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Created October 2, 2014 22:43
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  • Save undergroundmonorail/9659a3cd9161e11a9a0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save undergroundmonorail/9659a3cd9161e11a9a0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
catstats = (function(catstats) {
var team = ["a","b","c","d","e"];
var removeDuplicates = function(a) {
var seen = {};
return a.filter(function(item) {
return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true);
var readCookie = function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
var writeCookie = function writeCookie(cookie) {
var cookieExpirationDate = new Date();
cookieExpirationDate.setYear(cookieExpirationDate.getYear() + 1);
cookieExpirationDate = cookieExpirationDate.toGMTString();
var cookieDomain = (function() {
var s = document.domain.toString();
return s.substring(s.indexOf("."));
document.cookie = cookie.toString() + ";" + "domain=" + cookieDomain + ";" + "expires=" + cookieExpirationDate;
catstats.downloaded = false;
catstats.players = {};
catstats.score = {redTeam: 0, blueTeam: 0};
catstats.columns = ['name', 'plusminus', 'minutes', 'score', 'tags', 'pops',
'grabs', 'drops', 'hold', 'captures', 'prevent', 'returns',
'support', 'team', 'team captures', 'opponent captures',
'arrival', 'departure', 'bombtime', 'tagprotime', 'griptime',
// TODO: Use tagpro.ready
catstats.init = function init() {
if (window.tagpro && tagpro.socket && window.jQuery)
return this.setup();
setTimeout(this.init, 0);
var tsvCookieName = "save_as_tsv_status";
var linkId = "saveAsTSVLink";
var tsvSavePrompt = "Save as .tsv";
catstats.setup = function setup() {
var _this = this;
$(document).ready(function() {
var currentStatusString = readCookie(tsvCookieName);
var currentStatus;
if (currentStatusString == null) {
currentStatus = false;
} else {
currentStatusString = currentStatusString.toLowerCase();
currentStatus = (currentStatusString === "true");
catstats.wantsStats = currentStatus;
var $checkbox = $("<input>", { type: "checkbox", id: linkId, checked: currentStatus })
.css("cursor", "pointer")
.click(function() {; });
var $label = $('<label />').html(tsvSavePrompt)
.css("cursor", "pointer");
var $el = $('#options').find('table');
// Listen for player updates
tagpro.socket.on('p', function(data) {, data); });
// Listen for score updates
tagpro.socket.on('score', function(data) {, data); });
// Listen for player quits
tagpro.socket.on('playerLeft', function(data) {, data); });
// Listen for time and game state changes
tagpro.socket.on('time', function(data) {, data); });
// Listen for end game and attempt download
tagpro.socket.on('end', function() {; });
// Before leaving the page attempt download
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {; });
* Update local player stats
* @param {Object} data The 'p' update data
catstats.onPlayerUpdate = function onPlayerUpdate(data) {
// Sometimes data is in .u
data = data.u || data;
var _this = this;
// Loop over all the player updates
// and update each player in
// the local player record
data.forEach(function(playerUpdate) {
var player = _this.players[];
if (!player) {
player = _this.createPlayer(;
_this.updatePlayer(player, tagpro.players[]);
} else {
_this.updatePlayer(player, playerUpdate);
* Update the team score
* @param {Object} data - The 'score' update data
catstats.onScoreUpdate = function onScoreUpdate(data) {
this.score.redTeam = data.r;
this.score.blueTeam = data.b;
* Handle players who leave early
* @param {Number} playerId - The id of the player leaving
catstats.onPlayerLeftUpdate = function onPlayerLeftUpdate(playerId) {
// Player leaves mid-game
if(tagpro.state == 1) {
// Player leaves before the game
if(tagpro.state == 3) {
delete this.players[playerId];
// Ignore all other player's leaving
* Track the amount of time a player is in the game
* @param {Object} data - The time object
catstats.onTimeUpdate = function onTimeUpdate(data) {
if(tagpro.state == 2) return; //Probably unneeded
var playerIds = Object.keys(this.players);
var _this = this;
playerIds.forEach(function(id) {
_this.players[id]['arrival'] = data.time;
* Called when the game has ended or
* the client is leaving the page
catstats.onEnd = function onEnd() {
if(this.wantsStats && !this.downloaded) {
* Prepare the local player record for export
catstats.prepareStats = function prepareStats() {
var now =;
var _this = this;
var stats = Object.keys(this.players).map(function(id) {
var player = _this.players[id];
_this.updatePlayerAfterDeparture(player, now);
// Record every column for the spreadsheet
var columns = {};
columns['name'] = player['name'] || '';
