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Created July 30, 2023 16:16
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Current python packages found in OpenAI code interpreter. DO NOT look at this as a reliable/definitive list.
Here is a summary of each package mentioned:
1. absl-py==1.4.0: A library for building machine learning models using Google's Abseil framework.
2. affine==2.4.0: A library for performing affine transformations on geometric objects.
3. aiohttp==3.8.1: An asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for Python.
4. aiosignal==1.3.1: A library for working with signals in asynchronous Python applications.
5. analytics-python==1.4.post1: A library for tracking events and user data for analytics purposes.
6. anyio==3.7.1: A library for writing asynchronous code with multiple concurrency frameworks.
7. anytree==2.8.0: A library for working with tree data structures.
8. argcomplete==1.10.3: A library for generating command-line argument completions.
9. argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0: A library for hashing passwords using the Argon2 algorithm.
10. argon2-cffi==21.3.0: A library providing Python bindings for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm.
11. arviz==0.15.1: A library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models.
12. asttokens==2.2.1: A library for working with Python AST (Abstract Syntax Trees).
13. async-timeout==4.0.2: A library for adding timeouts to async operations.
14. attrs==23.1.0: A library for defining and working with classes with attributed access.
15. audioread==3.0.0: A library for reading audio files.
16. babel==2.12.1: A library for internationalization and localization.
17. backcall==0.2.0: A library for providing backcall functionality to IPython.
18. backoff==1.10.0: A library for implementing backoff strategies for retrying failed operations.
19. backports.zoneinfo==0.2.1: A library for working with time zone information on older Python versions.
20. basemap-data==1.3.2: Geographic map data for the Basemap library.
21. basemap==1.3.2: A library for plotting maps in Python.
22. bcrypt==4.0.1: A library for hashing passwords using the bcrypt algorithm.
23. beautifulsoup4==4.12.2: A library for parsing HTML and XML documents.
24. bleach==6.0.0: A library for sanitizing and cleaning HTML.
25. blinker==1.6.2: A library for implementing the Observer pattern in Python.
26. blis==0.7.9: A library for performing optimized linear algebra operations.
27. bokeh==2.4.0: A library for creating interactive visualizations in web browsers.
28. branca==0.6.0: A library for creating interactive maps using Leaflet.js.
29. brotli==1.0.9: A library for compression and decompression using the Brotli algorithm.
30. cachetools==5.3.1: A library for caching function results.
31. cairocffi==1.6.0: A library for creating and rendering 2D graphics.
32. cairosvg==2.5.2: A library for converting SVG files to various image formats.
33. camelot-py==0.10.1: A library for extracting tables from PDF files.
34. catalogue==2.0.8: A library for creating catalogs of reusable objects.
35. certifi==2019.11.28: A library for providing trusted SSL certificates.
36. cffi==1.15.1: A library for calling C code from Python.
37. chardet==4.0.0: A library for detecting the encoding of text files.
38. charset-normalizer==2.1.1: A library for normalizing and unifying character encodings.
39. click-plugins==1.1.1: A library for extending the functionality of the Click command-line interface.
40. click==8.1.6: A library for creating command-line interfaces in Python.
41. cligj==0.7.2: A library for parsing and manipulating GeoJSON in the Click command-line interface.
42. cloudpickle==2.2.1: A library for pickling Python objects for distributed computing.
43. cmudict==1.0.13: A library for working with the Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary.
44. comm==0.1.3: A library for implementing communication systems in Python.
45. compressed-rtf==1.0.6: A library for compressing RTF (Rich Text Format) documents.
46. countryinfo==0.1.2: A library for retrieving information about countries.
47. cryptography==3.4.8: A library for secure communications and cryptography.
48. cssselect2==0.7.0: A library for selecting elements from HTML and XML documents using CSS selectors.
49. cycler==0.11.0: A library for cycling through colors and other aesthetic attributes.
50. cymem==2.0.7: A library for efficient memory allocation and sharing in Cython.
51. dbus-python==1.2.16: A library for interacting with D-Bus services from Python.
52. debugpy==1.6.7: A library for debugging Python programs remotely.
53. decorator==4.4.2: A library for implementing function decorators in Python.
54. defusedxml==0.7.1: A library for parsing XML documents safely.
55. deprecat==2.1.1: A library for issuing deprecation warnings.
56. dill==0.3.6: A library for serializing Python objects.
