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Created September 17, 2010 16:59
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package payroll;
public class PayCalculator {
private boolean isHourlyWorker;
public PayCalculator(boolean hourlyWorker) {
isHourlyWorker = hourlyWorker;
public double calculate(double hours, double rate) {
if (hours < 0 || hours > 80) {
throw new RuntimeException("Hours out of range: " + hours);
if (isHourlyWorker) {
double overtime = Math.max(0, hours - 40);
return hours * rate + overtime * rate * 0.5;
} else {
return hours * rate;
import org.junit.Test;
import payroll.PayCalculator;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class PayCalculatorTest {
private PayCalculator hourlyCalculator = new PayCalculator(true);
private PayCalculator contractorCalculator = new PayCalculator(false);
private void assertPay(double expectedPay, double actualPay) {
assertEquals(expectedPay, actualPay, .001);
public void ZeroHours_ShouldBeZero() throws Exception {
assertPay(0.0, hourlyCalculator.calculate(0, 10));
assertPay(0.0, contractorCalculator.calculate(0, 10));
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void LessThanZeroHours_ShouldThrow() throws Exception {
hourlyCalculator.calculate(-1, 10);
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void MoreThan80Hours_ShouldThrow() throws Exception {
hourlyCalculator.calculate(81, 10);
public void FortyHours_StraightTime() throws Exception {
assertPay(400.0, hourlyCalculator.calculate(40, 10));
assertPay(400.0, contractorCalculator.calculate(40, 10));
public void FiftyHoursHourly_TimeAndHalf() throws Exception {
assertPay(550.0, hourlyCalculator.calculate(50, 10));
public void FiftyHoursNonHourly_StraightTime() throws Exception {
assertPay(500.0, contractorCalculator.calculate(50, 10));
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