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Last active February 11, 2024 17:03
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import requests
import airportsdata
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from FlightRadar24 import FlightRadar24API
TELEGRAM_BOT_ID = 'bot5603010001:III_xNHA14A9xznXjjcUD98GXT-A5zAAxzX' # Your bot
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = '-1008101011052' # Your airport reminder channel
def send_message(message):
response =
return response
def get_airport_coordinates(iata_code):
airports = airportsdata.load('IATA')
if iata_code in airports:
airport = airports[iata_code]
lat = round(airport['lat'], 3)
lon = round(airport['lon'], 3)
return (lat, lon)
return None
def get_aircraft_trail_details(reg):
fr_api = FlightRadar24API()
flights = fr_api.get_flights(registration=reg)
if flights:
flight_details = fr_api.get_flight_details(flights[0])
if flight_details:
aircraft_lat = round(flight_details['trail'][0]['lat'], 3)
aircraft_lon = round(flight_details['trail'][0]['lng'], 3)
aircraft_kts = int(flight_details['trail'][0]['spd'])
flight_num = flight_details['identification']['number']['default']
return (aircraft_lat, aircraft_lon, aircraft_kts, flight_num)
return None
def calculate_time_to_reach_airport(airport_coords, aircraft_coords, groundspeed_kts):
groundspeed_kmh = groundspeed_kts * 1.852
distance_km = geodesic(airport_coords, aircraft_coords).kilometers
time_minutes = int(distance_km / groundspeed_kmh * 60)
return time_minutes
def get_flight_eta(reg):
eta = 0
fr_api = FlightRadar24API()
flights = fr_api.get_flights(registration=reg)
if flights:
flight_details = fr_api.get_flight_details(flights[0])
if flight_details:
arrival_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(flight_details['time']['estimated']['arrival'])
current_time =
time_difference = (arrival_time - current_time).total_seconds() / 60
eta = time_difference
return int(eta)
def aircraft_approaches_airport_go(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
airport_iata_code = request_json.get('airport_iata_code')
aircraft_reg = request_json.get('aircraft_reg')
remind_me = int(request_json.get('remind_me'))
airport_coords = get_airport_coordinates(airport_iata_code)
if airport_coords:
print(f'{airport_iata_code} airport coordinates: {airport_coords}')
acrd = get_aircraft_trail_details(aircraft_reg)
if acrd:
print(f'Trail details for {aircraft_reg}: {acrd}')
minutes = calculate_time_to_reach_airport(airport_coords, (acrd[0], acrd[1]), acrd[2])
print(f'Calculated time of arrival to {airport_iata_code} for flight {acrd[3]}: {minutes} min.')
minutes_eta = get_flight_eta(aircraft_reg)
if minutes_eta > 0:
print(f'Estimated time of arrival to {airport_iata_code} for flight {acrd[3]}: {minutes_eta} min.')
average_estimation = int((minutes + minutes_eta) / 2)
print(f'Average ETA for flight {acrd[3]}: {average_estimation} min.')
if remind_me >= average_estimation:
print('You have to go....')
message = f'*AIRPORT REMINDER*: Estimated time of arrival' + \
f' to *{airport_iata_code}* for flight *{acrd[3]}* is less' + \
f' than {average_estimation} min. ' + \
f'\n\t_You have to go to the airport to pick up your girlfriend in time!_'
return f'Airport reminder: DONE!'
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