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Created May 1, 2019 02:29
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
{-stack script
-- Author:
-- Viacheslav Lotsmanov <>
-- April 2019
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, BangPatterns, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude.Unicode
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Array.IO
import Control.Monad (when)
-- just for tests
import Data.List (sort)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Random.Class (getRandoms)
import Test.Hspec
quickSort ∷ (MArray IOUArray α IO, Ord α) ⇒ [α] → IO [α]
quickSort [] = pure []
quickSort xs = go where
go = do
let !maxIx = pred $ length xs
!(arr ∷ IOUArray Int a) ← newListArray (0, maxIx) xs
qsort arr 0 maxIx >> getElems arr
qsort !arr = fix $ \again !leftIx !rightIx →
let !diff = rightIx - leftIx in if
| diff ≤ 1 →
when (diff ≡ 1) $ do
!a ← readArray arr leftIx
!b ← readArray arr rightIx
when (a > b) $ do
writeArray arr leftIx b
writeArray arr rightIx a
| otherwise → do
let !mid = (rightIx + leftIx) `div` 2
!pivot ← swap arr mid rightIx
!newPivotIx ← f arr pivot rightIx leftIx $ pred rightIx
again leftIx newPivotIx
again (succ newPivotIx) rightIx
f !arr !pivot !pivotIx = fix $ \again !leftIx !rightIx → do
!lGt ← firstGreater arr pivot rightIx leftIx -- left (greater than)
!rLt ← firstLess arr pivot leftIx rightIx -- right (less than)
if | lGt > rLt → lGt <$ swap arr lGt pivotIx
| lGt ≡ (-1) → pure rightIx
| rLt ≡ (-1) → leftIx <$ swap arr leftIx pivotIx
| otherwise → swap arr lGt rLt >> again (succ lGt) (pred rLt)
firstGreater !arr !pivot !rightIx = fix $ \next !ix → if
| ix > rightIx → pure (-1)
| otherwise → readArray arr ix >>= \ !x →
if x > pivot then pure ix else next $ succ ix
firstLess !arr !pivot !leftIx = fix $ \next !ix → if
| ix < leftIx → pure (-1)
| otherwise → readArray arr ix >>= \ !x →
if x ≤ pivot then pure ix else next $ pred ix
swap !arr !aIx !bIx = do
!aEl ← readArray arr aIx
!bEl ← readArray arr bIx
writeArray arr aIx bEl
writeArray arr bIx aEl
pure aEl
main ∷ IO ()
main = hspec $ parallel $ do
let amount = [1..100∷Word]
let ref = [] ∷ [Int]
it "empty list" $
forM_ amount (const $ quickSort ref >>= (`shouldBe` ref))
it "some example" $ do
let src = [ 9817899481354916781, 14888124000582553526
, 12438762095863496482, 15327772538303920662
, 13875875630416247750 ∷ Word ]
quickSort src >>= (`shouldBe` sort src)
forM_ [1..100∷Int] $ \n →
it (show n ⧺ " element(s)") $
forM_ amount $ const $ do
!(ref1 ∷ [Int]) ← take n <$> getRandoms
!(ref2 ∷ [Word]) ← take n <$> getRandoms
quickSort ref1 >>= (`shouldBe` sort ref1)
quickSort ref2 >>= (`shouldBe` sort ref2)
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