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Last active May 9, 2024 15:52
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Unity WorkFlow Issues And Bugs

RANDOM (TO BE SORTED..Latest issues at bottom, maybe more relevant)

  • Folded box colliders keep unfolding here and there
  • No alpha in generated Sprite (circle) when assigned to UI Image
  • Never know for sure what version works best with VR and post processing..
  • Sprite slicer doesnt work with small sprites (support said wont fix)
  • Shadergraph: how to move node with all its connected parent nodes?
  • Tried to update oculus package, failed due to dll in use, restarting didnt help, deleted whole oculus folder, alt tab and back, deleted folder appread back! (multiple tiles, until deleted library and some other folder also)
  • Cannot drag objects to another folder, if target folder already contains same filename, but there is no info to user that its the case
  • More than once a week, sign into unity dialog
  • Doing multiselect DeSelect in project window, it jumps to first item on every deselect
  • Script still compiling error message (if created script, then tried to drag it into gameobject)
  • Game window camera view keeps resetting to small size (on play) then fixed if resize window
  • Gizmos are too big by default size
  • Project folders keep expanding after play
  • New project folder icons too similar, double clicked folder as thought it was script
  • If select some data file, cannot see its extension anywhere (should be easy to add in inspector top bar with the name)
  • 2018.3.13f1 F2 and right click rename stopped working suddenly (created and assigned material to sphere), reset layout fixed
  • Scene hierarchy got minimized somewhere during working
  • By default, opening scene minimizes the scene hierarchy (2018.x)
  • Textmesh pro, cannot hide gizmo
  • WASD speed adjust only allows 2x (mousescroll)
  • No shaded wireframe option in scene (new unitys?)
  • Generated audioclip doesnt show audiodata in inspector (wasted hours trying to debug why its 0)
  • Material minimizes on play
  • After playmode, selection changes in hierarchy (to scene root), but inspector still shows the gameobject you selected during play mode (2019.3.x)
  • Event target dropdown should display error color if method is missing, very easy to miss it if had changed method signature
  • Started playing with particle system, takes 30 seconds to change one value.. 2020..
  • Gizmos are too big by default
  • Right mouse down + mouse scroll, adjusts speed..but rather do camera move
  • Undo is inconsistant, sometimes it undoes something else (not the actual action you just did in inspector or elsewhere)
  • Unity almost hangs if baking lightmap, then enter oculus vr sdk application id (checking packages..)
  • Enter playmode, baked materials disappear (if disabled [x] auto generate)
  • Switch scene, and back, need to rebake..
  • Adding UI/EventSystem doesnt add it to scene (2018.3.13f1) *happens in Oculus VR Scenes, need to restart unity into empty scene to fix
  • Unassigned reference error, pinging the script or gameobject should be on by default
  • if i undo movement, should revert baking also (instead of rebaking everything)
  • Baking went black after adjusted one wall color, setting it back didnt fix it (auto bake is on)
  • Cannot bake with GPU using disable shadows from one object
  • If mesh gameobject has Linerenderer, cannot see material on it
  • no basic texture adjustment tools (rotate, flip, merge channels..)
  • installed unity 2019.3.4f1, now its asking to install unity hub for license.. but i have hub installed (and 2017, 2018 works)
  • wanted to write review for asset in asset store window, but encrypting package blocked view
  • imported some asset store plugin, but i dont know where it went? which folder? should show different color or bolding, or ping for the most recently added/changed folder(s)
  • by default imported model transform was minimized (when dropped to scene)? 2018.3.13
  • F2 rename stops working sometimes? 2018.3.13f1
  • 2019.3.4f1 runs, but cannot signin, says it requires hub
  • editor font changes sometimes, gets fixed on renaming something in project window?
  • Hierarchy order changes sometimes (if was prefab lost, then restored?)
  • shader minimizes on play
  • cannot delete opened project folder, until closed hub?
  • wrong android SDK/JDK/NDK versions, not working with built-in setting
  • black scrollbar on black background
  • searching t:scene the default results are shown as icons, but i need list
  • cannot open prefab in play mode?
  • depth render mode for gizmos (like colliders, now its a mess to see colliders in large scene, since they are drawn on top)
  • hierarchy looks like gameobject is in same level as child objects from another parent! (only difference is > in front)
  • nicetohave: multiple material editor, all materials listed, can assign textures values to them in single window, also collect materials from scene
  • cannot copy paste colors across unity instances
  • assigning metallic map sets smoothness to 1, it was other value before
  • often would like to have option to override files, when dropping from explorer (or from another folder)
  • click script, few times a month or week, visual studio doesnt open and unity stuck
  • cannot see mesh colliders in scene view
  • cannot see selection outline for meshes, if meshrenderer is inactive
  • copy pasting color with trailing space doesnt work "50b948 " (could easily remove extra spaces)
  • dragging transform outside view causes it to jump around, compared to max where it wraps and continues smoothly
  • would be nice to have option to set ignore these file extensions or folders from importing (for custom data types)
