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Created November 3, 2015 15:37
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scala sample
trait PipeOperator[-T, +U]{
def |> (data:T):Option[U]
class _FCT[+T](val _fct: T) {
def map[U](c: T => U): _FCT[U] = new _FCT[U]( c(_fct))
def flatMap[U](f: T =>_FCT[U]): _FCT[U] = f(_fct)
//def filter(p: T =>Boolean): _FCT[T] = if( p(_fct) ) new _FCT[T](_fct) else zeroFCT(_fct)
def reduceLeft[U](f: (U,T) => U)(implicit c: T=> U): U = f(c(_fct),_fct)
def foldLeft[U](zero: U)(f: (U, T) => U)(implicit c: T=> U): U = f(c(_fct), _fct)
def foreach(p: T => Unit): Unit = p(_fct)
class Transform[-T, +U](val op: PipeOperator[T, U]) extends _FCT[Function[T, Option[U]]](op.|>) {
def |>(data: T): Option[U] = _fct(data)
object Operator{
def main(args:Array[String]){
val op = new PipeOperator[Int, Double] {
def |> (n: Int):Option[Double] =Some(Math.sin(n.toDouble)) }
def g(f: Int =>Option[Double]): (Int=> Long) = {
(n: Int) => {
f(n) match {
case Some(x) => x.toLong
case None => -1L
val gof = new Transform[Int,Double](op).map(g(_))
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