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Last active December 17, 2015 10:09
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  • Save uniquelau/5592800 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uniquelau/5592800 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell file that makes creating new websites in IIS a breeze! :) $InetFolder & $Domain should be tweaked for your purposes. Original code from + added in multiple hostnames, fixed Runtime bug. Now supports creation of a single Virtual Directory, e.g. for Media in a load balanced environment.
.SYNOPSIS CreateWebsite - Automatic website creation.
.DESCRIPTION Allow to create a website and its ApplicationPool. Some tuning is included
.PARAMETER SiteName Defines the display name (in IIS Manager) of the website
Mandatory parameter.
.PARAMETER Port Defines the listening port for the website
Default is "80".
.PARAMETER Environment Defines the website environment.
This will be added as suffix in the website display name
Possible values are "LIVE", "STAGING", "UAT", "QUAL" or "DEV"
Default is "LIVE".
.PARAMETER Identity Defines the identity type to be used for the ApplicationPool
Possible values are "0" (LocalSystem), "1" (LocalService), "2" (NetworkService),
"3" (SpecificUser) or "4" (ApplicationPoolIdentity)
Default is "4" (ApplicationPoolIdentity).
.PARAMETER Runtime Defines the Managed Runtime to be used for the ApplicationPool
Possible values are "1.1", "2.0" or "4.0"
Default is "4.0".
.PARAMETER Pipeline Defines the Managed Pipeline Mode to be used for the ApplicationPool
Possible values are
"Classic" = 1
"Integrated" = 0
Default is "Integrated".
.PARAMETER Computer Computer name, default %Computer%
.PARAMETER InetFolder Default location that contains each website (normally c:\inetpub, d:\inetpubs, or d:\webs)
.PARAMETER Domain Default top-level domain used to build default hostname.
.PARAMETER Hostname Defines the URL the website reponds to. Default 'http://$SiteName-$Enviroment.$Computer.$Domain'
.PARAMETER EnvironmentHostName Default 'http://$SiteName.$Environment.$Domain'
.PARAMETER VDirName Name for the Virtual Directory (e.g. Media)
.PARAMETER FileShare Location of your File Share
.PARAMETER VDirPath Default $SiteName-$Environment\$VDirName\
.NOTES File Name : CreateWebsite.ps1
Remixed by : Laurence Gillian
Orginal production by : Fabrice ZERROUKI -
.EXAMPLE PS D:\>CreateWebsite.ps1 -SiteName TESTSITE
Creates a website named 'testsite-LIVE', listening on the TCP80 port (default value), responding to 'http://$SiteName-$Enviroment.$Computer.$Domain' (default value). The associated ApplicationPool 'testsite' running with the identity 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' (default value), v4.0 .NET Framework managed runtime (default value) and 'Integrated' managed pipeline mode (default value).
.EXAMPLE PS D:\>CreateWebsite.ps1 -SiteName TESTSITE -Port 8080 -Environment PREPROD -Runtime 2.0 -Pipeline Classic
Creates a website named 'testsite-PREPROD', listening on the TCP8080 port. The associated ApplicationPool 'testsite' running with the identity 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' (default value), v2.0 .NET Framework managed runtime and 'Classic' managed pipeline mode.
By default the site is binded to
.EXAMPLE PS D:\>CreateWebsite.ps1 -SiteName TESTSITE -VDirName Media
Creates a website named TESTSITE-LIVE, with a virtual directory for Media,
that points at $FileShare\$VDirPath
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="You must provide a display name for the website.")]
[ValidateSet("LIVE", "STAGING", "UAT", "QUAL", "DEV")]
[ValidateSet("0", "1", "2", "3", "4")]
[ValidateSet("v1.1", "v2.0", "v4.0")]
[ValidateSet("1", "0")]
[ValidatePattern("([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ;,./?%&=]*)?")]
$HostName="$SiteName-$Environment" + ".$Computer" + ".$Domain",
switch ($Identity)
0 {$FullIdentity="LocalSystem"}
1 {$FullIdentity="LocalService"}
2 {$FullIdentity="NetworkService"}
3 {$FullIdentity="SpecificUser"}
4 {$FullIdentity="ApplicationPoolIdentity"}
Function Ask-YesOrNo
param([string]$title="Confirmation needed.",[string]$message="Parameters that will be used by the script are listed above.`nIf you want to modify one or more parameter, please restart the script and specify the wanted parameters.`nAny not defined parameter uses its default value.`r`nDo you want to continue with the above parameters?`n")
$choiceYes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Answer Yes."