columns['minutes'] = player['minutes'] || 0;
columns['score'] = player['score'] || 0;
columns['tags'] = player['s-tags'] || 0;
columns['pops'] = player['s-pops'] || 0;
columns['grabs'] = player['s-grabs'] || 0;
columns['drops'] = player['s-drops'] || 0;
columns['hold'] = player['s-hold'] || 0;
columns['captures'] = player['s-captures'] || 0;
columns['prevent'] = player['s-prevent'] || 0;
columns['returns'] = player['s-returns'] || 0;
columns['support'] = player['s-support'] || 0;
columns['team'] = || 0;
columns['team captures'] = == 1 ? tagpro.score.r : tagpro.score.b;
columns['opponent captures'] = == 1 ? tagpro.score.b : tagpro.score.r;
columns['plusminus'] = columns['team captures'] - columns['opponent captures'] || 0;
columns['arrival'] = player['arrival'] || 0;
columns['departure'] = player['departure'] || 0;
columns['bombtime'] = player['bombtime'] || 0;
columns['tagprotime'] = player['tagprotime'] || 0;
columns['griptime'] = player['griptime'] || 0;
columns['speedtime'] = player['speedtime'] || 0;
return columns;
return stats;
* Called when the player wants to export the statsboard
* This can be called at anytime during the game and the stats
* will be saved before leaving the page
catstats.registerExport = function registerExport() {
this.wantsStats = $("#" + linkId).is(":checked") ? true : false;
writeCookie(tsvCookieName + "=" + this.wantsStats);
if (this.wantsStats && tagpro.state == 2) {
* Create a local player record
* @param {Number} id - the id of the player
catstats.createPlayer = function createPlayer(id) {
var player = this.players[id] = {};
player['arrival'] = tagpro.gameEndsAt -;
player['bombtime'] = 0;
player['tagprotime'] = 0;
player['griptime'] = 0;
player['speedtime'] = 0;
player['bombtr'] = false;
player['tagprotr'] = false;
player['griptr'] = false;
player['speedtr'] = false;
player['diftotal'] = 0;
return player;
* Update the local player record with new data
* @param {Object} player - reference to local player record
* @param {Object} playerUpdate - new player data
catstats.updatePlayer = function updatePlayer(player, playerUpdate) {
var attrs = Object.keys(playerUpdate);
var _this = this;
attrs.forEach(function(attr) {
var data = playerUpdate[attr];
// if this is a powerup - update time tracking
if(attr === 'bomb' || attr === 'tagpro' || attr === 'speed' || attr === 'grip') {
_this.updatePlayerTimer(player, attr, data);
// update the local player record with new data
if(typeof data !== 'object') {
player[attr] = data;
* Update timers on the local player record
* @param {Object} player - reference to local player record
* @param {Object} timerName - name of the timer to update
* @param {Object} timerValue - value of the timer to update
catstats.updatePlayerTimer = function updatePlayerTimer(player, timerName, timerValue) {
// the player has the powerup and
// we aren't tracking the time yet
if(timerValue === true && !player[timerName+'tr']) {
player[timerName+'tr'] = true;
player[timerName+'start'] =;
// player lost the powerup, save the time
if(timerValue === false && player[timerName+'tr'] === true) {
player[timerName+'tr'] = false;
player[timerName+'time'] = - player[timerName+'start'];
* When a player leaves or the game is over perform some cleanup
* @param {Object} player - reference to local player record
* @param {Number} [now] - unix timestamp representing current time
catstats.updatePlayerAfterDeparture = function updatePlayerAfterDeparture (player, now) {
var now = now ||;
// ignore players who have already departed
if(player['departure'] !== undefined)
player['departure'] = tagpro.gameEndsAt - now;
// Record the minutes played
var seconds = (player['arrival'] - player['departure']) / 1e3;
player['minutes'] = Math.round(seconds/60);
var _this = this;
// Update all timers
['bomb', 'tagpro', 'grip', 'speed'].forEach(function(timerName) {
_this.updatePlayerTimer(player, timerName, false);
* Create the document and trigger a download
catstats.exportStats = function exportStats() {
var teams = tagpro.teamNames ? tagpro.teamNames.redTeamName + "-vs-" + tagpro.teamNames.blueTeamName + "-" : "";
new Blob(
{type: "data:text/tsv;charset=utf-8"}
this.downloaded = true;
* Create a string of tab separated values
* from the player data in the column order
* specified by the global `columns`
* @param {Array} players - data to convert to tsv
* @returns {String} contents of a tsv file
catstats.tsv = function tsv(players) {
var result = '';
var _this = this;
players.forEach(function(player, i) {
// write header
if(i == 0)
result = _this.columns.join('\t') + '\r\n';
// write row
result += {
return player[c];
}).join('\t') + '\r\n';
return result;
return catstats;
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