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Created February 28, 2015 15:21
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open FSharp.Data
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq
open System
open System.Data
module UserQueries =
//design time only
let connStr = @"Data Source=localhost\Sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=mskr;Integrated Security=True"
type private fakeUserQuery = SqlCommandProvider< "SELECT top 1 * from Users", connStr >
type userType = fakeUserQuery.Record
type allUsers = SqlCommandProvider< "SELECT Login from Users", connStr >
type userByLogin = SqlCommandProvider< "select * from Users where Login=@login", connStr >
//doesn't compile
//type selectByWrongColumn = SqlCommandProvider<"select * from Abonent where Huj=@login", connStr>
//type selectByWrongTable = SqlCommandProvider<"SELECT * from Huj", connStr>
type maxManagerCount = SqlCommandProvider< @"select top 1 Login, count(distinct(Id)) t
from Users
where Type=1
group by Login
order by t desc", connStr, SingleRow=true >
type UsersRepository(connStr : string) =
member __.selectAllLogins() = UserQueries.allUsers.Create(connStr).Execute()
member __.selectUserByLogin login = UserQueries.userByLogin.Create(connStr).Execute(login)
//let selectWithWrongParamType = (new userByLogin()).Execute(123)
member __.userWithMaxManagerCount() = UserQueries.maxManagerCount.Create(connStr).Execute()
module SomeModule =
let useTableType (x : UserQueries.userType seq) = x |> Seq.iter (Console.WriteLine)
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