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Last active September 20, 2022 05:37
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Block Cloudflare MITM attack

This is a source code of BCMA's "Block Cloudflare MITM Attack".

PRs are welcome.

This add-on will block, notify, or redirect your request if the target website is using Cloudflare.
Submit to global surveillance or resist. The choice is yours.

* This add-on don't save your setting to disk. (no "storage" permission)

Download add-on

"Welcome to PRISM 2.0"
const cf_flag_ok = 'icons/cf_0.png';
const cf_flag_ng = 'icons/cf_1.png';
const force_whitelist = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''];
let my_cf_collection = [];
let my_cf_ignore = [];
let my_action = 2;
setTimeout(function () {
const storageItem =['my_cf_collection', 'my_cf_ignore', 'my_action']);
storageItem.then((res) => {
if (Object.entries(res).length === 0) {{
my_cf_collection: [],
my_cf_ignore: [],
my_action: 2
else {
const storageItem =['my_cf_collection', 'my_cf_ignore', 'my_action']);
storageItem.then((res) => {
my_cf_collection = res.my_cf_collection;
my_cf_ignore = res.my_cf_ignore;
my_action = res.my_action;
}, 2000);
function onError(e) {
console.log(`BCMA: Error:${e}`);
function get_realdomain(w) {
var wa = w.split('.');
var wa_l = wa.length;
if (wa_l <= 2) {
return w;
if (wa_l >= 3) {
if (wa[0] == 'by' || wa[0] == 'ki' || wa[0] == 'na' || wa[0] == 'tm' || wa[0] == 'vc') {
if (wa[1] == 'com') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'af' || wa[0] == 'bz' || wa[0] == 'lb' || wa[0] == 'lc' || wa[0] == 'mm' || wa[0] == 'mt' || wa[0] == 'ng' || wa[0] == 'sb' || wa[0] == 'sc' || wa[0] == 'sl') {
if (wa[1] == 'com' || wa[1] == 'edu' || wa[1] == 'gov' || wa[1] == 'net' || wa[1] == 'org') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'org') {
if (wa[1] == 'ae') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gg' || wa[0] == 'je') {
if (wa[1] == 'co' || wa[1] == 'net' || wa[1] == 'org') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'name') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ag') {
if (['com', 'net', 'org', 'co', 'nom', 'edu', 'gov'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ai') {
if (['off', 'com', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ao') {
if (['co', 'ed', 'it', 'og', 'pb'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ar') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'gob', 'int', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'tur'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'at') {
if (['gv', 'ac', 'co', 'or'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'au') {
if (['com', 'net', 'org', 'edu', 'gov', 'csiro', 'asn', 'id', 'act', 'nsw', 'nt', 'qld', 'sa', 'tas', 'vic', 'wa'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'az') {
if (['biz', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'int', 'mil', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pp'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ba') {
if (['com', 'co', 'rs'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bd') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'ac', 'net', 'gov', 'org', 'mil'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bh') {
if (['com', 'info', 'cc', 'edu', 'biz', 'net', 'org', 'gov'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bi') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'com', 'edu', 'gouv', 'gov', 'int', 'mil', 'net', 'or', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bn') {
if (['com', 'net', 'org', 'edu'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bo') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gob', 'gov', 'int', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'tv'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'br') {
if (['adm', 'adv', 'agr', 'am', 'arq', 'art', 'ato', 'bio', 'blog', 'bmd', 'cim', 'cng', 'cnt', 'com', 'coop', 'ecn', 'edu', 'eng', 'esp', 'etc', 'eti', 'far', 'flog', 'fm', 'fnd', 'fot', 'fst', 'g12', 'ggf', 'gov', 'imb', 'ind', 'inf', 'jor', 'lel', 'mat', 'med', 'mil', 'mus', 'net', 'nom', 'not', 'ntr', 'odo', 'org', 'ppg', 'pro', 'psc', 'psi', 'qsl', 'rec', 'slg', 'srv', 'tmp', 'trd', 'tur', 'tv', 'vet', 'vlog', 'wiki', 'zlg'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'bw') {
if (['org', 'ac', 'co', 'gov'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ci') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'com', 'ed', 'edu', 'go', 'int', 'net', 'or', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ck') {
if (['biz', 'co', 'edu', 'gen', 'gov', 'info', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'cn') {
if (['ac', 'ah', 'bj', 'com', 'cq', 'edu', 'fj', 'gd', 'gov', 'gs', 'gx', 'gz', 'ha', 'hb', 'he', 'hi', 'hk', 'hl', 'hn', 'jl', 'js', 'jx', 'ln', 'mil', 'mo', 'net', 'nm', 'nx', 'org', 'qh', 'sc', 'sd', 'sh', 'sn', 'sx', 'tj', 'tw', 'xj', 'xz', 'yn', 'zj'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'co') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'nom', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'com') {