$choiceNo = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Answer No."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($choiceYes, $choiceNo)
$nresult = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1)
switch ($nresult)
0 {"OK, we can continue..."}
1 {"Bye bye!" ; exit}
Write-Host "`n**********************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "*`t`tAutomatic Website Creation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Parameters"
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Website Name (-SiteName):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$SiteName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Website Port (-Port):`t`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Port" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Website Environment (-Environment):`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Environment" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " AppPool Identity (-Identity):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$FullIdentity ($Identity)" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Managed Runtime (-Runtime):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Runtime" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Managed Pipeline Mode (-Pipeline):`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Pipeline" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Computer Name (-Computer):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Computer" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Inetpub Folder (-InetFolder):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$InetFolder" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Top Level Domain (-Domain):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$Domain" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundCOlor Yellow
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Website Hostname (-HostName):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$HostName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Environment (-EnvironmentHostName):`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$EnvironmentHostName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundCOlor Yellow
if ($VDirName) {
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Virtual Directory Name (-VDirName):`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$VDirName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " File Share (-FileShare):`t`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$FileShare" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-Host " Virtual Directory Path (-VDirPath):`t" -nonewline; Write-Host "$VDirPath" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "*" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "**********************************************************" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($nresult -eq "$false") {exit}
if ($Identity -eq "3") {
$AppPoolUser=Read-Host "`nPlease provide username for the ApplicationPool identity"
$AppPoolPwd=Read-Host "Please provide the password for '$AppPoolUser' user" -AsSecureString
function Read-Choice {
[System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]$Poss=$Choices | ForEach-Object {
New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$($_)", "Sets $_ as an answer."
$Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $Poss, $DefaultChoice)
function Select-IPAddress {
$IPs=Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" | ForEach-Object {
} | Where-Object {
$_ -match "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
if($IPs -is [array]){
Write-Host "`nServer $ComputerName uses these IP addresses:"
$IPs | ForEach-Object {$Id=0} {Write-Host "${Id}: $_" -ForegroundColor Yellow; $Id++}
$IPs[(Read-Choice -Message "`nChoose an IP Address" -Choices (0..($Id-1)) -DefaultChoice 0)]
Write-Host "`nThe selected IP address is: $ChosenIP`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
# Combine SiteName and Enviroment
$SiteNameEnvironment = "$SiteName-$Environment"
# Create the website directory
Write-Host "Creating application directory" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ProjectPath = "$InetFolder" + "\" + "$SiteNameEnvironment"
$SitePath = "$ProjectPath" + "\wwwroot\"
if (!(Test-Path $SitePath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $SitePath
# Creates the website logfiles directory
Write-Host "Creating application logfiles directory" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$SiteLogsPath = "$ProjectPath" + "\logs\"
if (!(Test-Path $SiteLogsPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $SiteLogsPath
Import-Module "WebAdministration" -ErrorAction Stop
# Creates the ApplicationPool
Write-Host "Creating website application pool" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-WebAppPool –Name $SiteNameEnvironment -Force
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name processModel.identityType -Value $Identity
if ($Identity -eq "3") {
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name processModel.username -Value $AppPoolUser
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name processModel.password -Value $AppPoolPwd
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name "managedRuntimeVersion" -Value $Runtime
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name "managedPipelineMode" -Value $Pipeline
# Creates the website
Write-Host "Creating website" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-Website –Name $SiteNameEnvironment -Port $Port –HostHeader $HostName -IPAddress $ChosenIP -PhysicalPath $SitePath -ApplicationPool $SiteNameEnvironment -Force
Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\Sites\" + $SiteNameEnvironment) -Name -Value $SiteLogsPath
# Add additional bindings
Write-Host "Adding environment binding" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-WebBinding -Name $SiteNameEnvironment -Port $Port -IPAddress $ChosenIP -HostHeader $EnvironmentHostName -Force
# Create Virtual Directory that points at a FileShare/SAN/NAS, etc
# Must point to existing path, so FileShare + VDirPath
if ($VDirName -and $FileShare) {
# If Directory doesn't exist then create it
if (!(Test-Path $FileShare\$VDirPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FileShare\$VDirPath
Write-Host "Creating a virtual directory" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteNameEnvironment -Name $VDirName -PhysicalPath $FileShare\$VDirPath
Start-WebAppPool -Name $SiteNameEnvironment
Start-WebSite $SiteNameEnvironment
Write-Host "Excellent!!!" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "Website $SiteNameEnvironment created!" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
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