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Created November 24, 2014 00:54
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Save unforswearing/608e8234274ffc359b4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finder Services Alfred workflow script
on alfred_script(q)
# set q to text returned of (display dialog "q" default answer "")
# (the above line can be uncommented if you want to use the script as an application or something similar)
if q is "read" then
# read file
tell application "Finder"
set ffile to selection as text
set ffile to quoted form of POSIX path of ffile
set the clipboard to (do shell script "cat " & ffile)
end tell
return "file read"
else if q is "path" then
# copy path with \
tell application "Finder"
set ffile to selection as text
set ffile to quoted form of POSIX path of ffile
set the clipboard to (do shell script "echo " & ffile & " | sed 's/ /\\ /g'")
return "path copied"
end tell
else if q is "size" then
# get size of finder window
tell application "Finder"
set bnds to bounds of window 1
end tell
return bnds
else if q is "qpath" then
# get quoted path
tell application "Finder"
set ffile to selection as text
set ffile to quoted form of POSIX path of ffile
set the clipboard to ffile
end tell
return "quoted path copied"
else if q is "nvpath" then
# copy nv path
tell application "Finder"
set pathFile to selection as text
set pathFile to get POSIX path of pathFile
set the clipboard to pathFile
set newPath to (do shell script "pbpaste | sed -e 's/ /%20/g'")
set the clipboard to "file://" & newPath
end tell
return "nv path copied"
else if q is "label" then
# set label to blue
tell application "Finder"
repeat with f in items of (get selection)
set label index of f to 4
end repeat
end tell
return "blue label added"
else if q is "nolable" then
# remove label
tell application "Finder"
repeat with f in items of (get selection)
set label index of f to 0
end repeat
end tell
end try
return "label removed"
else if q is "close" then
# close all windows
tell application "Finder"
close every window
end tell
return "finder windows closed"
else if q is "resize" then
# resize to set bounds
tell application "Finder"
set bounds of window 1 to {72, 90, 983, 624}
end tell
return "finder resized"
else if q is "shell" then
# open finder directory in terminal
tell application "Finder"
set go2shell to selection as text
set go2shell to quoted form of POSIX path of go2shell
if go2shell contains "." then
set rmfile to do shell script "basename " & go2shell
set go2shell to do shell script "echo " & go2shell & " | sed -e 's/" & rmfile & "//g'"
set go2shell to quoted form of go2shell
end if
tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd " & go2shell
end tell
end tell
return "going to terminal"
else if q is "showd" then
# show files on the desktop
do shell script "defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true && killall Finder"
return "desktop items showing"
else if q is "hided" then
# hide files on the desktop
do shell script "defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder"
return "desktop items hidden"
else if q is "showf" then
# show hidden files
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/"
return "hidden files showing"
else if q is "hidef" then
# rehide hidden files
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/"
return "hidden files hiding"
else if q is "hidewin" then
# hide application windows except finder
tell application "Finder"
set visible of every process whose name is not "Finder" to false
end tell
return "app windows hidden"
else if q is "unhidewin" then
# unhide hidden applications
tell application "Finder"
set visible of every process whose name is not "Finder" to true
end tell
return "app windows unhidden"
else if q is "bright0" then
# completely dim screen
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id ""
tell application "System Events"
delay 1
set value of slider 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of window 1 of process "System Preferences" to 0
end tell
end tell
return "brightness at 0"
else if q is "bright5" then
# set screen brightness to 50%
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id ""
tell application "System Events"
delay 1
set value of slider 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of window 1 of process "System Preferences" to 0.5
end tell
end tell
return "brightness at half"
else if q is "bright1" then
# set screen brightness to 100%
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id ""
tell application "System Events"
delay 1
set value of slider 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of window 1 of process "System Preferences" to 1
end tell
end tell
return "brightness at full"
else if q is "chmod" then
# make selected file executable
tell application "Finder"
set chmodFile to selection as text
set chmodFile to quoted form of POSIX path of chmodFile
do shell script "chmod +x " & chmodFile
end tell
return "file is now executable"
else if q is "dock" then
# hide or show dock
tell application "System Events"
tell dock preferences
if autohide is false then
set autohide to true
return "dock is hidden"
else if autohide is true then
set autohide to false
return "dock is visisble"
end if
end tell
end tell
else if q is "tag" then
# tag file with one keyword
tell application "Finder"
set ffile to selection as text
set ffile to quoted form of POSIX path of ffile
tell application "Terminal"
delay 1
do script "tag -a " & tagg & " " & ffile
end tell
end if
end alfred_script
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This workflow combines (and replaces) several individual scripts I usually use via the Finder toolbar and/or other individual Alfred workflows.

To use, type fs [option]

Here is the list of options from the help text:

bright0: set monitor brightness to 0% (completely dim)
bright1: set monitor brightness to 100% (full brightness)
bright5: set monitor brightness to 50%
chmod: make the selected file executable in terminal
close: close all Finder windows
dock: show or hide the dock
hided: hide files on the desktop
hidef: re-hide hidden files
hidewin: hide all application windows (except Finder)
label: add a blue label to selected file
nolabel: remove the label from a selected file
nvpath: copy the notational velocity friendly path of the selected file
path: copy the path of the selected file
qpath: copy the quoted path of the selected file
read: read the selected file
resize: resize the frontmost Finder window
shell: open the selected files path in terminal
showd: show files on the desktop
showf: show hidden files
unhidewin: unhide all hidden application windows (except Finder)

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