  • dragging file down to another folder in project window, it scrolls really slow if need to go down
  • vs removes intends for #ifdefs..
  • make single object to render as wireframe
  • cannot select child gameobject (1 parent sphere, 3 childs of each other)
  • could have: page down/up to traverse childs in current selection
  • escape doesnt clear project window search, if have something selected from project window
  • shadergraph: how to add comments, how to quickly test different lines of code versions? (easy in scripting)
  • missing: undo scene camera movement (shift+ctrl+z like 3ds max)
  • could show selected item type in inspector (instead of having to mouseover help button)
  • bug: trailrenderer point steals focus on enter press to time field
  • shadergraph: cannot esc close precision window
  • shadergraph: cannot resize properties panel from sides
  • old input manager: typing "Joystick button 0" simply erased the field, correct is "joystick button 0"
  • cannot drag n drop OnClick event (need to press + first)
  • select preset window, no option to import external..
  • could have some key-hold option to drag n drop image into gameobject (going into image component, instead of creating new image component)
  • copy path doesnt copy full path
  • cannot drag and drop files directly from zip folder
  • bug: undoinw ui canvas worldspace to screenspace, doesnt restore size
  • copy paste ui elements from scene to another, doesnt keep the order in hierarchy
  • lock inspector, should have bright red icon when locked (or otherwise more visible)
  • lock inspector, is there shortcut key, like Space in 3ds max
  • toggling between vr on off is difficult and slow
  • curve editor could have more tools (like invert, flip, all default easing curves included)
  • hub installs stuff at c drive
  • duplicate npm packages 4.5gb x 2 in unity cache packages and npm
  • bug: rename prefab in inspector, ctrl+s, reverts rename..
  • cannot copy material to another (properties)
  • scene is slow to load (its not even big), and no progress or cancel option
  • see someone strugling with xr, urp, trees
  • package manager: doesnt show latest version in first, search, need to search again
  • package manager: cannot search again with same keyword, it doesnt search, need to change keyword (or add space)
  • package manager: alt tab away, after update package, different package is selected.. (so accidentally you might import it)
  • bug: Animator window receives keypresses, even if window not active (like F key)
  • if search scene, highlight gets blown up with post processing effects
  • mousescroll getinput is read from any window in editor, bit annoying if try to scroll other windows with it
  • build: streamingassets, empty folders are not included in build (but they should, since they might be used for something)
  • shader upgrade messes up end of lines "There are inconsistent line endings in the 'Assets/GITIGNORE/Shaders/LerpColorNearToFarPlane.shader' script. Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows."
  • reimport doesnt bring back shader warnings
  • Errors during import of AudioClip Assets/GITIGNORE/VIDEODEPTH/ImportedOgg.ogg: FSBTool ERROR: Internal error from FMOD sub-system. FSBTool ERROR: Internal error from FMOD sub-system.
  • Movie importing requires Quicktime to be installed? (32bit?)
  • after installing 32 bit unity, unitypackages now all want to open for that version?
  • could have resize tools for colliders (mirrored resize, and corner pull etc) with alt/shift keys
  • gameobject ping from console log doesnt always bring it visible in hierarchy (also often very bottom line, barely visible)
  • cannot search from parents of selected object (if deep hierarchy and need to find certain gameobject or component within childs)
  • animator window, i dont know which animation controller is open currently (not visible anywhere?)
  • if rename text in hierarchy, cannot click search field (but would be useful, since you just copied the renamed text to search with that)
  • nice if have: search online context menu for console
  • dropdown menu doesnt jump into currently selected position, see public KeyCode asdf; select F3, then select again, need to scroll down to see
    • needs a way to drag and drop files, with Overwrite (instead of it creating copies)
  • how to search within current hierarchy only, not full scene?
  • would be nice to have option "dont copy streaming assets", or "keep old streaming assets folder", so build is faster, no need to copy gigabytes of data
  • BUG: create 70 anim clips from 0-6000, unity takes 32gb memory and fails to import anim?
  • animator window: player line flickers when drag clips
  • animation window hangs on complex animations (with lots of keyframes)
  • BUG: URP renderer features, shader passes, cannot remove added items (- button is locked)
  • linerenderer scene editing: cannot press page down/up to move next vert? also its quite difficult to use (UX)
  • splash screen editor, would be nice to add text easily
  • calling ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot twice, only 1 is saved
  • bug: Mesh used in Particle System Shape Module is not valid, possibly due to missing read/write flag *but its because 0 verts? or null mesh?
  • particles not visible in scene view?? (playmode)
  • project window: 2019.4.x when you create folder and rename it, selection is no longer there (so cannot use arrow keys)
  • selecting compute shader in project window doesnt show its source in inspector (like scripts and shaders)
  • create compute shader, initially wrong icon (text icon?) before set name
  • 2020.2 : can no longer drop shader into material in inspector
  • test framework allows naming your test script with invalid name (like - char in name)