if (['ar', 'br', 'cn', 'de', 'eu', 'gr', 'hu', 'jpn', 'kr', 'no', 'qc', 'ru', 'sa', 'se', 'uk', 'us', 'uy', 'za'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'cr') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'ed', 'fi', 'go', 'or', 'sa'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'cu') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'org', 'net', 'gov', 'inf'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'cy') {
if (['ac', 'biz', 'com', 'ekloges', 'gov', 'ltd', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'parliament', 'press', 'pro', 'tm'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'do') {
if (['art', 'com', 'edu', 'gob', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'sld', 'web'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'dz') {
if (['art', 'asso', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'net', 'org', 'pol'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ec') {
if (['com', 'info', 'net', 'fin', 'med', 'pro', 'org', 'edu', 'gob', 'gov', 'mil'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ee') {
if (['com', 'pri', 'fie', 'med', 'edu', 'lib', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'eg') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'eun', 'gov', 'mil', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'sci'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'es') {
if (['com', 'nom', 'org', 'gob', 'edu'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'et') {
if (['com', 'gov', 'org', 'edu', 'net', 'biz', 'name', 'info'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'fj') {
if (['ac', 'biz', 'com', 'info', 'mil', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pro'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ge') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'pvt'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gh') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'org', 'mil'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gi') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'ltd', 'mod', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gl') {
if (wa[1] == 'co' || wa[1] == 'com') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gr') {
if (['co', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'mod', 'net', 'org', 'sch'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gt') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'net', 'gob', 'org', 'mil', 'ind'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'gy') {
if (['co', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'hk') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'idv', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'hn') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gob', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'hr') {
if (wa[1] == 'com' || wa[1] == 'from') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'hu') {
if (['2000', 'agrar', 'bolt', 'casino', 'city', 'co', 'erotica', 'erotika', 'film', 'forum', 'games', 'hotel', 'info', 'ingatlan', 'jogasz', 'konyvelo', 'lakas', 'media', 'news', 'org', 'priv', 'reklam', 'sex', 'shop', 'sport', 'suli', 'szex', 'tm', 'tozsde', 'utazas', 'video'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'id') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'go', 'mil', 'net', 'or', 'sch', 'web'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'il') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'gov', 'idf', 'k12', 'muni', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'im') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'com', 'gov', 'net', 'org', 'ro'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'in') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'edu', 'ernet', 'firm', 'gen', 'gov', 'ind', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'res'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'it') {
if (['co', 'edu', 'gov'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'jm') {
if (['com', 'net', 'org', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'jo') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'name', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'jp') {
if (['ac', 'ad', 'co', 'ed', 'go', 'gr', 'lg', 'ne', 'or'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ke') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'go', 'ne', 'or', 'sc'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'kg') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'kh') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'per'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'kr') {
if (['ac', 'busan', 'chungbuk', 'chungnam', 'co', 'daegu', 'daejeon', 'es', 'gangwon', 'go', 'gwangju', 'gyeongbuk', 'gyeonggi', 'gyeongnam', 'hs', 'incheon', 'jeju', 'jeonbuk', 'jeonnam', 'kg', 'mil', 'ms', 'ne', 'or', 'pe', 're', 'sc', 'seoul', 'ulsan'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'kw') {
