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Created August 19, 2019 17:33
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*Submitted for verification at on 2019-08-13
pragma solidity ^0.5.10;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
* @title The Open Oracle View Base Contract
* @author Compound Labs, Inc.
contract OpenOracleView {
* @notice The Oracle Data Contract backing this View
OpenOracleData public data;
* @notice The static list of sources used by this View
* @dev Note that while it is possible to create a view with dynamic sources,
* that would not conform to the Open Oracle Standard specification.
address[] public sources;
* @notice Construct a view given the oracle backing address and the list of sources
* @dev According to the protocol, Views must be immutable to be considered conforming.
* @param data_ The address of the oracle data contract which is backing the view
* @param sources_ The list of source addresses to include in the aggregate value
constructor(OpenOracleData data_, address[] memory sources_) public {
data = data_;
sources = sources_;
* @notice The DelFi Price Feed View
* @author Compound Labs, Inc.
contract DelFiPrice is OpenOracleView {
* @notice The event emitted when a price is written to storage
event Price(string symbol, uint64 price);
* @notice The mapping of medianized prices per symbol
mapping(string => uint64) public prices;
constructor(OpenOraclePriceData data_, address[] memory sources_) public OpenOracleView(data_, sources_) {}
* @notice Primary entry point to post and recalculate prices
* @dev We let anyone pay to post anything, but only sources count for prices.
* @param messages The messages to post to the oracle
* @param signatures The signatures for the corresponding messages
function postPrices(bytes[] calldata messages, bytes[] calldata signatures, string[] calldata symbols) external {
require(messages.length == signatures.length, "messages and signatures must be 1:1");
// Post the messages, whatever they are
for (uint i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
OpenOraclePriceData(address(data)).put(messages[i], signatures[i]);
// Recalculate the asset prices for the symbols to update
for (uint i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
string memory symbol = symbols[i];
// Calculate the median price, write to storage, and emit an event
uint64 price = medianPrice(symbol, sources);
prices[symbol] = price;
emit Price(symbol, price);
* @notice Calculates the median price over any set of sources
* @param symbol The symbol to calculate the median price of
* @param sources_ The sources to use when calculating the median price
* @return median The median price over the set of sources
function medianPrice(string memory symbol, address[] memory sources_) public view returns (uint64 median) {
require(sources_.length > 0, "sources list must not be empty");
uint N = sources_.length;
uint64[] memory postedPrices = new uint64[](N);
for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {
postedPrices[i] = OpenOraclePriceData(address(data)).getPrice(sources_[i], symbol);
uint64[] memory sortedPrices = sort(postedPrices);
return sortedPrices[N / 2];
* @notice Helper to sort an array of uints
* @param array Array of integers to sort
* @return The sorted array of integers
function sort(uint64[] memory array) private pure returns (uint64[] memory) {
uint N = array.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (uint j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
if (array[i] > array[j]) {
uint64 tmp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = tmp;
return array;
* @title The Open Oracle Data Base Contract
* @author Compound Labs, Inc.
contract OpenOracleData {
* @notice The event emitted when a source writes to its storage
//event Write(address indexed source, <Key> indexed key, string kind, uint64 timestamp, <Value> value);
* @notice Write a bunch of signed datum to the authenticated storage mapping
* @param message The payload containing the timestamp, and (key, value) pairs
* @param signature The cryptographic signature of the message payload, authorizing the source to write
* @return The keys that were written
//function put(bytes calldata message, bytes calldata signature) external returns (<Key> memory);
* @notice Read a single key with a pre-defined type signature from an authenticated source
* @param source The verifiable author of the data
* @param key The selector for the value to return
* @return The claimed Unix timestamp for the data and the encoded value (defaults to (0, 0x))
//function get(address source, <Key> key) external view returns (uint, <Value>);
* @notice Recovers the source address which signed a message
* @dev Comparing to a claimed address would add nothing,
* as the caller could simply perform the recover and claim that address.
* @param message The data that was presumably signed
* @param signature The fingerprint of the data + private key
* @return The source address which signed the message, presumably
function source(bytes memory message, bytes memory signature) public pure returns (address) {
(bytes32 r, bytes32 s, uint8 v) = abi.decode(signature, (bytes32, bytes32, uint8));
bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", keccak256(message)));
return ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
* @title The Open Oracle Price Data Contract
* @notice Values stored in this contract should represent a USD price with 6 decimals precision
* @author Compound Labs, Inc.
contract OpenOraclePriceData is OpenOracleData {
* @notice The event emitted when a source writes to its storage
event Write(address indexed source, string key, uint64 timestamp, uint64 value);
* @notice The fundamental unit of storage for a reporter source
struct Datum {
uint64 timestamp;
uint64 value;
* @notice The most recent authenticated data from all sources
* @dev This is private because dynamic mapping keys preclude auto-generated getters.
mapping(address => mapping(string => Datum)) private data;
* @notice Write a bunch of signed datum to the authenticated storage mapping
* @param message The payload containing the timestamp, and (key, value) pairs
* @param signature The cryptographic signature of the message payload, authorizing the source to write
* @return The keys that were written
function put(bytes calldata message, bytes calldata signature) external returns (string memory) {
// Recover the source address
address source = source(message, signature);
// Decode the message and check the kind
(string memory kind, uint64 timestamp, string memory key, uint64 value) = abi.decode(message, (string, uint64, string, uint64));
require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(kind)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked("prices")), "Kind of data must be 'prices'");
// Only update if newer than stored, according to source
Datum storage prior = data[source][key];
if (prior.timestamp < timestamp) {
data[source][key] = Datum(timestamp, value);
emit Write(source, key, timestamp, value);
return key;
* @notice Read a single key from an authenticated source
* @param source The verifiable author of the data
* @param key The selector for the value to return
* @return The claimed Unix timestamp for the data and the price value (defaults to (0, 0))
function get(address source, string calldata key) external view returns (uint64, uint64) {
Datum storage datum = data[source][key];
return (datum.timestamp, datum.value);
* @notice Read only the value for a single key from an authenticated source
* @param source The verifiable author of the data
* @param key The selector for the value to return
* @return The price value (defaults to 0)
function getPrice(address source, string calldata key) external view returns (uint64) {
return data[source][key].value;
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