  • headless serverbuild still compiles shaders?
  • 2019.4.12 pressing play doesnt give instant feedback, so you press again, and then it start from previous click and stops from 2nd click
  • if you do build then enter folder (in filename field), if it doesnt exists, you get error.. why not create the folder then
  • if replace gameobject for button target, it resets click method, even though new script has the same script.. then need to assign again
  • unity crashes if import fbx when not connected to internet(?)
  • QOL: scene save dialog, should automatically offer Scenes/ folder if available
  • QOL: Package manager, import package, doesnt show anywhere if this package is already imported, and possible its version(?)
  • QOL: 3d gizmos are too big at start
  • QOL: android package name, cannot build with default, projectname starting with number doesnt work
  • QOL: videoplayer, when select rendermode "camera near plane", and click camera picker, it offers Assets folder (but camera is in scene of course)
  • QOL: build succeeded log message, would be nice to have datetime clock on that, so that you remember when was your last build (if you go out from computer during build)
  • QOL: for pro/plus, splash should be disabled by default (you always forgot it on in first build)
  • QOL: scene save dialog, should automatically offer Scenes/ folder if available
  • QOL: Package manager, import package, doesnt show anywhere if this package is already imported, and possible its version(?)
  • QOL: 3d gizmos are too big at start
  • QOL: android package name, cannot build with default, projectname starting with number doesnt work
  • QOL: videoplayer, when select rendermode "camera near plane", and click camera picker, it offers Assets folder (but camera is in scene of course)
  • QOL: build succeeded log message, would be nice to have datetime clock on that, so that you remember when was your last build (if you go out from computer during build)
  • QOL: for pro/plus, splash should be disabled by default (you always forgot it on in first build)
  • QOL: tool to invert animation curve
  • QOL: frame debugger, loses your previous selection every time you play and test again
  • QOL: nice if could copy scripts (files) and components, from another unity instance to another (ctrl+c)
  • selecting from asset browser, doesnt display assets path (difficult to know which one is correct, if 2 have same name)
  • cannot open scene that is downloaded from package manager
  • hard to see if custom package is selected, to remove it in package manager
  • importing custom package from tarball, initially nothing happens when you clicked import (its probably unzipping it?)
  • Frame object, it gameobject is disabled, it zooms too far, if enabled its better (for default quad)
  • new project, untitled scene is minimized in hierarchy, why?
  • importing package, warning dialog "the unity package has package manager dependencies", but which package and what dependencies?
  • file build menu could have menu item, run last build
    • bug: if move main scene window to another screeen, then open another scene window, then close original scene window, then build, that original scene window opens again
  • QOL: cannot right click on empty inspector area to paste component
  • gpu baking, keeps saying preparing bake 7seconds left, then again and again.. not sure whats happening, same for GI baking, it bakes something then starts again, what is total estimate?
  • BUG: 2021.2.7f1, if open 2 unitys at the same time, cannot write license - error
  • QOL: cannot copy events.. (as whole list)
  • QOL: hierarchy collapses on build (you lose your current tree that you were working on)
  • QOL: sort project window search results by last modified (to find the thing you had modified today)
  • QOL: package manager, cannot double click to enable/disable builtin modules
  • QOL: make linear default for desktop projects (now takes long time to switch if already import art to project)
  • QOL: setting exr texture mode to cube, and apply, texture becomes unselected
  • QOL: buying package from asset store, while package manager is open, it wont upgrade list even if press refresh, need to restart unity?
  • UX: importing package, the root folder is greyed out, as if not included? and hard to read then.. its most important folder to know where the files will go. (and even better if it becomes selected and pinged after import)
  • QOL: cannot overwrite folder by drag n drop to project window (from explorer), folder gets auto-renamed for extra confusion! (having some overwrite icon would be nice, if want to create new name can hold shift or other key)
  • QOL: copying component now takes extra clicks and mouse moves (sub menu, when previously it was easy to just copy and paste direcly)
  • QOL: cannot undo scene stuff after build
  • QOL: from particle preview panel, needs toggle to disable outline (from particles only! hard to see them with huge orange outline)
  • QOL: animation preview window doesnt show animation length in seconds (you can scrub the anim in preview player, but cannot jump to last frame, it wraps around)
  • QOL: Link slider dynamic value to text field (as string), now it only supports float.. so cannot
  • QOL: If want to delete child from prefab, have to open prefab, but then you lose selection (of multiple objects that you wanted to delete), and they are all same color (compared to disabled gameobject inside prefab in scene) *unless apply changes, but what if just want to delete..
  • QOL: when building night scenes, you'd like some mode for game window to show your scene camera view with full effects, but in scene camera you want to disable lights (otherwise cannot see at night, but then dont know how scene looks with lights)

