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Last active November 30, 2017 16:56
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This is a proposal for PHP extension to disable running unapproved PHP code, uploaded using security holes or by any other means.


  1. Master key is saved in php.ini (hidden in phpinfo)
  2. Signatures are saved in a file that lives in web or app root folder, 1 line per file/signature
  3. Easy tool to (re)generate signatures file for current folder with subfolders (current trusted state).
  4. (optional) Allow stripping whitespace from php files for the convenience of upload NL/LF and IDE space/tab reformatting, without need to regenerate signatures. (can be problematic for files with __halt_compiler();)



extension =


phpsigned.enable = 1
phpsigned.block_not_signed = 1
phpsigned.master_key = kUCCS3vk4wVzC6IEqYK9nMGcLhfIqUi5
phpsigned.strip_whitespace = 0


index.php QGCWxkXjV3JmwW4huTQs8XS7FGjXhIAy
app/code/example.php  ly1EU3UzT8657S8PFoaqO49NBUL6iKpR
var/config/db.php TUNH3oqjPg1X2B2DssFoz4Cbto8bLiM4

Signature generation tool

Ideally an option in php executable, like this:

$ php --generate-signatures [-o .phpsigned] [-d /var/www/html]
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