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Created December 16, 2017 21:18
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#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void setup() {
//intialize the input (the power switch)
pinMode(4, INPUT);
//intialize the output (motherboard power switch)
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//Pretend to press the power button
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
//Sleep code taken from
void sleep() {
GIMSK |= _BV(PCIE); // Enable Pin Change Interrupts
PCMSK |= _BV(PCINT4); // Use PB3 as interrupt pin
ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN); // ADC off
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // replaces above statement
sleep_enable(); // Sets the Sleep Enable bit in the MCUCR Register (SE BIT)
sei(); // Enable interrupts
sleep_cpu(); // sleep
cli(); // Disable interrupts
PCMSK &= ~_BV(PCINT4); // Turn off PB3 as interrupt pin
sleep_disable(); // Clear SE bit
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN); // ADC on
sei(); // Enable interrupts
} // sleep
ISR(PCINT0_vect) {
// This is called when the interrupt occurs, but I don't need to do anything in it
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