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Last active November 8, 2017 22:41
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Linux System Resources PHP implementation
class top_info{
private static function top_command(){
exec("/usr/bin/top -b -n1",$out);
return $out;
private static function debug_time(){
return microtime(true);
private static function convert_from_kbyte($byteSize) {
$bytes = (float)str_replace(".",",",$byteSize);
$sizes = array('KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
$factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
$size = sprintf('%.2f', $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) ." ".$sizes[$factor];
return $size;
private static function gorev_say($line){
return $gorev[1];
private static function ram_info($line){
preg_match('/KiB Mem:.\s+(\d+)\s+total,\s+(\d+)\s+used,\s+(\d+)\s+free/i',$line,$hafiza);
return $hafiza;
private static function ram_total($total){
return self::convert_from_kbyte($total);
private static function ram_used($total){
exec("ps aux | awk '{sum +=$4}; END {print sum}'",$out);
return self::convert_from_kbyte($out[0]*$total/100);
private static function ram_free($total){
exec("ps aux | awk '{sum +=$4}; END {print sum}'",$out);
return self::convert_from_kbyte((100-$out[0])*$total/100);
//~ return self::convert_from_kbyte($free*$total/100);
private static function top_ten_app(){
exec("ps -A --sort -rss -o comm,pmem,rss | head -n 21",$out);
return $out;
private function cpu_stat(){
exec("lscpu | grep -i 'CPU(s):'",$core);
//~ echo "cpu$i\n";
exec("grep 'cpu".$i."' /proc/stat | awk '{usertime=($2-$10)} {nicetime=($3-$11)} {idlealltime=($5+$6)} {systemalltime=($4+$7+$8)} {steal=($9)} {virtalltime=($10+$11)} {using=(usertime+nicetime+systemalltime+steal+virtalltime)} {totaltime=(using+idlealltime)} END {print using,idlealltime,totaltime }'",$cpu);
$cpu_usage=explode(" ",$cpu[0]);
$return[$i][]=$cpu_usage[0]; // using
$return[$i][]=$cpu_usage[1]; // idle all time
$return[$i][]=$cpu_usage[2]; // total time
return $return;
//~ print_r($return);
//~ die;
private static function usage_info($sleep){
//~ Görev Sayısı
//~ Ram Kullanımı
//~ $return[]=self::ram_using($ram_info[2]);
//~ CPU Kullanımı
exec("lscpu | grep -i 'CPU(s):'",$core);
$idled[$i]=$cpu_second[$i][1] - $cpu_first[$i][1];
$totald[$i]=$cpu_second[$i][2] - $cpu_first[$i][2];
return $return;
public static function show_usage($sleep){
$usage=self::usage_info($sleep); // Bu fonksiyonun oluşturulma amacı istenildiğinde parçalı okuma gerçekleştirmek, yoksa usage_info() tüm işi yapmakta.
echo "Hesaplama Süresi : ".round($end-$begin,4)."\n";
echo "Hesaplama Süresi 1 den Büyükse scriptin başındaki \$sleep_militime değerini küçültün !\n";
$return["Toplam Çalışan Görev"]=$usage[0];
$return["Toplam Hafıza"]=$usage[1];
$return["Kullanılan Hafıza"]=$usage[2];
$return["Boştaki Hafıza"]=$usage[3];
$return["Cpu Kullanımı"]="\n\t\t\t% ".implode("\n\t\t\t% ",$usage[4]);
//~ unset($usage[5][0]);
$return["Top 10 Uygulama"]=$usage[5];
return $return;
//~ function izle(){
//~ global $sleep_militime;
//~ $usage=top_info::show_usage($sleep_militime);
//~ print_r($usage);
//~ file_put_contents("/home/yasin/sh/top.txt",print_r($usage,1));
//~ usleep(200000);
//~ izle();
//~ }
//~ izle();
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