57. distro-info==0.23ubuntu1: A library for retrieving information about Linux distributions.
58. dlib==19.22.1: A library for machine learning and computer vision tasks.
59. dnspython==2.4.0: A library for performing DNS (Domain Name System) queries.
60. docx2txt==0.8: A library for extracting text from Microsoft Word files.
61. ebcdic==1.1.1: A library for working with the EBCDIC character encoding.
62. ebooklib==0.18: A library for working with EPUB (Electronic Publication) files.
63. einops==0.3.2: A library for manipulating and transforming tensor-like objects.
64. email-validator==2.0.0.post2: A library for validating and parsing email addresses.
65. entrypoints==0.4: A library for discovering and loading entry points in Python packages.
66. et-xmlfile==1.1.0: A library for reading and writing Excel files in the OpenXML format.
67. exceptiongroup==1.1.2: A library for grouping and handling exceptions.
68. exchange-calendars==3.4: A library for working with exchange trading calendars.
69. executing==1.2.0: A library for executing and tracking code execution in Python.
70. extract-msg==0.28.7: A library for extracting data from Microsoft Outlook .msg files.
71. faker==8.13.2: A library for generating fake data.
72. fastapi==0.92.0: A library for building fast web APIs with Python.
73. fastjsonschema==2.17.1: A library for validating JSON against JSON Schema.
74. fastprogress==1.0.3: A library for displaying progress bars and other progress indicators.
75. ffmpeg-python==0.2.0: A library for accessing and manipulating video and audio files using FFmpeg.
76. ffmpy==0.3.1: A library for calling FFmpeg from Python.
77. filelock==3.12.2: A library for platform-independent file locking.
78. fiona==1.8.20: A library for reading and writing geospatial data in Python.
79. flask-cachebuster==1.0.0: A library for cache busting static assets in Flask applications.
80. flask-cors==4.0.0: A library for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Flask applications.
81. flask-login==0.6.2: A library for managing user authentication and sessions in Flask applications.
82. flask==2.3.2: A micro web framework for Python.
83. folium==0.12.1: A library for creating interactive maps using Leaflet.js.
84. fonttools==4.41.0: A library for manipulating and analyzing font files.
85. fpdf==1.7.2: A library for creating PDF files.
86. frozenlist==1.4.0: A library for creating immutable lists.
87. future==0.18.3: A compatibility layer for Python 2/3.
88. fuzzywuzzy==0.18.0: A library for fuzzy string matching.
89. gensim==4.1.0: A library for topic modeling and document similarity analysis.
90. geographiclib==1.52: A library for performing conversions between geographic coordinate systems.
91. geopandas==0.10.2: A library for working with geospatial data in Python.
92. geopy==2.2.0: A library for geocoding and distance calculations.
93. gradio==2.2.15: A library for creating interactive user interfaces for machine learning models.
94. graphviz==0.17: A library for creating and rendering graph visualizations.
95. gtts==2.2.3: A library for converting text to speech using Google Text-to-Speech.
96. h11==0.14.0: A library for implementing the HTTP/1.1 protocol in Python.
97. h2==4.1.0: A library for implementing the HTTP/2 protocol in Python.
98. h5netcdf==1.1.0: A library for reading and writing NetCDF files in the HDF5 format.
99. h5py==3.4.0: A library for working with HDF5 files.
100. hpack==4.0.0: A library for HPACK header compression used in HTTP/2.
101. html5lib==1.1: A library for parsing and manipulating HTML documents.
102. httpcore==0.17.3: A library for low-level HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 client and server implementations.
103. httptools==0.6.0: A library for low-level HTTP parsing and handling.
104. httpx==0.24.1: A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
105. hypercorn==0.14.3: A library for running ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) servers.
106. hyperframe==6.0.1: A library for working with HTTP/2 frame parsing and framing.
107. idna==2.8: A library for handling internationalized domain names.
108. imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.8: A library for reading and writing video files using FFmpeg.
109. imageio==2.31.1: A library for reading and writing images in Python.
110. imapclient==2.1.0: A library for accessing and manipulating IMAP mailboxes in Python.
111. imgkit==1.2.2: A library for converting HTML to images using wkhtmltopdf.
112. importlib-metadata==6.8.0: A library for accessing metadata about Python packages.
113. importlib-resources==5.13.0: A library for managing resources in Python packages.
114. iniconfig==2.0.0: A library for working with INI configuration files.
