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Created October 30, 2012 23:16
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generate a .p4 file with P4CLIENT='correct-p4-client' and for every client for given user if that line does not already exist
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
generate a .p4 file with P4CLIENT='correct-p4-client' for every client for given user if that line does not already exist
__author__ = "Ayelet Goldin ("
__version__ = "0.1"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2011-2011 Ayelet Goldin"
__license__ = "This script is in the public domain, free from copyrights or restrictions"
import logging
import time
from optparse import OptionParser
import subprocess
import re
import os
import sys
# regular expression to match client name to root path from the output of p4 clients
reClientNameToRootPath = re.compile("Client\s+(\S*)\s+\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}\s+root\s+([^']*)\s+'.*'")
class ClientSkipException(Exception): pass
def ConstructCommand(command):
path = RunCommand('launchctl getenv PATH')
return 'export PATH=%s:$PATH && %s' % (path, command)
def RunCommand(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
result, err = p.communicate()
if len(err) > 0:
raise Exception("error when running %s: %s " % (command, err))
return result, err
def getP4ClientsForUser(p4user):
command = ConstructCommand('p4 clients -u %s' % p4user)
clientsForUserResult, err = RunCommand(command)
clientsForUserResult = clientsForUserResult.strip()
return clientsForUserResult.splitlines(True)
def getHostForClient(p4client):
command = ConstructCommand('p4 client -o %s|grep "^Host"' % p4client)
clientHostResult, err = RunCommand(command)
clientHostResult = clientHostResult.strip()
if len(clientHostResult) == 0:
return ''
clientHostResultWithoutHost ='^Host:\s+(.*)', clientHostResult)
if clientHostResultWithoutHost and len(clientHostResultWithoutHost.groups()) > 0:
return clientHostResultWithoutHost.groups()[0].lower()
raise ClientSkipException("Failed to parse host for client %s found host string: %s" % (p4client, clientHostResultWithoutHost))
def clientPossiblyBelongsToThisHost(p4clientHost, p4host):
return p4clientHost.lower().strip() == p4host.lower().strip() or p4clientHost == ""
def p4LineNeeded(dotp4path, varToSet, valToSet):
if os.path.isfile(dotp4path):
with open(dotp4path) as dotp4in:
for line in dotp4in:
match = re.compile('\s*%s\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$' % varToSet).search(line)
if match:
if len(match.groups()) == 1 and match.groups()[0] == valToSet:"correct file for %s already exists" % valToSet)
return False
raise ClientSkipException("incorrect line %s exists on %s %s should be set to %s" % (line, dotp4path, varToSet, valToSet))
return True
def generateP4ConfigFiles(p4user, p4host, varsToSet):
p4files = []
skipped = []
skippedForPotentialHost = []
clientsToProcess = getP4ClientsForUser(p4user)"%d clients to process" % len(clientsToProcess))
for p4clientParts in clientsToProcess:
try:"process %s" % p4clientParts)
match = reClientNameToRootPath.match(p4clientParts)
p4client, clientRootPath = match.groups()
# convert all paths to "os.sep" slashes
convertedClientRootPath = clientRootPath.replace('\\', os.sep).replace('/', os.sep)
p4clientHost = getHostForClient(p4client)"checking if '%s' matches '%s'" % (p4clientHost, p4host))
if clientPossiblyBelongsToThisHost(p4clientHost, p4host):
varsToSet['P4CLIENT'] = p4client
if not os.path.isdir(convertedClientRootPath):
raise ClientSkipException("found potential client %s with host '%s' for path %s, but no matching path. Not writing this p4 file" % (p4client, p4host, convertedClientRootPath))
for varToSet, valToSet in varsToSet.items():
p4Line = "%s=%s" % (varToSet, valToSet)
dotp4path = os.path.join(convertedClientRootPath, ".p4")
if p4LineNeeded(dotp4path, varToSet, valToSet):
logging.debug("print '%s' to %s for client %s" % (p4Line, dotp4path, p4client))
with open(dotp4path, 'a+') as dotp4out:
dotp4out.write(os.linesep + p4Line)
skipped.append(p4client)"client %s host '%s' does not match" % (p4client, p4clientHost))
except ClientSkipException, e:
logging.warn("skipping %s because of ERROR: %s" % (p4clientParts, e.message))
return p4files, skipped, skippedForPotentialHost
def readOptions(argv):
parse command line options
parser = OptionParser(usage=globals()['__doc__'], version = __version__,)
parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="make even more noise")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="make lots of noise")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", help="be vewwy quiet (I'm hunting wabbits) [default]")
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if len(args) < 2: # must provide integer values and command
raise Exception("You must supply a p4user and p4host")
if len(args) > 2: # must provide two arguments
raise Exception("Too many arguments (%d) %s. Provide a two arguments: p4user and p4host." % (len(args), ','.join("'%s'" % arg for arg in argv)))
p4user = args[0]
p4host = args[1]
if options.verbose:
loglevel = logging.INFO
loglevel = logging.WARNING
if options.debug:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
except Exception, e:
return p4user, p4host
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
p4user, p4host = readOptions(argv) # setup any options (verbose / warn or quit on bad input)
starttime = time.time()"generating %s files for user %s on host %s" % ('.p4', p4user, p4host))
varsToSet = {'P4USER':p4user, 'P4HOST':p4host}
p4files, skipped, skippedForPotentialHost = generateP4ConfigFiles(p4user, p4host, varsToSet)"generated %s" % ', '.join(p4files))
logging.warn("skipped %s" % ', '.join(skipped))
logging.warn("skippedForPotentialHost %s", ', '.join(skippedForPotentialHost))"generated in %f seconds" % (time.time() - starttime))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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