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Last active December 11, 2020 14:40
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  • Save unicornist/0576d9a616b38beaf4c1cd22acce5505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save unicornist/0576d9a616b38beaf4c1cd22acce5505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My Workstation PC/Mac Setup (Essential Tools for OSX and Windows)

Programs / Tools

Download the latest version of the following (click each for more details).

  1. Browser: Chrome & Firefox
  2. OS Package Manager: Chocolatey for Windows / HomeBrew for OSX
  3. NodeJS
  4. Bash/Git Setup:
  5. Sublime Text 3
  6. Photoshop
  7. Google Drive
  8. Download Manager: Mass Downloader for Windows / ???? for OSX
  9. WinRAR for Windows / Unarchiver for OSX
  10. Unlocker for Windows
  11. Hex Editor: HxD for Windows
  12. Packages to install using the package manager (choco/brew)

Installation / Configuration Details


npm install -g gulp-cli browser-sync bower
npm install -g yo generator-fountain-webapp
npm install -g typescript typings
npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css less-plugin-autoprefix svgo
npm install -g surge echo-server json-server xo
npm install -g mongodb bson
npm install -g forever nodemon pm2


  1. Add git (C:\cmder\vendor\git-for-windows\cmd\git.exe) to your system's Path (Environment Variable)
  2. Open CMDer → Settings (Win+Alt+P)Keys & Macro → Change Ctrl+` to Win+` (Conflicts with Sublime's Open Console Command)


    git config --global "John Doe"
    git config --global
    git config --global core.autocrlf false
    git config --global core.editor "...."
    git config --global http.


    git config --global merge.tool kdiff3
    git config --global mergetool.kdiff3.cmd "\"C:\\Program Files\\KDiff3\\kdiff3\" $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE -o $MERGED"


  1. Install PackageControl
  2. Install these packages:
    • SideBarEnhancements, Missing Palette Commands, SendCode
    • JsFormat, HTML-CSS-JS Pretify, JSONLint
    • LESS, nginx, ApacheConf, VBDotNet
    • Emmet, CSS Extended Completions, jQuery, Bootstrap 3 Snipperts
    • Git, Simple FTP Deploy, GitGutter, BracketHighlighter
    • Text Pastry, StringUtilities
  3. Add the following configs

PreferencesKey Bindings - User

	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+p"], "command": "prompt_select_workspace" },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "update_as_you_type" },

PreferencesPackage SettingsEmmetSettings - User

	"disabled_keymap_actions": "update_as_you_type, update_image_size"
	// disabled these to bring back ctrl+u and ctrl+shift+u (soft redo & undo)
	// instead:
	// for update_as_you_type use ctrl+e (redundant of tab : expand_abbreviation) - (see user keybindings)
	// for update_image_size use command pallete


ExtrasOptions → check: Add HxD to Explorer...


choco install -y LinkShellExtension
choco install -y jq

choco install -y nmap
choco install -y whois

choco install -y openssh
choco install -y mongodb
choco install -y redis

choco install -y python
choco install -y node
choco install -y nvm
choco install -y php
choco install -y composer
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