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Last active June 12, 2019 05:20
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// This is how tree should look like
// const tree = {
// root: {
// left: {
// left: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 3
// },
// right: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 8
// },
// value: 5
// },
// right: {
// left: {
// left: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 16
// },
// right: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 18
// },
// value: 17
// },
// right: {
// left: {
// left: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 21
// },
// right: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 23
// },
// value: 22
// },
// right: {
// left: null,
// right: null,
// value: 30
// },
// value: 24
// },
// value: 20
// },
// value: 10
// },
// metadata: {
// string: 'schema of the tree does not required having metadata'
// }
// }
function treeMaximumValueNode_Link(tree) {
let tempPointer = tree.right || tree;
while (tempPointer.right !== null) {
tempPointer = tempPointer.right;
return tempPointer;
function treeMinimumValueNode_Link(tree) {
let tempPointer = tree.left || tree;
while (tempPointer.left !== null) {
tempPointer = tempPointer.left;
return tempPointer;
function treeWalk(tree, container) {
if (tree.left == null) {
if (tree.right !== null) {
treeWalk(tree.right, container);
return tree.value;
treeWalk(tree.left, container);
if (tree.right === null) {
return tree.value;
treeWalk(tree.right, container);
function treeInsertion(tree, value) {
let rightNode = tree.right;
let leftNode = tree.left;
if (rightNode === null) {
if (value > tree.value) {
tree.right = {
left: null,
right: null,
value: value
return true;
if (leftNode === null) {
if (value < tree.value) {
tree.left = {
left: null,
right: null,
value: value
return true;
if (value > rightNode.value) {
const newRightNode = {
left: rightNode,
right: null,
value: value
tree.right = newRightNode;
} else if (leftNode.value < value && value < rightNode.value) {
if (value < tree.value) {
treeInsertion(tree.left, value);
} else {
treeInsertion(tree.right, value);
} else {
treeInsertion(tree.left, value);
function treeDeletion(tree, key) {
// Find node to delete.
if (tree !== null) {
var current = tree;
var stack = [];
while (current) {
if (current.value === key) {
// Found the node to delete.
var parent = stack.pop();
if (!current.left && !current.right) {
// No children, just remove the node.
if (parent && parent.left && parent.left.value === current.value) {
parent.left = null;
else if (parent) {
parent.right = null;
else {
// No parent, this must be the root node.
tree = [];
else if (current.left && !current.right) {
// One left child node.
if (parent && parent.left && parent.left.value === current.value) {
parent.left = current.left;
else if (parent) {
parent.right = current.left;
else {
// No parent, this must be the root node.
tree = current.left;
else if (current.right && !current.left) {
// One right child node.
if (parent && parent.left && parent.left.value === current.value) {
parent.left = current.right;
else if (parent) {
parent.right = current.right;
else {
// No parent, this must be the root node.
tree = current.right;
else {
// Node has 2 children.
// First, find the minimum element in the right subtree of the node to be removed.
var minNode = current.right;
while (minNode) {
if (minNode.left) {
minNode = minNode.left;
else {
// We're at the bottom of the subtree.
// Delete minNode.
current = treeDeletion(current, minNode.value);
// Replace value.
current.value = minNode.value;
else if (key < current.value) {
current = current.left;
else if (key > current.value) {
current = current.right;
return tree;
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