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Created March 1, 2019 23:40
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var gulp = require('gulp');
var clean = require('gulp-clean');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
// 0. Clean all ZXPs found everywhere
gulp.task('clean-all', function () {
return gulp.src('./**/*.zxp', { read: false })
// 1. Build the HTML Panel ZXP in src/
shell.task('./ZXPSignCmd -sign src/com.example.myExtension src/com.example.myExtension.zxp myCertificate.p12 myPassword -tsa')
// 2. Copy the ZXP in src/ to src/MXI/HTML/
gulp.task('move-html-zxp', ['pack-html'], function (){
return gulp.src('./src/*.zxp', { base: './src/' })
// 3. Delete the HTML Panel ZXP in src/
gulp.task('clean-html-zxp', ['move-html-zxp'], function () {
return gulp.src('./src/*.zxp', { read: false })
// 4. Build the hybrid ZXP in src/
gulp.task('pack-hybrid-zxp', ['clean-html-zxp'],
shell.task('java -jar ucf.jar -package -storetype PKCS12 -keystore ./myCertificate.p12 -storepass myPassword -tsa com.example.myExtension.zxp -C "./src/MXI/" .')
// 5. Copy the hybrid ZXP to build/
gulp.task('move-zxp-to-build', ['pack-hybrid-zxp'], function () {
return gulp.src('./*.zxp', { base: './' })
// 6. Delete the hybrid ZXP in src/
gulp.task('clean-hybrid-zxp', ['move-zxp-to-build'], function () {
return gulp.src('./*.zxp', { read: false })
// 7. Define the default task
gulp.task('default', ['clean-all'], function () {
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