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Forked from shaunsales/ExampleClass.cs
Created December 2, 2015 23:19
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Example Unity Class - How to format your code.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour // Try to name classes so other developers can infer their functionality. Abstract classes are prefixed with 'Base'
private enum WidgetType // Enums should end in 'Type' and can be inlined with the class if private, but generally should be relocated if public
private struct SomeWidgetData // Custom structs used by the class can use public fields, if custom classes or structs need to be public, break them out
public int WidgetId;
public string WidgetName;
private const int WIDGET_OFFSET = 10; // Consts come before serialized fields, but after any enums, classes or structs used by the class
[Header("Widget Properties")] // Use the Header attribute to organize your serializable fields
[SerializeField] private Transform m_TargetTransform; // Serialized fields should be marked private, and start with 'm_'
private string m_SomeString; // Non-serialized fields come after serialized fields, and start with 'm_'
protected bool m_SomeBool; // Use the protected access modifier to allow inherited classes to access the field
public bool IsWidgetReady { get; private set; } // Properties should have a private or protected set where possible, and follow normal Pascal case
public Transform Transform { get; private set; } // Note that it is OK to have public properties named the same as their type - the compiler can infer what you want to use
private Dictionary<int,Transform> m_WidgetTransforms; // Use dictionaries where possible, retrieval via key is fast
private void Awake() // Use awake to initialize variables that are used for the duration of the class lifecycle
m_WidgetTransforms = new Dictionary<int, Transform>(); // Initialize in Awake rather than in the fields declaration
private void Start() // Unity Monobehaviour methods should come first
// Comments should have a space after the '//' and be written as proper sentences
int someValue = 3; // Local variables should be camel case
Transform someTransform = this.GetComponent<Transform>(); // When using Monobehaviour derived methods, prefix with 'this.'
public string GetWidgetName(int widgetId) // Public methods are Pascal case and parameters are camel case - note that 'ID' is written 'Id' - try to avoid consecutive uppercase
Debug.LogFormat("Output:{0}, {1}, {2}", "hello", widgetId, "world"); // Use Debug.LogFormat where possible
Vector3 position = this.transform.position; // As of Unity 5, there's no point caching transforms as it's done internally
return "hello world";
public void CheckSomething() // Note that CheckSomething calls the coroutine StartCheckingSomething - we can easily infer the intended functionality
private IEnumerator StartCheckingSomething() // Coroutine names should begin with "Start" and if called by another method, should be easily associated
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
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