added 18.08.2022

  • QOL: cannot cut-copy-paste object in hierarchy (to move it from one parent to another easily, like files)
  • QOL: When you search in hierarchy, and then select something in project window, search is cleared (when you wanted to pick something from project window to assign into those search result gameobjects)
  • QOL: hierachy doesnt display result count (sometimes need to know how many objects named "asdf"), same for selecting hundreds of objects, cannot see selected count
  • BUG: Package manager doesnt show Update button right away, only later.. but then you already had imported the "old" version
  • BUG: Updating unity package after it was imported, error: its locked by unity?
  • Feature: PlayerPrefs will be mixed with another application with same company and app name.. (maybe some option to use unique id per project?)
  • QOL: shadergraph, save as.., new graph doesnt have same zoom anymore
  • QOL: shadergraph, if you start dragging node from near left edge, it scrolls away, but you just wanted to pick node from there towards right
  • Shadergraph, custom function, .HLSL not allowed as filename, needs to be lowercase
  • BUG: 2021.2 and later, doesnt load your current editor layout
  • QOL: shadergraph, doesnt show any indication that input is incompatible
  • UX: shadergraph, first click in element doesnt activate it always (if typed output name, then clicked next item?)
  • UX/QOL: shadergraph, no info why cannot connect custom float node into regular float input?
  • QOL: Import unity package, needs search field to be able to search all incoming files, to find some needed file (without import whole package)
  • QOL: memory profiler, cannot scroll the object list with arrow keys
  • QOL: cannot right click on unity event, to edit script or go to method
  • QOL: unity cloud build, show expired credentials in different color (or dont list them at all at the credentials selection dropdown, since they wont work..)
  • QOL: add better webgl full screen template, like
  • QOL: package manager, cannot search with publisher name
  • QOL: build settings has StackTrace settings, but it resets if you set StackTrace settings in Console.. Rather have separate settings for build vs editor
  • Missing feature: Cannot lasso select parts, it selects the parent instead of childs
  • UX: if you just renamed gameobject (text focus is on gameobject name box), cannot click new gameobject until click once in hierarchy
  • UX: when using object selection window, cannot see different color for empty transform (parent) vs transform child with mesh (in scene they have different color icons, but in selection/search window its same blue)
  • QOL: when exit open prefab, previous selection is lost (you had the prefab selected)
  • QOL: when you select multiple files and folders, would be nice to click those separate file groups in the inspector (where it says count per type) and then you could quickly do multiselect operations to those files (since its not possible for mixed files)
  • QOL: holding drag & drop material over Materials/ minimized field, doesnt open the field automatically.. (and dropping it would add item, not overwrite first item) *but you can drop the material over mesh renderer!
  • QOL: enter playmode zooms out shadergraph (so you loose your current zoom)
  • BUG: failed to update project manifest, 2020.3.9f1c1 is not a valid unity version
  • UX: searching VFX from package manager doesnt return visual effects graph, same for hdrp
  • UX: vfx graph: no tooltip on the (w)/(l) in Set Position block, probably its worldspace, localspace switch button?
  • QOL: cannot open multiple vfx graphs (to look example or copy from another)?
  • QOL: vfx graph, cannot collapse group
  • UX: vfx graph, cannot order sticky notes on top of other nodes
  • VFX graph: always shows the attached to (gameobject name)
  • UX: vfx graph, type is hidden on another page (from that cog button), easy to miss it when looking at uncollapsedn Sample Graphics Buffer, and it doesnt show up on the main view
  • BUG: Cannot undo lighting/env(hdrp)/profile field values (if removed profile, ctrl+z doesnt restore it)
  • UX: scene is initially collapsed in hierarchy (when you open new project)
  • QOL: would be nice if import package displays both materials (in case one is getting owerwritten with new), so could compare
  • QOL: would be nice if multiselect in hierarchy, it would show filter like in Project multiselect (to take subselection of meshes for example)
  • QOL: allow multiselect for multiple models: material settings tab! (all the other tabs allow multiselection)

