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Forked from gpavlidi/n3mtodae.c
Created April 28, 2014 11:54
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Save understar/11369560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <Share.h>
#include <math.h>
#define URL_SUFFIX "jpg?token=fee2f2a877fd4a429f17207a57658582&app_id=nokiaMaps"
#define TEXTURE_URL ""
struct xyz
float x, y, z;
struct uv
float u, v;
struct triangle
unsigned short a, b, c;
struct source
int number_of_verts;
struct xyz *xyz_coords;
struct uv *uv_coords;
struct material
int number_of_tris;
int source_index;
int bucket_levels ;
int bucket_count ;
char texture_name[300] ;
char texture[500] ;
bool is_sat ;
unsigned short *bucketOffsets ;
struct triangle *tris;
struct model
int bucket_levels; //32
int number_of_sources;
int number_of_materials;
struct source *sources;
struct material *materials;
float center[3] ;
float radius[3] ;
float matrixFloat[16] ;
double matrixDouble[16] ;
bool version2OrNewer = false ;
bool version4OrNewer = false ;
struct xyz crossproduct(struct xyz a, struct xyz b)
struct xyz vector;
vector.x = a.y*b.z - b.y*a.z ; //(Ay*Bz)-(By*Az);
vector.y = -(a.x*b.z)+(b.x*a.z) ; //-(Ax*Bz)+(Bx*Az);
vector.z = (a.x*b.y) - (a.y*b.x) ; //(Ax*By)-(Ay*Bx);
return vector;
struct xyz normalize(struct xyz a)
struct xyz out ;
double magnitude = sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z);
out.x = a.x/magnitude ;
out.y = a.y/magnitude ;
out.z = a.z/magnitude ;
return out ;
struct xyz getNormal(struct xyz a, struct xyz b, struct xyz c)
struct xyz normal, x1, x2 ;
//AB vector
x1.x = b.x - a.x ; x1.y = b.y - a.y ; x1.z = b.z - a.z ;
//AC vector
x2.x = c.x - a.x ; x2.y = c.y - a.y ; x2.z = c.z - a.z ;
normal = crossproduct( x1, x2) ;
return normalize( normal ) ;
int getNumDecimalDigits(int value)
char myString[50];
return strlen(myString);
char * obfuscateURL(int zoom, int tilex, int tiley)
int bz = floor( float((zoom * 302 + 1000) / 1000) ) ;
char bs[500], tempx[500], tempy[500] ;
sprintf(bs, "%s/%d", TEXTURE_URL, zoom) ;
//number of zeros
int numOfZeros = bz - getNumDecimalDigits(tilex) ;
for(int i=0; i< numOfZeros; i++)
tempx[i] = '0' ;
sprintf( &tempx[numOfZeros], "%d", tilex) ;
numOfZeros = bz - getNumDecimalDigits(tiley) ;
for(int i=0; i< numOfZeros; i++)
tempy[i] = '0' ;
sprintf( &tempy[numOfZeros], "%d", tiley) ;
int stringLength = strlen( bs ) ;
int bx ;
for (bx = 0; bx < bz - 2; bx += 2)
bs[stringLength++ ] = '/' ;
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempx[bx];
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempx[bx + 1];
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempy[bx];
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempy[bx + 1] ;
for (; bx < bz - 1; bx++)
bs[stringLength++ ] = '/';
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempx[bx];
bs[stringLength++ ] = tempy[bx];
bs[stringLength++ ] = '/';
bs[stringLength] = '\0';
return bs ;
void parseTextureURLs( struct model *m )
for( int i=0; i< m->number_of_materials; i++)
int strLength = strlen( m->materials[ i ].texture_name ) ;
//ending in sat
if( strLength>3 && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[ strLength - 3]=='s' && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[ strLength - 2]=='a' && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[ strLength - 1]=='t')
sprintf( m->materials[ i ].texture, "%s%s%s", "../../tile/" , m->materials[ i ].texture_name , ".jpg" ) ;
m->materials[ i ].is_sat = true ;
//starting with sat_
if( strLength>3 && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[0]=='s' && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[1]=='a' && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[ 2]=='t' && m->materials[ i ].texture_name[ 3]=='_')
char temp[50] ;
int offset = 4 ;
int tilex, tiley, zoom, twoPowerZoom ;
int tokenIndex = strchr(&(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) , '_') - &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), tokenIndex);
temp[ tokenIndex] = '\0' ;
zoom = atoi(temp) ;
offset = offset + tokenIndex + 1 ;
tokenIndex = strchr(&(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) , '_') - &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), tokenIndex);
temp[ tokenIndex] = '\0' ;
tilex = atoi(temp) ;
offset = offset + tokenIndex + 1 ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), strLength - offset);
temp[ strLength - offset ] = '\0' ;
tiley = atoi(temp) ;
twoPowerZoom = pow(2.0, zoom) ;
sprintf( m->materials[ i ].texture, "%s%d/%d/%d/256/%s" ,TILE_DOWNLOAD_URL, zoom, tiley, twoPowerZoom-1-tilex, URL_SUFFIX ) ;
m->materials[ i ].is_sat = true ;
