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Prosper Otemuyiwa unicodeveloper

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unicodeveloper / *.md
Last active May 9, 2016 13:32 — forked from toddmotto/*.md
Component versus Directive in AngularJS

Component versus Directive in AngularJS


Components are not "helper" methods, they are the best change in Angular 1.x since I've been using it.

What is the role of .component()?

  • Declares new HTML via a template or templateUrl
  • Should be used to create Components as part of a Component architecture
unicodeveloper / geocoder-service.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22 — forked from avaliani/geocoder-service.js
Fixed lodash error, Updated it to have lodash dependency
* An AngularJS Service for intelligently geocoding addresses using Google's API. Makes use of
* localStorage (via the ngStorage package) to avoid unnecessary trips to the server. Queries
* Google's API synchronously to avoid `google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT`.
* @author: benmj
* @author: amir.valiani
* Original source: