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Last active April 1, 2024 08:34
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Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists
import random
randomInteger = random.randint(1, 10)
randomFloat = random.random() * 5
love_score = random.randint(1, 100)
print(f"Your love score is {love_score}")
import random
random_side = random.randint(0, 1)
if random_side == 1:
states_of_america = ["Delaware", "Pennsylvania", "New Jersey", "Georgia", "Connecticut", "Massachusetts", "Maryland",
"South Carolina", "New Hampshire", "Virginia", "New York", "North Carolina", "Rhode Island",
"Vermont", "Kentucky", "Tennessee", "Ohio", "Louisiana", "Indiana", "Mississippi", "Illinois",
"Alabama", "Maine", "Missouri", "Arkansas", "Michigan", "Florida", "Texas", "Iowa", "Wisconsin",
"California", "Minnesota", "Oregon", "Kansas", "West Virginia", "Nevada", "Nebraska", "Colorado",
"North Dakota", "South Dakota", "Montana", "Washington", "Idaho", "Wyoming", "Utah", "Oklahoma",
"New Mexico", "Arizona", "Alaska", "Hawaii"]
states_of_america[1] = "Pencilvania"
states_of_america.extend(["Angelaland", "jack Bauer Land"])
import random
names = names_string.split(", ")
# Get the total number of items in the list.
num_items = len(names)
# Generate random numbers between 0 and the last index.
random_choice = random.randint(0, num_items - 1)
# Pick out a random person from the list of names using the random number.
person_who_will_pay = names[random_choice]
print(person_who_will_pay + " is going to buy the meal today!")
# dirty_dozen = ["Strawberries", "Spinach", "Kale", "Nectarines", "Apples", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Cherries", "Pears", "Tomatoes", "Celery", "Potatoes"]
fruits = ["Strawberries", "Nectarines", "Apples", "Grapes", "Peaches", "Cherries", "Pears"]
vegetables = ["Spinach", "Kale", "Tomatoes", "Celery", "Potatoes"]
dirty_dozen = [fruits, vegetables]
line1 = ["⬜️","️⬜️","️⬜️"]
line2 = ["⬜️","⬜️","️⬜️"]
line3 = ["⬜️️","⬜️️","⬜️️"]
map = [line1, line2, line3]
print("Hiding your treasure! X marks the spot.")
position = input() # Where do you want to put the treasure?
# Your code below
letter = position[0].lower()
abc = ["a", "b", "c"]
letter_index = abc.index(letter)
number_index = int(position[1]) - 1
map[number_index][letter_index] = "X"
import random
rock = '''
---' ____)
paper = '''
---' ____)____
scissors = '''
---' ____)____
game_images = [rock, paper, scissors]
user_choice = int(input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors.\n"))
computer_choice = random.randint(0, 2)
print("Computer chose:")
if user_choice >= 3 or user_choice < 0:
print("You typed an invalid number, you lose!")
elif user_choice == 0 and computer_choice == 2:
print("You win!")
elif computer_choice == 0 and user_choice == 2:
print("You lose")
elif computer_choice > user_choice:
print("You lose")
elif user_choice > computer_choice:
print("You win!")
elif computer_choice == user_choice:
print("It's a draw")
####### Debugging challenge: #########
#Try running this code and type 5.
#It will give you an IndexError and point to line 32 as the issue.
#But on line 38 we are trying to prevent a crash by detecting
#any numbers great than or equal to 3 or less than 0.
#So what's going on?
#Can you debug the code and fix it?
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