sprintf( m->materials[ i ].texture_name, "%s.jpg", m->materials[ i ].texture_name ) ;
//b0.texture = bw(b2.url_dir + bW)
// for map_13_4918_1407_0.jpg
char *urlPrefix ;
char temp[50] ;
int offset = 4 ;
int tilex, tiley, zoom, twoPowerZoom ;
int tokenIndex = strchr(&(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) , '_') - &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), tokenIndex);
temp[ tokenIndex] = '\0' ;
zoom = atoi(temp) ;
offset = offset + tokenIndex + 1 ;
tokenIndex = strchr(&(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) , '_') - &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), tokenIndex);
temp[ tokenIndex] = '\0' ;
tilex = atoi(temp) ;
offset = offset + tokenIndex + 1 ;
tokenIndex = strchr(&(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) , '_') - &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]) ;
strncpy(temp, &(m->materials[ i ].texture_name[offset]), tokenIndex);
temp[ tokenIndex] = '\0' ;
tiley = atoi(temp) ;
urlPrefix = obfuscateURL(zoom, tilex, tiley) ;
sprintf( m->materials[ i ].texture, "%s%s", urlPrefix, m->materials[ i ].texture_name ) ;
m->materials[ i ].is_sat = false ;
int open_n3m (struct model *m, void *data)
char *magic = (char*)data;
printf("magic: %c%c%c\n", magic[0], magic[1], magic[2]);
if (magic[0] != 'N' || magic[1] != '3' || magic[2] != 'M') {
return -1;
char version = magic[3];
if( version >= 50 )
version2OrNewer = true ;
if( version >= 52 )
version4OrNewer = true ;
printf("version: %c\n", version);
int *header = (int*)data;
m->number_of_sources = header[1];
m->number_of_materials = header[2];
printf("number_of_sources: %d\n", m->number_of_sources);
printf("number_of_materials: %d\n", m->number_of_materials);
m->sources = (source *) calloc(m->number_of_sources, sizeof(struct source));
m->materials = (material *) calloc(m->number_of_materials, sizeof(struct material));
m->bucket_levels = 32 ;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_sources; i++) {
struct source *s = &m->sources[i];
int offset = i * 2 + 3;
int data_offset = header[offset];
s->number_of_verts = header[offset + 1];
printf("data_offset: %d\n", data_offset);
printf("source[%d].number_of_verts: %d\n", i, s->number_of_verts);
s->xyz_coords = (struct xyz*)((char*)data + data_offset); //number_of_verts*3
s->uv_coords = (struct uv*)((char*)data + data_offset + s->number_of_verts * 12); //number_of_verts*2
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++) {
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
int offset = m->number_of_sources * 2 + i * 4 + 3;
int indices_offset = header[offset];
int textureNameOffset = header[ offset +3 ] ; //DONT KNOW YET WHAT IT IS
mat->number_of_tris = header[offset + 1];
mat->source_index = header[offset + 2];
mat->tris = (struct triangle*)((char*)data + indices_offset); //number_of_tris *3
printf("material[%d].number_of_tris: %d\n", i, mat->number_of_tris);
printf("material[%d].source_index: %d\n", i, mat->source_index);
int offset2 = indices_offset + mat->number_of_tris*6 ;
unsigned short *matrix = (unsigned short*)( (char*)data + offset2);
mat->bucket_levels = matrix[0] ;
if( mat->bucket_levels < m->bucket_levels)
m->bucket_levels = mat->bucket_levels ;
mat->bucket_count = 1 << (mat->bucket_levels << 1) ;
mat->bucketOffsets = (unsigned short *) calloc(mat->bucket_count + 1, sizeof(unsigned short));
for( int i=0; i< mat->bucket_count; i++ )
mat->bucketOffsets[ i ] = matrix[ i+1 ] ;
mat->bucketOffsets[ mat->bucket_count ] = mat->number_of_tris ;
else //older than version 4 pointclouds
m->bucket_levels = 0 ;
mat->bucket_levels = 0 ;
unsigned char textureNameLength = magic[ textureNameOffset ] ;
for(int i=0; i< textureNameLength; i++)
mat->texture_name[i] = magic[ textureNameOffset +1 + i] ;
mat->texture_name[textureNameLength] = '\0' ;
int center_radius_offset = header[ m->number_of_sources*2 + m->number_of_materials*4 +3] ;
m->center[0] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +64 ))[0] ;
m->center[1] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +64 ))[1] ;
m->center[2] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +64 ))[2] ;
m->radius[0] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +76 ))[0] ;
m->radius[1] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +76 ))[1] ;
m->radius[2] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +76 ))[2] ;
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
m->matrixDouble[ i ] = ((double*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset +88 ))[i] ;
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
m->matrixFloat[ i ] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset ))[i] ;