115. ipykernel==6.24.0: A library for running IPython kernels for Jupyter notebooks.
116. ipython-genutils==0.2.0: A collection of utility functions for IPython.
117. ipython==8.12.2: An interactive Python shell.
118. isodate==0.6.1: A library for parsing and formatting ISO 8601 dates and times.
119. itsdangerous==2.1.2: A library for generating and verifying cryptographically secure tokens.
120. jax==0.2.28: A library for numerical computing and automatic differentiation on CPU, GPU, and TPU.
121. jedi==0.18.2: A library for code autocompletion and analysis in Python.
122. jinja2==3.1.2: A templating language for Python.
123. joblib==1.3.1: A library for parallel computing and caching.
124. json5==0.9.14: A library for working with JSON-like data in Python.
125. jsonpickle==3.0.1: A library for serializing Python objects to JSON.
126. jsonschema-specifications==2023.7.1: JSON Schema specifications for jsonschema library.
127. jsonschema==4.18.4: A library for validating JSON data against JSON schemas.
128. jupyter-client==7.4.9: A library for interacting with the Jupyter kernel.
129. jupyter-core==5.1.3: A library providing core functionality of Jupyter.
130. jupyter-server==1.23.5: A library for running the Jupyter notebook server.
131. jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2: A library for syntax highlighting in JupyterLab.
132. jupyterlab-server==2.19.0: A library for running the JupyterLab server.
133. jupyterlab==3.4.8: A web-based interactive development environment for Jupyter notebooks.
134. keras==2.6.0: A high-level neural networks library running on top of TensorFlow.
135. kerykeion==2.1.16: A library for managing and organizing large sets of structured data.
136. kiwisolver==1.4.4: A library for solving equations and inequalities involving algebraic expressions.
137. korean-lunar-calendar==0.3.1: A library for converting between Gregorian calendar and Korean lunar calendar.
138. librosa==0.8.1: A library for audio and music analysis.
139. llvmlite==0.40.1: A lightweight LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) library for JIT compilation in Python.
140. loguru==0.5.3: A library for logging in a more productive way.
141. lxml==4.9.3: A library for processing XML and HTML documents.
142. markdown2==2.4.9: A library for converting Markdown text to HTML.
143. markdownify==0.9.3: A library for converting HTML to Markdown.
144. markupsafe==2.1.3: A library for escaping and rendering XML/HTML markups.
145. matplotlib-inline==0.1.6: A library for displaying Matplotlib inline in Jupyter notebooks.
146. matplotlib-venn==0.11.6: A library for creating Venn diagrams using Matplotlib.
147. matplotlib==3.4.3: A comprehensive library for creating scientific and publication-quality visualizations.
148. mistune==3.0.1: A library for rendering Markdown text.
149. mizani==0.9.2: A library for creating visualizations with consistent and scalable color scales.
150. mne==0.23.4: A library for analyzing and visualizing magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) data.
151. monotonic==1.6: A library for providing a monotonic clock in Python.
152. moviepy==1.0.3: A library for video editing and manipulation.
153. mpmath==1.3.0: A library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
154. mtcnn==0.1.1: A library for face detection and alignment.
155. multidict==6.0.4: A multidimensional dictionary library for Python.
156. munch==4.0.0: A library for creating and manipulating immutable dictionaries.
157. murmurhash==1.0.9: A library for fast and low-collision hash functions.
158. mutagen==1.45.1: A library for reading and writing audio metadata.
159. nashpy==0.0.35: A library for solving Nash equilibria in Python.
160. nbclassic==1.0.0: A library for running the classic Jupyter notebook interface.
161. nbclient==0.8.0: A library for executing Jupyter notebooks programmatically.
162. nbconvert==7.7.1: A library for converting Jupyter notebooks to various other formats.
163. nbformat==5.9.1: A library for working with Jupyter notebook format.
164. nest-asyncio==1.5.6: A library for running asyncio code in Jupyter notebooks.
165. networkx==2.6.3: A library for creating, manipulating, and analyzing complex networks.
166. nltk==3.6.3: A library for natural language processing.
167. notebook-shim==0.2.3: A library for using Jupyter notebooks with non-IPython kernels.
168. notebook==6.5.1: A web-based interactive computing environment for creating and sharing Jupyter notebooks.
169. numba==0.57.1: A library for just-in-time compilation of numerical Python code.
