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Created January 9, 2023 12:54
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use counter::Counter;
use itertools::Itertools;
fn main() {
let pw = String::from("lW2jYRI02ZKDBb9VtQBU1f6eDRo6WEj9");
let lower = (b'a' ..= b'z').map(char::from).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let upper = (b'A' ..= b'Z').map(char::from).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let num = (b'0' ..= b'9').map(char::from).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut pw_space = lower.clone();
let freqs = pw.chars().collect::<Counter<_>>();
let freq_map = freqs.into_map();
// dbg!(&freq_map);
let mut freq_counter = freq_map.clone();
let keyspace = freq_map.keys().clone().sorted();
const PASSWORD_LENGTH: usize = 32;
// naive case
let mut counter = 0;
let mut found_pw: Vec<char> = vec![' '; PASSWORD_LENGTH];
for perm in pw_space.iter()
.combinations_with_replacement(PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
counter += 1;
if counter > 1_000_000 {
println!("Took more than 1M tries, skipping for now, adjust code if needed");
if counter % 100_000 == 0 {
println!("{}: {}", counter, perm.clone().into_iter().collect::<String>());
let mut found = true;
for i in 0..PASSWORD_LENGTH {
found = found & (*perm[i] == pw.chars().nth(i).unwrap());
if found {
for (i, c) in perm.iter().enumerate() {
found_pw[i] = **c;
let mut pw_fmt = String::from_iter(found_pw);
println!("Naive: {counter} requests to find the password {pw_fmt}");
counter = 0;
found_pw = vec![' '; PASSWORD_LENGTH];
for (index, c) in pw.chars().enumerate() {
for pw in &pw_space {
counter += 1;
if c == *pw {
found_pw[index] = *pw;
pw_fmt = String::from_iter(found_pw);
println!("Char-by-char: {counter} requests to find the password {pw_fmt}");
counter = 0;
found_pw = vec![' '; PASSWORD_LENGTH];
for (index, c) in pw.chars().enumerate() {
for pw in keyspace.clone() {
counter += 1;
if c == *pw {
found_pw[index] = *pw;
pw_fmt = String::from_iter(found_pw);
println!("PW Space: {counter} requests to find the password {pw_fmt}");
counter = 0;
found_pw = vec![' '; PASSWORD_LENGTH];
for (index, c) in pw.chars().enumerate() {
for pw in keyspace.clone() {
if *freq_counter.get(pw).unwrap() > 0 {
counter += 1;
if c == *pw {
found_pw[index] = *pw;
freq_counter.entry(*pw).and_modify(|k| (*k) -= 1 );
pw_fmt = String::from_iter(found_pw);
println!("PW Space with freq: {counter} requests to find the password {pw_fmt}");
counter = 0;
found_pw = vec![' '; PASSWORD_LENGTH];
freq_counter = freq_map.clone();
for pc in keyspace.clone() {
for (index, c) in pw.chars().enumerate() {
if *freq_counter.get(pc).unwrap() > 0 {
if found_pw[index] != ' ' {
counter += 1;
if c == *pc {
found_pw[index] = (*pc).clone();
freq_counter.entry(*pc).and_modify(|k| (*k) -= 1 );
pw_fmt = String::from_iter(found_pw);
println!("PW Space with freq by index: {counter} requests to find the password {pw_fmt}");
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