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
m->matrixFloat[ i ] = ((float*)( (char*)data + center_radius_offset ))[i] ;
if (m->bucket_levels == 32)
m->bucket_levels = 0 ;
return 0;
int save_dae (struct model *m, FILE *f)
struct xyz normal ;
fprintf(f, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n");
fprintf(f, "<COLLADA xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.4.1\">\n");
fprintf(f, " <asset>\n");
fprintf(f, " <contributor>\n");
fprintf(f, " <authoring_tool>n3mtodae</authoring_tool>\n");
fprintf(f, " </contributor>\n");
fprintf(f, " <created>2012-01-21T04:10:34Z</created>\n");
fprintf(f, " <modified>2012-01-21T04:10:34Z</modified>\n");
fprintf(f, " <unit meter=\"0.0254000\" name=\"inch\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <up_axis>X_UP</up_axis>\n");
fprintf(f, " </asset>\n");
fprintf(f, " <library_images>");
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++)
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
fprintf(f, "\n <image id=\"material%p-image\" name=\"material%p-image\">", mat, mat);
fprintf(f, "\n <init_from>%s</init_from>", mat->texture_name);
fprintf(f, "\n </image>");
fprintf(f, "\n </library_images>\n");
fprintf(f, " <library_materials>");
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++)
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
fprintf(f, "\n <material id=\"material%pID\" name=\"material%p\">", mat, mat);
fprintf(f, "\n <instance_effect url=\"#material%p-effect\" />", mat);
fprintf(f, "\n </material>");
fprintf(f, "\n </library_materials>\n");
fprintf(f, " <library_effects>\n");
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++)
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
fprintf(f, " <effect id=\"material%p-effect\" name=\"material%p-effect\">\n", mat, mat);
fprintf(f, " <profile_COMMON>\n");
fprintf(f, " <newparam sid=\"material%p-image-surface\">\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <surface type=\"2D\">\n");
fprintf(f, " <init_from>material%p-image</init_from>\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " </surface>\n");
fprintf(f, " </newparam>\n");
fprintf(f, " <newparam sid=\"material%p-image-sampler\">\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <sampler2D>\n");
fprintf(f, " <source>material%p-image-surface</source>\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " </sampler2D>\n");
fprintf(f, " </newparam>\n");
fprintf(f, " <technique sid=\"COMMON\">\n");
fprintf(f, " <lambert>\n");
fprintf(f, " <emission>\n");
fprintf(f, " <color>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000</color>\n");
fprintf(f, " </emission>\n");
fprintf(f, " <ambient>\n");
fprintf(f, " <color>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000</color>\n");
fprintf(f, " </ambient>\n");
fprintf(f, " <diffuse>\n");
fprintf(f, " <texture texture=\"material%p-image-sampler\" texcoord=\"UVSET0\"/>\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " </diffuse>\n");
fprintf(f, " </lambert>\n");
fprintf(f, " </technique>\n");
fprintf(f, " </profile_COMMON>\n");
fprintf(f, " </effect>\n");
fprintf(f, " </library_effects>\n");
fprintf(f, " <library_visual_scenes>\n");
fprintf(f, " <visual_scene id=\"ID1VISUALSCENE\">\n");
fprintf(f, " <node name=\"n3mtodae\">\n");
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++) {
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
fprintf(f, " <instance_geometry url=\"#ID%pGEOMETRY\">\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <bind_material>\n");
fprintf(f, " <technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " <instance_material symbol=\"material%p\" target=\"#material%pID\">\n", mat, mat);
fprintf(f, " <bind_vertex_input semantic=\"UVSET0\" input_semantic=\"TEXCOORD\" input_set=\"0\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " </instance_material>\n");
fprintf(f, " </technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " </bind_material>\n");
fprintf(f, " </instance_geometry>\n");
fprintf(f, " </node>\n");
fprintf(f, " </visual_scene>\n");
fprintf(f, " </library_visual_scenes>\n");
fprintf(f, " <library_geometries>\n");
for (i = 0; i < m->number_of_materials; i++) {
struct material *mat = &m->materials[i];
struct source *src = &m->sources[mat->source_index];
fprintf(f, " <geometry id=\"ID%pGEOMETRY\">\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <mesh>\n");
//Write geometry position
fprintf(f, " <source id=\"ID%pPOSITION\">\n", src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <float_array id=\"ID%pPOSITION-ARRAY\" count=\"%d\">", src->xyz_coords, src->number_of_verts * 3);
