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Created December 13, 2018 00:37
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CC1101 OOK receiver
from digitalio import DigitalInOut
import board
import busio
from adafruit_bus_device.spi_device import SPIDevice
IOCFG2 = 0x00 # GDO2 Output Pin Configuration
IOCFG1 = 0x01 # GDO1 Output Pin Configuration
IOCFG0 = 0x02 # GDO0 Output Pin Configuration
FIFOTHR = 0x03 # RX FIFO and TX FIFO Thresholds
SYNC1 = 0x04 # Sync Word, High Byte
SYNC0 = 0x05 # Sync Word, Low Byte
PKTLEN = 0x06 # Packet Length
PKTCTRL1 = 0x07 # Packet Automation Control
PKTCTRL0 = 0x08 # Packet Automation Control
ADDR = 0x09 # Device Address
CHANNR = 0x0A # Channel Number
FSCTRL1 = 0x0B # Frequency Synthesizer Control
FSCTRL0 = 0x0C # Frequency Synthesizer Control
FREQ2 = 0x0D # Frequency Control Word, High Byte
FREQ1 = 0x0E # Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
FREQ0 = 0x0F # Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
MDMCFG4 = 0x10 # Modem Configuration
MDMCFG3 = 0x11 # Modem Configuration
MDMCFG2 = 0x12 # Modem Configuration
MDMCFG1 = 0x13 # Modem Configuration
MDMCFG0 = 0x14 # Modem Configuration
DEVIATN = 0x15 # Modem Deviation Setting
MCSM2 = 0x16 # Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
MCSM1 = 0x17 # Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
MCSM0 = 0x18 # Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
FOCCFG = 0x19 # Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
BSCFG = 0x1A # Bit Synchronization Configuration
AGCCTRL2 = 0x1B # AGC Control
AGCCTRL1 = 0x1C # AGC Control
AGCCTRL0 = 0x1D # AGC Control
WOREVT1 = 0x1E # High Byte Event0 Timeout
WOREVT0 = 0x1F # Low Byte Event0 Timeout
WORCTRL = 0x20 # Wake On Radio Control
FREND1 = 0x21 # Front End RX Configuration
FREND0 = 0x22 # Front End TX Configuration
FSCAL3 = 0x23 # Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
FSCAL2 = 0x24 # Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
FSCAL1 = 0x25 # Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
FSCAL0 = 0x26 # Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
RCCTRL1 = 0x27 # RC Oscillator Configuration
RCCTRL0 = 0x28 # RC Oscillator Configuration
# Configuration Register Details - Registers that Loose Programming in SLEEP State
FSTEST = 0x29 # Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Control
PTEST = 0x2A # Production Test
AGCTEST = 0x2B # AGC Test
TEST2 = 0x2C # Various Test Settings
TEST1 = 0x2D # Various Test Settings
TEST0 = 0x2E # Various Test Settings
# Command Strobe Registers
SRES = 0x30 # Reset chip
SFSTXON = 0x31 # Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1).
# If in RX (with CCA): Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer
# is running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).
SXOFF = 0x32 # Turn off crystal oscillator.
SCAL = 0x33 # Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off.
# SCAL can be strobed from IDLE mode without setting manual calibration mode.
SRX = 0x34 # Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.
STX = 0x35 # In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first
# If in RX state and CCA is enabled: Only go to TX if channel is clear.
SIDLE = 0x36 # Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable.
SWOR = 0x38 # Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio)
# as described in Section 19.5 if WORCTRL.RC_PD=0.
SPWD = 0x39 # Enter power down mode when CSn goes high.
SFRX = 0x3A # Flush the RX FIFO buffer. Only issue SFRX in IDLE or RXFIFO_OVERFLOW states.
SFTX = 0x3B # Flush the TX FIFO buffer. Only issue SFTX in IDLE or TXFIFO_UNDERFLOW states.
SWORRST = 0x3C # Reset real time clock to Event1 value.
SNOP = 0x3D # No operation. May be used to get access to the chip status byte.