Added 04.10.2022

  • Package Manager: Remove and Install button are the same button! (muscle memory issues, sometimes you remove package then its already installed)
  • PM: show changelog in this window already, atleast breaking changes info..
  • QOL: assign external default tools to edit files (like audio), then can click edit button in inspector (where there is Open button already, but open with default viewer wouldnt work for most files, for editing)
  • New Input System: Path Binding dropdown window is too small, cannot see texts, and no tooltip to show full names
  • QOL: play audio files from "Select AudioClip" window! (when selecting them for inspector field)
  • If import file to project (using drag n drop from explorer), current selection is lost (bad if had selected objects that you want to assign this newly imported audio or texture, as multiselect)
  • features: Group gameobjects would be nice! like 3ds max. ctrl+g/shift+g or menu item..
  • UX: cannot select scenes in build window list with space (need to press mouse), but can move with arrow keys..
  • QOL: UI toggle button event, on changed, would be nice to invert the bool value for Dynamic Bool, so that no need to write script to do that (this is to hide or disable objecs on toggle button click with dynamic gameobject set active
  • BUG: tmpro doesnt work if disabled domain reload
  • BUG: if you set windowed resolution, cannot change it later (it keeps first resolution, until change company name or project name)
  • BUG: "ProfilerRecorder object is not initialized or has been disposed" spam in build
  • BUG: Sprite render order is different in editor vs build (pc), root sprite, then child sprite (in editor child is rendered after parent, not in build)

Added 03.02.2023

  • UX: in playmode, prefab inspector moves up a bit, since those prefab buttons disappears in playmode (then if you try copy position, need to move mouse every time between playmode/stop, since the position changes for transform fields)
  • QOL: cannot drag n drop script to scene, need to create gameobject or add to existing, nice if could drop to scene and empty game is created, like with sprite
  • QOL: allow drag and drop file from Explorer, on top of existing file, and take filename from that target file!! (with some key pressed down), instead of: Open in explorer, copy new file, rename file, delete old file etc..
  • UX: Ctrl+Home/End doesnt work in inspector textbox (text input)
  • UX: if you are not signed in editor, package manager fails, and also XR settings enabling plugins fails with mysterious
  • messages "XR Plug-in Management error. Failure reason: Error Message: Unable to add package [com.unity.xr.mock-hmd]:", should offer to login if cannot download package
  • UX: hierarchy, if you delete object and then press up, selection goes to scene root (instead of next or previous object near the deleted (selected) object)
  • UX/QOL: when rotating gameobject, cannot see the axis arrows!!! need to stop rotating and check which way blue axis is now pointing
  • ProjectWindow: If apply import settings for model, file gets deselected after import finished
  • QOL: Nice if could copy position, by clicking "position" text in transform, and then ctrl+c (or right click, or double click) and then same for paste (instead of having to use right click menu on transform)
  • QOL: Cloud build, if build fails, show possible solutions (like in case of "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)", its probably the certificate issue?)
  • BUG: noise makes particle system slow? noise as child emitter?
  • BUG: if toggle trail, child emitter spawn rotates?
  • Safe mode: Clicking error line doesnt ping the script file in Project window (difficult to fix the scrips then)

