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Created March 1, 2019 18:04
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* Generates a Key Byte
* @param {32bit integer} seed e.g. 0xA2791717
* @param {8bit integer} a
* @param {8bit integer} b
* @param {8bit integer} c
* @return {8bit hex string}
function PKV_GetKeyByte(seed, a, b, c) {
var result;
a = a%25;
b = b%3;
if (a%2 == 0) {
result = ((seed >> a) & 0x000000FF) ^ ((seed >> b) | c);
} else {
result = ((seed >> a) & 0x000000FF) ^ ((seed >> b) & c);
result = result & 0xFF; /* mask 255 values! */
return result.toString(16).toUpperCase();
* Generates the checksum
* @param {string} s Seed + Keys
* @return {16bit hex string}
function PKV_GetChecksum(s) {
var left, /* unsigned 16bit integer */
right, /* unsigned 16bit integer */
sum; /* unsigned 16bit integer */
left = 0x0056; /* 101 */
right = 0x00AF; /* 175 */
if (s.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
right += s.charCodeAt(i);
if (right > 0x00FF) {
right -= 0x00FF;
left += right;
if (left > 0x00FF) {
left -= 0x00FF;
sum = (left << 8) + right;
return sum.toString(16);
* Generates a serial number
* @param {32bit integer} seed
* @return {20 chars String}
function PKV_MakeKey(seed) {
var keyBytes = [],
result = "",
/* Fill keyBytes with values derived from Seed.
The parameters used here must be extactly the same
as the ones used in the PKV_CheckKey function.
A real key system should use more than four bytes. */
keyBytes[0] = PKV_GetKeyByte(seed, 24, 3, 200);
keyBytes[1] = PKV_GetKeyByte(seed, 10, 0, 56);
keyBytes[2] = PKV_GetKeyByte(seed, 1, 2, 91);
keyBytes[3] = PKV_GetKeyByte(seed, 7, 1, 100);
/* the key string begins with a hexidecimal string of the seed */
result += seed.toString(16).toUpperCase();
/* then is followed by hexidecimal strings of each byte in the key */
for (var i = 0; i < keyBytes.length; i++) {
result += keyBytes[i].toUpperCase();
/* Add checksum to key string */
result += PKV_GetChecksum(result).toUpperCase();
/* Add some hyphens to make it easier to type */
serial = result.split("");
var j = serial.length - 4;
while (j > 1) {
serial.splice(j, 0, "-");
j = j -4;
return serial.join("");
var KEY_GOOD = 0,
BL = [
* Checks if the checksum in the serial is correct
* @param {String} key The 20 chars serial
* @return {boolean}
function PKV_CheckKeyChecksum(key) {
var s, c,
result = false;
s = key.replace(/-/g,"").toUpperCase();
if (s.length !== 20) { return result }
c = s.slice(s.length - 4);
s = s.slice(0, 16);
result = ( c === PKV_GetChecksum(s).toUpperCase());
return result;
* Check if the Serial is valid
* @param {String} s 20 chars serial
* @return {integer}
* KEY_GOOD = 0,
* KEY_PHONY = 3,
function PKV_CheckKey(s){
var key, /* String */
kb, /* String */
seed, /* Int32 */
b, /* Byte */
result = KEY_INVALID;
if (!PKV_CheckKeyChecksum(s)) {
/* bad checksum or wrong number of characters */
return result;
/* remove cosmetic hypens and normalize case */
key = s.replace(/-/g,"").toUpperCase();
/* test against blacklist */
var bl = BL.length
if (bl) {
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++) {
if( key.indexOf(BL[i].toUpperCase()) > -1 ) {
return result;
/* At this point, the key is either valid or forged,
* because a forged key can have a valid checksum.
* We now test the "bytes" of the key to determine if it is
* actually valid.
* When building your release application, use conditional defines
* or comment out most of the byte checks! This is the heart
* of the partial key verification system. By not compiling in
* each check, there is no way for someone to build a keygen that
* will produce valid keys. If an invalid keygen is released, you
* simply change which byte checks are compiled in, and any serial
* number built with the fake keygen no longer works.
* Note that the parameters used for PKV_GetKeyByte calls MUST
* MATCH the values that PKV_MakeKey uses to make the key in the
* first place!
result = KEY_PHONY;
/* extract the Seed from the supplied key string */
seed = key.substr(0,8);
/* test whether the seed is a valid HEX */
if (seed.match(/[A-F0-9]{8}/) === null) { return result; }
/* Keys test - never test them all! */
/* Testing K1 */
kb = key.substr(8,2);
b = PKV_GetKeyByte(parseInt(seed, 16), 24, 3, 200);
if (kb !== b.toUpperCase()) { return result; }
/* Testing K2 */
kb = key.substr(10,2);
b = PKV_GetKeyByte(parseInt(seed, 16), 10, 0, 56);
if (kb !== b.toUpperCase()) { return result; }
/* Testing K3 */
kb = key.substr(12,2);
b = PKV_GetKeyByte(parseInt(seed, 16), 1, 2, 91);
if (kb !== b.toUpperCase()) { return result; }
/* Testing K4 */
kb = key.substr(14,2);
b = PKV_GetKeyByte(parseInt(seed, 16), 7, 1, 100);
if (kb !== b.toUpperCase()) { return result; }
/* If we get this far, then it means the key is either good, or was made
* with a keygen derived from "this" release. */
result = KEY_GOOD;
return result;
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