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Last active September 22, 2020 05:59
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Firebase Realtime Database Controller
// Packages
const { BadRequest, NotFound } = require('@feathersjs/errors')
* Class for interacting with the Firebase Realtime Database.
* @todo Handle realtime changes
* @class Database
* @module database
* @author Lexus Drumgold <>
module.exports = class Database {
* Creates a new Firebase Realtime Database controller.
* @constructor
* @param {firebase.database.Database} database - Firebase Realtime Database
* @throws {Error} If database is undefined or null
* @returns {Database}
constructor(database) {
if (!database) throw new Error('Database required.')
* @property {firebase.database.Database} database - Firebase RDB interface
* @instance
this.database = database
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {'Instantiated new Database controller.')
* Creates a new database entry.
* @param {string | number | boolean | array | object} data - New data
* @param {object} params1 - Database options
* @param {string} params1.path - Path to add database entry
* @param {boolean} params1.push - If true, create entry with random id
* @returns {Promise<string>} Entry key
* @throws {BadRequest} If error adding database entry
async create(data, { path, push }) {
try {
let ref = path ? this.database.ref(path) : this.database.ref()
if (push) ref = await ref.push()
// Create database entry
await ref.set(data)
return ref.key
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequest(`Error adding entry -> ${err.message}`, {
errors: { firebase: err.code, path, push, data }
* Checks if @see key exists in the current database.
* @async
* @param {string} key - Key value, e.g 'foo' or 'foo/bar'
* @returns {Promise<* | null>} Requested value or null
* @throws {BadRequest}
async exists(key) {
let resource_exists = null
/** If @see key is undefined, null, or an empty string return false */
if (!key || (key && !key.length)) return resource_exists
try {
resource_exists = await this.find({ path: key })
} catch (err) {
* @see Database#find throws a BadRequest or NotFound error.
* If the function catches a BadRequest error, or a NotFound error from
* Firebase, the error will be thrown.
* If it catches NotFound error, the resource with the key @see key wasn't
* found and the function will return false.
if ( === 'BadRequest' || err.errors.firebase) throw err
return resource_exists
* Retreives database entries.
* @param {object} params1 - Query options
* @param {object} params.path - Path to search database
* @param {string} params.child - Name of child to order data by
* @param {string} params.value - Value to search for
* @returns {Promise<string | number | boolean | array | object>}
* @throws {BadRequest | NotFound}
async find({ path, child, value }) {
// Validate search query
if ((child && !value) || (!child && value)) {
const errors = { query: { child, value } }
throw new BadRequest('Invalid query.', { errors })
let data = null
try {
// Get database reference
let ref = path ? this.database.ref(path) : this.database.ref()
// Add search to reference
if (child && value) {
ref = ref.orderByChild(child).equalTo(value)
ref = Object.values((await ref.once('value')).val())
data = ref.find(resource => resource[child] === value)
} else {
data = (await ref.once('value')).val()
} catch (err) {
throw new NotFound(`Error getting entries -> ${err.message}`, {
errors: { firebase: err.code, path, query: { child, value } }
if (data) return data
// Throw NotFound error if data isn't found
const errors = { path, query: { child, value } }
throw new NotFound('Resource not found.', { errors })
* Merges the new data, @see data, with the existing data found in the
* database at @see path .
* @async
* @param {string} path - Database path
* @param {string | number | boolean | array | object} data - New data
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when update on server is complete
* @throws {BadRequest}
async patch(path, data) {
try {
return this.database.ref(path).update(data)
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequest(`Error patching ${path} -> ${err.message}`, {
errors: { firebase: err.code, path, data }
* Overwrites the data at the location @see path. Passing in null @see data
* will remove the data the given location.
* @async
* @param {string} path - Database path
* @param {string | number | boolean | array | object} data - New data
* @returns {Promise<string>} Key of updated resource
* @throws {BadRequest}
async update(path, data) {
try {
return this.database.ref(path).set(data)
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequest(`Error updating ${path} -> ${err.message}`, {
errors: { firebase: err.code, path, data }
* Removes the resource associated with @see path .
* @async
* @param {string} path - Database path
* @returns {Promise<undefined>} Resolves when remove on server is complete
* @throws {BadRequest}
async remove(path) {
try {
return await this.database.ref(path).remove()
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequest(`Error removing ${path} -> ${err.message}`, {
errors: { firebase: err.code, path }
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