170. numexpr==2.8.4: A library for fast numerical expression evaluation.
171. numpy-financial==1.0.0: A library for performing financial calculations using NumPy.
172. numpy==1.21.2: A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
173. odfpy==1.4.1: A library for reading and writing Open Document Format (ODF) files.
174. olefile==0.46: A library for reading Microsoft OLE 2 files.
175. opencv-python== A library for computer vision tasks using OpenCV.
176. openpyxl==3.0.10: A library for reading and writing Excel files in the OpenXML format.
177. opt-einsum==3.3.0: A library for optimizing tensor contractions.
178. orjson==3.9.2: A fast and correct JSON library for Python.
179. packaging==23.1: A library for packaging Python software distributions.
180. pandas==1.3.2: A library for data manipulation and analysis.
181. pandocfilters==1.5.0: A library for writing Pandoc filters in Python.
182. paramiko==3.2.0: A library for SSHv2 protocol implementation in Python.
183. parso==0.8.3: A library for Python parsing and analysis.
184. pathy==0.10.2: A library for working with file paths in Python.
185. patsy==0.5.3: A library for describing statistical models using formulas.
186. pdf2image==1.16.3: A library for converting PDF files to images.
187. pdfkit==0.6.1: A library for converting HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf.
188. pdfminer.six==20200517: A library for extracting text from PDF documents.
189. pdfplumber==0.5.28: A library for extracting data from PDF documents.
190. pdfrw==0.4: A library for reading and writing PDF files.
191. pexpect==4.8.0: A library for controlling and automating interactive processes in Python.
192. pickleshare==0.7.5: A library for persisting Python objects in a lightweight database.
193. pillow==8.3.2: A library for image processing and manipulation.
194. pip==20.0.2: A package management system for installing Python packages.
195. pkgutil-resolve-name==1.3.10: A tool for resolving Python package names in different environments.
196. platformdirs==3.9.1: A library for finding application directories on multiple platforms.
197. plotly==5.3.0: A library for creating and publishing interactive visualizations.
198. plotnine==0.10.1: A library for creating graphics with a grammar of graphics approach.
199. pluggy==1.2.0: A library for writing plugins in Python.
200. pooch==1.7.0: A library for managing and accessing data files in Python projects.
201. preshed==3.0.8: A library for efficient tokenization and parsing in Python.
202. priority==2.0.0: A library for managing priority queues.
203. proglog==0.1.10: A library for displaying progress bars and logging in command-line interfaces.
204. prometheus-client==0.17.1: A library for instrumenting Python code for monitoring with Prometheus.
205. prompt-toolkit==3.0.39: A library for building command-line interfaces in Python.
206. pronouncing==0.2.0: A library for phoneme stress analysis in English words.
207. psutil==5.9.5: A library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization.
208. ptyprocess==0.7.0: A library for running child processes with pseudo terminal (pty) handling.
209. pure-eval==0.2.2: A library for safe evaluation of Python expressions.
210. py==1.11.0: A library for writing Python test cases.
211. pyaudio==0.2.11: A library for audio input/output using PortAudio.
212. pycountry==20.7.3: A library for working with ISO country codes.
213. pycparser==2.21: A C parser in Python for Python.
214. pycryptodome==3.18.0: A library for cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
215. pydantic==1.8.2: A library for data validation and settings management.
216. pydot==1.4.2: A library for creating, manipulating, and rendering DOT language graphs.
217. pydub==0.25.1: A library for audio file manipulation.
218. pydyf==0.7.0: A library for reading and writing Dynamic-font files.
219. pygments==2.15.1: A library for syntax highlighting in Python.
220. pygobject==3.36.0: A library for creating applications with GTK and GNOME.
221. pygraphviz==1.7: A library for working with Graphviz graph files in Python.
222. pylog==1.1: A logging library for Python with enhanced functionality.
223. pyluach==2.2.0: A library for working with the Hebrew calendar in Python.
224. pymc3==3.11.5: A library for Bayesian statistical modeling and probabilistic machine learning.
225. pymupdf==1.19.6: A library for reading and editing PDF documents using MuPDF.
226. pynacl==1.5.0: A library for cryptographic operations using the Networking and Cryptography library.
227. pypandoc==1.6.3: A library for converting files between different document formats using Pandoc.
228. pyparsing==3.1.0: A library for parsing and processing textual data in Python.
229. pypdf2==1.28.6: A library for reading and manipulating PDF files in Python.