# Status Register Details
PARTNUM = 0xF0 # Chip ID
VERSION = 0xF1 # Chip ID
FREQEST = 0xF2 # Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
LQI = 0xF3 # Demodulator Estimate for Link Quality
RSSI = 0xF4 # Received Signal Strength Indication
MARCSTATE = 0xF5 # Main Radio Control State Machine State
WORTIME1 = 0xF6 # High Byte of WOR Time
WORTIME0 = 0xF7 # Low Byte of WOR Time
PKTSTATUS = 0xF8 # Current GDOx Status and Packet Status
VCO_VC_DAC = 0xF9 # Current Setting from PLL Calibration Module
TXBYTES = 0xFA # Underflow and Number of Bytes
RXBYTES = 0xFB # Overflow and Number of Bytes
RCCTRL1_STATUS = 0xFC # Last RC Oscillator Calibration Result
RCCTRL0_STATUS = 0xFD # Last RC Oscillator Calibration Result
PA_TABLE = [0x00,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
def writeSingleByte(address, byte_data):
databuffer = bytearray([WRITE_SINGLE_BYTE | address, byte_data])
with device as d:
def readSingleByte(address):
databuffer = bytearray([READ_SINGLE_BYTE | address, 0x00])
with device as d:
d.write(databuffer, end=1)
d.readinto(databuffer, end=2)
return databuffer[0]
def readBurst(start_address, length):
databuffer = []
ret = bytearray(length+1)
for x in range(length + 1):
addr = (start_address + (x*8)) | READ_BURST
device.write_readinto(bytearray(databuffer), ret)
return ret
def writeBurst(address, data):
data.insert(0, (WRITE_BURST | address))
with device as d:
def strobe(address):
databuffer = bytearray([address, 0x00])
with device as d:
d.write(databuffer, end=1)
d.readinto(databuffer, end=2)
return databuffer
mySPI = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI, MISO=board.MISO)
cs = DigitalInOut(board.D9)
gdo0 = DigitalInOut(board.D10)
device = SPIDevice(mySPI, cs, baudrate=50000, polarity=0, phase=0)
writeSingleByte(IOCFG2, 0x29)
writeSingleByte(IOCFG1, 0x2E)
writeSingleByte(IOCFG0, 0x06)
writeSingleByte(FIFOTHR, 0x47)
writeSingleByte(SYNC1, 0x66)
writeSingleByte(SYNC0, 0x6A)
writeSingleByte(PKTLEN, 0x0A)
writeSingleByte(PKTCTRL1, 0x04)
writeSingleByte(PKTCTRL0, 0x04)
writeSingleByte(ADDR, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(CHANNR, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(FSCTRL1, 0x06)
writeSingleByte(FSCTRL0, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(FREQ2, 0x10) #. 0x10 .#
writeSingleByte(FREQ1, 0xB5) #. 0xB0 .#
writeSingleByte(FREQ0, 0x2B) #. 0x71 .#
writeSingleByte(MDMCFG4, 0xE7) #. 0xE6 .#
writeSingleByte(MDMCFG3, 0x10) #. 0xA7 .#
writeSingleByte(MDMCFG2, 0x32)
writeSingleByte(MDMCFG1, 0x22)
writeSingleByte(MDMCFG0, 0xF8)
writeSingleByte(DEVIATN, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(MCSM2, 0x07)
writeSingleByte(MCSM1, 0x30)
writeSingleByte(MCSM0, 0x18)
writeSingleByte(FOCCFG, 0x16)
writeSingleByte(BSCFG, 0x6C)
writeSingleByte(AGCCTRL2, 0x04)
writeSingleByte(AGCCTRL1, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(AGCCTRL0, 0x91)
writeSingleByte(WOREVT1, 0x87)
writeSingleByte(WOREVT0, 0x6B)
writeSingleByte(WORCTRL, 0xFB)
writeSingleByte(FREND1, 0x56)
writeSingleByte(FREND0, 0x11)
writeSingleByte(FSCAL3, 0xE9)
writeSingleByte(FSCAL2, 0x2A)
writeSingleByte(FSCAL1, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(FSCAL0, 0x1F)
writeSingleByte(RCCTRL1, 0x41)
writeSingleByte(RCCTRL0, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(FSTEST, 0x59)
writeSingleByte(PTEST, 0x7F)
writeSingleByte(AGCTEST, 0x3F)
writeSingleByte(TEST2, 0x81)
writeSingleByte(TEST1, 0x35)
writeSingleByte(TEST0, 0x09)
writeSingleByte(PARTNUM, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(VERSION, 0x04)
writeSingleByte(FREQEST, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(LQI, 0x7F)
writeSingleByte(RSSI, 0x80)
writeSingleByte(MARCSTATE, 0x01)
writeSingleByte(WORTIME1, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(WORTIME0, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(PKTSTATUS, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(VCO_VC_DAC, 0x94)
writeSingleByte(TXBYTES, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(RXBYTES, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(RCCTRL1_STATUS, 0x00)
writeSingleByte(RCCTRL0_STATUS, 0x00)
rx_bytes_val = readSingleByte(RXBYTES)
print("waiting for data")
while gdo0.value == False:
#if rx_bytes_val has something and Underflow bit is not 1
while not (rx_bytes_val & 0x7F and not (rx_bytes_val & 0x80)):
rx_bytes_val = readSingleByte(RXBYTES)
data_len = readSingleByte(PKTLEN)
data = readBurst(RXFIFO, data_len)
print("Data: ", ''.join(list(map(lambda x: zfill(x[2:],8), list(map(bin, data))))))
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