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Created July 10, 2015 21:08
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Nextgen TE XML correction
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.3.5">
<time result="objectives">45m</time>
<name>NextGen TE</name>
<objective>Take the enemy's wool located to either side of the enemy's base and place it in your victory monument.</objective>
<author uuid="dad8b95c-cf6a-44df-982e-8c8dd70201e0" contribution="reinventing the map"/> <!-- ElectroidFilms -->
<contributor uuid="cbdc7b1d-7a07-465b-bebb-4f20bfb8ebd8" contribution="re-reinventing the map"/> <!-- Cratain -->
<contributor uuid="621b2aa8-4e5f-4ed8-bd36-0ae2f8952a06"/>
<contributor uuid="ef4ea031-998f-4ec9-b7b6-1bdd428bcef8" contribution="old map design"/> <!-- Plastix -->
<contributor uuid="82c796a5-c033-43be-af30-fa06496995f9" contribution="old map design"/> <!-- IM_A_H0B0 -->
<contributor uuid="3c7db14d-ac4b-4e35-b2c6-3b2237f382be" contribution="old map design and gameplay management"/> <!-- MonsieurApple -->
<contributor uuid="25961a08-c90c-4abd-b136-dad90e89c2eb" contribution="old map design and item management"/> <!-- Anxuiz -->
<team id="blue" color="blue" max="10" max-overfill="10">Blue</team>
<team id="red" color="dark red" max="10" max-overfill="10">Red</team>
<spawn team="red" yaw="180">
<spawn team="blue" yaw="0">
<default yaw="-90">
<cylinder base="-158.5,51,13.5" radius="3" height="0"/>
<!-- Team Filters -->
<filter name="only-blue">
<filter name="only-red">
<!-- Block Filters -->
<filter name="deny-void">
<filter name="only-iron">
<block>iron block</block>
<!-- Usage Filters -->
<filter name="not-chest">
<filter name="only-red-usage">
<filter name="only-blue-usage">
<!-- Region Definitions -->
<rectangle name="all" min="-oo,-oo" max="oo,oo"/>
<union name="void-exemptions">
<rectangle min="-118,70" max="-133,-43"/>
<rectangle min="-184,70" max="-199,-43"/>
<rectangle min="-184,31" max="-163,-4"/>
<rectangle min="-133,-4" max="-154,31"/>
<rectangle min="-164,55" max="-154,47"/> <!-- > correction here < -->
<rectangle min="-163,-28" max="-154,-21"/>
<union name="spawns">
<cuboid name="red-spawn" min="-144,0,56" max="-173,9,80"/>
<mirror name="blue-spawn" region="red-spawn" origin="-158.5,0,13.5" normal="0,0,-1"/>
<union name="wool-rooms">
<union name="blue-rooms">
<union name="yellow-room">
<rectangle min="-132,96" max="-118,86"/>
<rectangle min="-131,85" max="-118,86"/>
<rectangle min="-130,84" max="-118,86"/>
<rectangle min="-129,83" max="-118,86"/>
<rectangle min="-128,82" max="-118,86"/>
<union name="purple-room">
<rectangle min="-185,96" max="-199,86"/>
<rectangle min="-186,85" max="-199,86"/>
<rectangle min="-187,84" max="-199,86"/>
<rectangle min="-188,83" max="-199,86"/>
<rectangle min="-189,82" max="-199,86"/>
<union name="red-rooms">
<union name="orange-room">
<rectangle min="-185,-69" max="-199,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-186,-58" max="-199,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-187,-57" max="-199,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-188,-56" max="-199,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-189,-55" max="-199,-59"/>
<union name="lime-room">
<rectangle min="-132,-69" max="-118,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-131,-58" max="-118,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-130,-57" max="-118,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-129,-56" max="-118,-59"/>
<rectangle min="-128,-55" max="-118,-59"/>
<union name="wool-placements">
<block location="-159.5,5.5,78.5" name="orange-wool"/>
<block location="-157.5,5.5,78.5" name="lime-wool"/>
<block location="-159.5,5.5,-51.5" name="purple-wool"/>
<block location="-157.5,5.5,-51.5" name="yellow-wool"/>
<!-- Block Rules -->
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not edit the spawn area!">
<region name="spawns"/>
<apply block-place="deny-void" message="You many not build outside the map!">
<region name="void-exemptions"/>
<apply block="only-red" message="You may not edit the enemy wool room!">
<region name="red-rooms"/>
<apply block="only-blue" message="You may not edit the enemy wool room!">
<region name="blue-rooms"/>
<!-- Entry Rules -->
<apply enter="only-red" message="You may not enter the enemy wool room!">
<region name="red-rooms"/>
<apply enter="only-blue" message="You may not enter the enemy wool room!">
<region name="blue-rooms"/>
<!-- Usage Rules -->
<apply use="only-blue-usage" message="You may not interact with the enemy wool room!">
<region name="blue-rooms"/>
<apply use="only-red-usage" message="You may not interact with the enemy wool room!">
<region name="red-rooms"/>
<wools craftable="false">
<wool team="blue" color="purple" location="-193.5,14.5,90.5">
<region name="purple-wool"/>
<wool team="blue" color="yellow" location="-123.5,14.5,90.5">
<region name="yellow-wool"/>
<wool team="red" color="lime" location="-123.5,14.5,-63.5">
<region name="lime-wool"/>
<wool team="red" color="orange" location="-193.5,14.5,-63.5">
<region name="orange-wool"/>
<item>glowstone dust</item>
<item>sugar cane</item>
<item>clay ball</item>
<item>stone plate</item>
<item>iron sword</item>
<item>iron pickaxe</item>
<item>iron spade</item>
<item>log 2</item>
<item>glass bottle</item>
<item>cooked fish</item>
<respawn delay="5s"/>
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