230. pyphen==0.14.0: A library for hyphenating text using Hunspell.
231. pyproj==3.5.0: A library for cartographic transformations and geodetic computations.
232. pyprover==0.5.6: A library for automated theorem proving in first-order logic.
233. pyshp==2.1.3: A library for reading and writing Shapefile spatial data files.
234. pyswisseph== A library for Swiss Ephemeris astronomical calculations.
235. pytesseract==0.3.8: A library for optical character recognition (OCR).
236. pytest==6.2.5: A library for writing and executing Python tests.
237. pyth3==0.7: A library for working with Python AST (Abstract Syntax Trees).
238. python-apt==2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1: A library for interacting with the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) system.
239. python-dateutil==2.8.2: A library for working with dates and times in Python.
240. python-docx==0.8.11: A library for creating and updating Microsoft Word files.
241. python-dotenv==1.0.0: A library for managing environment variables in Python applications.
242. python-multipart==0.0.6: A library for parsing HTTP request bodies with multipart/form-data encoding.
243. python-pptx==0.6.21: A library for creating and updating Microsoft PowerPoint files.
244. pyttsx3==2.90: A library for text-to-speech synthesis.
245. pytz==2023.3: A library for working with time zones in Python.
246. pywavelets==1.4.1: A library for wavelet transforms for working with multi-dimensional signals.
247. pyxlsb==1.0.8: A library for reading Microsoft Excel binary files (XLSB).
248. pyyaml==6.0.1: A library for working with YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) data.
249. pyzbar==0.1.8: A library for decoding barcodes using Python and ZBar.
250. pyzmq==25.1.0: A library for message passing between computers using ZeroMQ.
251. qrcode==7.3: A library for generating QR codes.
252. rarfile==4.0: A library for reading RAR archive files.
253. rasterio==1.2.10: A library for reading and writing geospatial raster data.
254. rdflib==6.0.0: A library for working with RDF (Resource Description Framework) data.
255. referencing==0.30.0: A library for encoding and decoding geographic coordinates.
256. regex==2023.6.3: A library for regular expressions with advanced features.
257. reportlab==3.6.1: A library for creating PDF documents using Python.
258. requests-unixsocket==0.2.0: A library for making requests to Unix domain sockets using the Requests library.
259. requests==2.31.0: A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
260. resampy==0.4.2: A library for resampling audio signals.
261. rpds-py==0.9.2: A library for analyzing and predicting time series data.
262. scikit-image==0.18.3: A library for image processing and computer vision tasks.
263. scikit-learn==1.0: A library for machine learning and data mining.
264. scipy==1.7.3: A library for scientific and technical computing in Python.
265. seaborn==0.11.2: A library for creating statistical graphics in Python.
266. semver==3.0.1: A library for working with semantic version numbers.
267. send2trash==1.8.2: A library for sending files to the recycle bin or trash.
268. sentencepiece==0.1.99: A library for tokenizing text into subword units.
269. setuptools==45.2.0: A library for packaging Python projects and installing dependencies.
270. shap==0.39.0: A library for interpreting and visualizing machine learning models.
271. shapely==1.7.1: A library for geometric operations using the GEOS library.
272. six==1.14.0: A library for compatibility code between Python 2 and Python 3.
273. slicer==0.0.7: A library for serializing and deserializing Python objects to and from binary.
274. smart-open==6.3.0: A library for efficiently and safely streaming large files in Python.
275. sniffio==1.3.0: A library for working with asyncio event loops and I/O operations.
276. snuggs==1.4.7: A library for reading and writing FITS files in Python.
277. sortedcontainers==2.4.0: A library for sorted collections in Python.
278. soundfile==0.10.2: A library for reading and writing sound files using libsndfile.
279. soupsieve==2.4.1: A library for parsing and searching XML and HTML documents using CSS selectors.
280. spacy-legacy==3.0.12: A library for industrial-strength natural language processing in Python.
281. spacy==3.1.7: An open-source library for natural language processing with state-of-the-art models.
282. speechrecognition==3.8.1: A library for performing speech recognition in Python.
283. srsly==2.4.7: A library for serializing objects to and from various formats.
284. stack-data==0.6.2: A library for working with stack data structures in Python.
285. starlette==0.25.0: A lightweight ASGI framework for building high-performance web applications.
286. statsmodels==0.12.2: A library for statistical modeling and analysis in Python.
