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Last active March 31, 2024 13:09
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Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings
#Data Types
print("123" + "345")
print(123 + 345)
# num_char = len(input("What is your name?"))
# new_num_char = str(num_char)
# print("Your name contains " + new_num_char + "charackters")
a = float(123)
print(70 + float("100.5"))
print(str(70) + str(100))
two_digit_number = input()
# 🚨 Don't change the code above πŸ‘†
# Write your code below this line πŸ‘‡
first_digit = int(two_digit_number[0])
second_digit = int(two_digit_number[1])
#Add the integers together
two_digit_numbers = first_digit + second_digit
# 3 + 5
# 7 - 4
# 3 * 2
# 6 / 3
# 2 ** 3
# ( )
# **
# * /
# + -
print(3 * 3 + 3 / 3 - 3)
print(3 * (3 + 3) / 3 - 3)
height = input()
weight = input()
# Your code below this line πŸ‘‡
weight_as_int = int(weight)
height_as_float = float(height)
# Using the exponent operator **
bmi = weight_as_int / height_as_float ** 2
# or using multiplication and PEMDAS
bmi = weight_as_int / (height_as_float * height_as_float)
bmi_as_int = int(bmi)
score = 0
height = 1.8
is_winning = True
print(f"Your score is {score}, your height is {height}, and that yo're winning is {is_winning}")
age = input()
# 🚨 Don't change the code above πŸ‘†
# Write your code below this line πŸ‘‡
years = 90 - int(age)
weeks = years * 52
print(f"You have {weeks} weeks left.")
#If the bill was $150.00, split between 5 people, with 12% tip.
#Each person should pay (150.00 / 5) * 1.12 = 33.6
#Round the result to 2 decimal places.
print("Welcome to the tip calculator!")
bill = float(input("What was the total bill? $"))
tip = int(input("How much tip would you like to give? 10, 12, or 15? "))
people = int(input("How many people to split the bill?"))
tip_as_percent = tip / 100
total_tip_amount = bill * tip_as_percent
total_bill = bill + total_tip_amount
bill_per_person = total_bill / people
final_amount = round(bill_per_person, 2)
# FAQ: How to round to 2 decimal places?
# Find the answer in the Q&A here:
print(f"Each person should pay: ${final_amount}")
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