape_user_favorites(url)
misses = scrobble_tracks(faves)
print misses
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