287. svglib==1.1.0: A library for working with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files in Python.
288. svgwrite==1.4.1: A library for creating SVG drawings in Python.
289. sympy==1.8: A library for symbolic mathematics in Python.
290. tables==3.6.1: A library for managing hierarchical datasets in Python.
291. tabula==1.0.5: A library for extracting tables from PDF files.
292. tabulate==0.8.9: A library for generating formatted tables in Python.
293. tenacity==8.2.2: A library for adding retrying capabilities to functions and methods.
294. terminado==0.17.1: A library for running IPython terminals in web applications.
295. text-unidecode==1.3: A library for transliterating Unicode characters to ASCII.
296. textblob==0.15.3: A library for processing textual data in Python.
297. textract==1.6.4: A library for extracting text from various document formats.
298. theano-pymc==1.1.2: A library for high-performance tensor manipulation and machine learning.
299. thinc==8.0.17: A library for implementing deep learning models in Python.
300. threadpoolctl==3.2.0: A library for controlling the number of threads used in a Python program.
301. tifffile==2023.7.10: A library for reading and writing TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files.
302. tinycss2==1.2.1: A library for parsing and serializing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
303. toml==0.10.2: A library for working with TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) config files.
304. tomli==2.0.1: A library for working with TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) data.
305. toolz==0.12.0: A library for functional programming in Python.
306. torch==1.10.0: A library for machine learning and deep learning using tensors.
307. torchaudio==0.10.0: A library for audio processing in PyTorch.
308. torchtext==0.6.0: A library for natural language processing with PyTorch.
309. torchvision==0.11.1: A library for computer vision tasks using PyTorch.
310. tornado==6.3.2: A library for building asynchronous web servers and frameworks.
311. tqdm==4.64.0: A library for creating progress bars and status indicators.
312. traitlets==5.9.0: A library for defining and validating typed attributes in Python.
313. trimesh==3.9.29: A library for loading, manipulating, and rendering 3D triangle meshes.
314. typer==0.4.2: A library for building command-line interfaces with type hints.
315. typing-extensions==4.5.0: A library for type hinting in Python.
316. tzlocal==5.0.1: A library for accessing the local timezone settings in Python.
317. ujson==5.8.0: A library for ultra-fast JSON encoding and decoding.
318. unattended-upgrades==0.1: A library for automatically updating system packages in Ubuntu.
319. urllib3==1.25.8: A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
320. uvicorn==0.23.1: A Lightning-fast ASGI server implementation.
321. uvloop==0.17.0: A library for fast event loop implementation using libuv.
322. wand==0.6.11: A library for creating, editing, and inspecting images using ImageMagick.
323. wasabi==0.10.1: A library for formatting and coloring console output.
324. watchfiles==0.19.0: A library for watching changes in files and directories.
325. wcwidth==0.2.6: A library for measuring the printable width of Unicode characters.
326. weasyprint==53.3: A library for rendering HTML and CSS to PDF using Gecko.
327. webencodings==0.5.1: A library for dealing with HTML and XML character encodings.
328. websocket-client==1.6.1: A library for writing WebSocket clients in Python.
329. websockets==10.3: A library for building WebSocket applications in Python.
330. werkzeug==2.3.6: A library for building WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) applications in Python.
331. wheel==0.34.2: A library for creating Python wheels, a built-package format for Python.
332. wordcloud==1.8.1: A library for creating word clouds from text data.
333. wrapt==1.15.0: A library for decorators, decorators, and wrappers in Python.
334. wsproto==1.2.0: A library for WebSocket protocol implementation in Python.
335. xarray-einstats==0.5.1: A library for extended descriptive statistics and statistical tests with xarray.
336. xarray==2023.1.0: A library for working with labeled multi-dimensional arrays in Python.
337. xgboost==1.4.2: A library for gradient boosting machines.
338. xlrd==1.2.0: A library for reading data from Excel files.
339. xlsxwriter==3.1.2: A library for creating Excel files in the OpenXML format.
340. xml-python==0.4.3: A library for easy XML processing in Python.
341. yarl==1.9.2: A library for URL parsing and generation in Python.
342. zipp==3.16.2: A library for working with ZIP archives in Python.
343. zopfli==0.2.2: A library for compressing and decompressing data using the Zopfli algorithm.
Please note that the summaries provided here are general descriptions of each package, and the actual functionality and use cases may vary.
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