Added 16.01.2024

  • 2023 beta, QOL: Light explorer, cannot click "Isolate Selection" label to toggle checkbox (need to aim into small checkbox instead)
  • QOL: cannot triple click transform fields to select all (if have value 123.00001, double clicking it selects only until dot)
  • 2019.4 QOL: Build settings, if you multiselect scenes, cannot press Space to toggle all of them on or off (with space key from keyboard)
  • QOL: Nice if could copy position, by clicking "position" text in transform, and then ctrl+c (or right click, or double click) and then same for paste (instead of having to use right click menu on transform) **Or just right click on the transform position text, to copy instantly
  • QOL: When dragging object with ctrl+shift (to snap on ground, with center pivot enabled), it doesnt work if object has collider! (works if disable collider on the dragged object)
  • UX: New input system, input actions window, if you move with arrow keys to left, in the actions panel, it jumps to Action maps (instead of collapsing the current row, in actions tree)
  • Collider outlines are draw on top of everything (on big models it makes it impossible to see anything, that if some area is missing collider for example, in VR scenes, colliders are sometimes separate from visible meshes, so cannot select model to see collider for that, need to select teleport area colliders, which are collapsed together)
  • QOL: Console, could have buttons to jump into next error, prev error (to help browsing long console log with hundreds of debug logs and few errors mixed between logs)
  • QOL: Cannot drag n drop file into Project window, if it has search active (list is filtered with search string)
  • UX: 2023.1, searching for shader: "sprite", the result list doesnt display "Sprite/shadername", it displays "shadername (sprite)" and (sprite) is quite faded out, hard to see
  • UX: 2023.1, Export package, useless title for "items to export" (takes too much space at the top)

added 9.5.2024

  • 2023 beta, QOL: Light explorer, cannot click "Isolate Selection" label to toggle checkbox (need to aim into small checkbox instead)
  • QOL: cannot triple click transform fields to select all (if have value 123.00001, double clicking it selects only until dot)
  • 2019.4 QOL: Build settings, if you multiselect scenes, cannot press Space to toggle all of them on or off (with space key from keyboard)
  • QOL: Nice if could copy position, by clicking "position" text in transform, and then ctrl+c (or right click, or double click) and then same for paste (instead of having to use right click menu on transform) **Or just right click on the transform position text, to copy instantly
  • QOL: When dragging object with ctrl+shift (to snap on ground, with center pivot enabled), it doesnt work if object has collider! (works if disable collider on the dragged object)
  • UX: New input system, input actions window, if you move with arrow keys to left, in the actions panel, it jumps to Action maps (instead of collapsing the current row, in actions tree)
  • Collider outlines are draw on top of everything (on big models it makes it impossible to see anything, that if some area is missing collider for example, in VR scenes, colliders are sometimes separate from visible meshes, so cannot select model to see collider for that, need to select teleport area colliders, which are collapsed together)
  • QOL: Console, could have buttons to jump into next error, prev error (to help browsing long console log with hundreds of debug logs and few errors mixed between logs)
  • QOL: Cannot drag n drop file into Project window, if it has search active (list is filtered with search string)
  • UX: 2023.1, searching for shader: "sprite", the result list doesnt display "Sprite/shadername", it displays "shadername (sprite)" and (sprite) is quite faded out, hard to see
  • UX: 2023.1, Export package, useless title for "items to export" (takes too much space at the top)
  • UX: 2022.3, new input system window, cannot navigate action maps and actions with arrow keys properly! (left arrow in Actions jumps directly to action maps, instead of collapse or move parent)
  • UX, ShaderGraph: Notes, cannot make them smaller (they have too big minsize, minheight)
  • UX, ShaderGraph: Notes, editing note text doesnt happen "inplace" so you cannot see the whole text when editing, and cursor location moves around when edit and not edit..
  • UX, ShaderGraph: Creating new blocks, keep it minimized (have option to enable minimized preview by default, OR better, if i have minimized preview previously, then minimize new ones too)
  • BUG: unity safe mode, if you press ESC in that dialog, it takes ESC as CONTINUE ANYWAY, instead of Cancel
  • new input system: would be nice to be able to disable some input button (temporarily), without deleting it?
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