int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < src->number_of_verts; j++) {
fprintf(f, "%g %g %g ", src->xyz_coords[j].x, src->xyz_coords[j].y, src->xyz_coords[j].z);
fprintf(f, "</float_array>\n");
fprintf(f, " <technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " <accessor count=\"%d\" source=\"#ID%pPOSITION-ARRAY\" stride=\"3\">\n", src->number_of_verts, src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"X\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " </accessor>\n");
fprintf(f, " </technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " </source>\n");
//Write geometry normals
//3 normals per triangle
fprintf(f, " <source id=\"ID%pNORMALS\">\n", src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <float_array id=\"ID%pNORMALS-ARRAY\" count=\"%d\">", src->xyz_coords, mat->number_of_tris * 3);
j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < mat->number_of_tris; j++) {
normal = getNormal( src->xyz_coords[ mat->tris[j].a ], src->xyz_coords[ mat->tris[j].b ], src->xyz_coords[ mat->tris[j].c ] ) ;
fprintf(f, "%g %g %g ", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
fprintf(f, "</float_array>\n");
fprintf(f, " <technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " <accessor count=\"%d\" source=\"#ID%pNORMALS-ARRAY\" stride=\"3\">\n", mat->number_of_tris, src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"X\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"Y\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"Z\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " </accessor>\n");
fprintf(f, " </technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " </source>\n");
//Write geometry UV
fprintf(f, " <source id=\"ID%pUV\">\n", src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <float_array id=\"ID%pUV-ARRAY\" count=\"%d\">", src->xyz_coords, src->number_of_verts * 2);
j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < src->number_of_verts; j++) {
fprintf(f, "%g %g ", src->uv_coords[j].u, src->uv_coords[j].v);
fprintf(f, "</float_array>\n");
fprintf(f, " <technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " <accessor count=\"%d\" source=\"#ID%pUV-ARRAY\" stride=\"2\">\n", src->number_of_verts, src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"S\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " <param name=\"T\" type=\"float\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " </accessor>\n");
fprintf(f, " </technique_common>\n");
fprintf(f, " </source>\n");
fprintf(f, " <vertices id=\"ID%pVERTICES\">\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <input semantic=\"POSITION\" source=\"#ID%pPOSITION\" />\n", src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " </vertices>\n");
fprintf(f, " <triangles count=\"%d\" material=\"material%p\">\n", mat->number_of_tris, mat);
fprintf(f, " <input offset=\"0\" semantic=\"VERTEX\" source=\"#ID%pVERTICES\" />\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <input offset=\"1\" semantic=\"NORMAL\" source=\"#ID%pNORMALS\" />\n", mat);
fprintf(f, " <input offset=\"2\" set=\"0\" semantic=\"TEXCOORD\" source=\"#ID%pUV\" />\n", src->xyz_coords);
fprintf(f, " <p>");
for (j = 0; j < mat->number_of_tris; j++) {
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ", mat->tris[j].a, j, mat->tris[j].a, mat->tris[j].b, j, mat->tris[j].b, mat->tris[j].c, j, mat->tris[j].c);
fprintf(f, "</p>\n");
fprintf(f, " </triangles>\n");
fprintf(f, " </mesh>\n");
fprintf(f, " </geometry>\n");
fprintf(f, " </library_geometries>\n");
fprintf(f, " <scene>\n");
fprintf(f, " <instance_visual_scene url=\"#ID1VISUALSCENE\" />\n");
fprintf(f, " </scene>\n");
fprintf(f, "</COLLADA>\n");
return 0;
void downloadTextures( model *m )
char cmd[600] ;
for( int i=0; i< m->number_of_materials; i++)
sprintf( cmd, "C:\\wget\\wget.exe -O %s http://%s", m->materials[i].texture_name, m->materials[i].texture ) ;
system(cmd) ;
int main()
//int fd ; //= open("/Users/fak/Desktop/Nokia3D/b.n3m", O_RDONLY);
//_sopen_s( &fd, "f_stat.out", O_RDONLY) ;
int fd = _sopen("C:/maps3D/map_19_327120_154308.n3m", O_RDONLY, _SH_DENYNO);
struct stat sb = {0};
fstat(fd, &sb);
//void *data = mmap(0, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd);
fm = CreateFileMapping( h, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0,0, NULL);
void *data = static_cast<void*>(MapViewOfFile( fm, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sb.st_size));
struct model m;
open_n3m (&m, data);
parseTextureURLs( &m ) ;
downloadTextures( &m ) ;
FILE *out = fopen("C:/maps3D/map_19_327120_154308.dae", "w");
save_dae (&m, out);
return 0;
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