if (['edu', 'com', 'net', 'org', 'gov'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'kz') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'lk') {
if (['assn', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'grp', 'hotel', 'int', 'ltd', 'net', 'ngo', 'org', 'sch', 'soc', 'web'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ls') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'gov', 'net', 'nul', 'org', 'parliament', 'quadrant'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'lv') {
if (['asn', 'com', 'conf', 'edu', 'gov', 'id', 'mil', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ly') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'id', 'med', 'net', 'org', 'plc', 'sch'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ma') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'gov', 'net', 'org', 'press'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'mk') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'inf', 'name', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'mu') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'com', 'gov', 'net', 'or', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'mx') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gob', 'net', 'ngo', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'my') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'name', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'mz') {
if (['co', 'net', 'org', 'ac', 'gov', 'edu'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'net') {
if (['gb', 'se', 'uk', 'jp'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'nf') {
if (['com', 'net', 'arts', 'store', 'web', 'firm', 'info', 'other', 'per', 'rec'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ni') {
if (['gob', 'co', 'com', 'ac', 'edu', 'org', 'nom', 'net', 'mil'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'np') {
if (['aero', 'asia', 'biz', 'com', 'coop', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'jobs', 'mil', 'mobi', 'museum', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pro', 'travel'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'nr') {
if (['biz', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'nz') {
if (['ac', 'co', 'cri', 'geek', 'gen', 'govt', 'health', 'iwi', 'maori', 'mil', 'net', 'org', 'parliament', 'school'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'om') {
if (['co', 'com', 'edu', 'gov', 'med', 'museum', 'net', 'org', 'pro'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'org') {
if (wa[1] == 'eu') {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pa') {
if (['abo', 'ac', 'com', 'edu', 'gob', 'ing', 'med', 'net', 'nom', 'org', 'sld'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pe') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gob', 'mil', 'net', 'nom', 'org', 'sld'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pg') {
if (['com', 'net', 'ac', 'gov', 'mil', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ph') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pk') {
if (['biz', 'com', 'edu', 'fam', 'gob', 'gok', 'gon', 'gop', 'gos', 'gov', 'net', 'org', 'web'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pl') {
if (['art', 'bialystok', 'biz', 'com', 'edu', 'gda', 'gdansk', 'gov', 'info', 'katowice', 'krakow', 'lodz', 'lublin', 'mil', 'net', 'ngo', 'olsztyn', 'org', 'poznan', 'radom', 'slupsk', 'szczecin', 'torun', 'warszawa', 'waw', 'wroc', 'wroclaw', 'zgora'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pn') {
if (['in', 'co', 'eu', 'org', 'net', 'me'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pr') {
if (['ac', 'biz', 'com', 'edu', 'est', 'gov', 'info', 'isla', 'name', 'net', 'org', 'pro', 'prof'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'pt') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'int', 'net', 'nome', 'org', 'publ'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'py') {
if (['com', 'coop', 'edu', 'mil', 'gov', 'org', 'net', 'una'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'qa') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'sch', 'gov', 'mil', 'net', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ru') {
if (['ac', 'adygeya', 'altai', 'amur', 'amursk', 'arkhangelsk', 'astrakhan', 'baikal', 'bashkiria', 'belgorod', 'bir', 'bryansk', 'buryatia', 'cap', 'cbg', 'chel', 'chelyabinsk', 'chita', 'chukotka', 'cmw', 'com', 'dagestan', 'e-burg', 'edu', 'fareast', 'gov', 'grozny', 'int', 'irkutsk', 'ivanovo', 'izhevsk', 'jamal', 'jar', 'joshkar-ola', 'k-uralsk', 'kalmykia', 'kaluga', 'kamchatka', 'karelia', 'kazan', 'kchr', 'kemerovo', 'khabarovsk', 'khakassia', 'khv', 'kirov', 'kms', 'koenig', 'komi', 'kostroma', 'krasnoyarsk', 'kuban', 'kurgan', 'kursk', 'kustanai', 'kuzbass', 'lipetsk', 'magadan', 'magnitka', 'mari', 'mari-el', 'marine', 'mil', 'mordovia', 'mos', 'mosreg', 'msk', 'murmansk', 'mytis', 'nakhodka', 'nalchik', 'net', 'nkz', 'nnov', 'norilsk', 'nov', 'novosibirsk', 'nsk', 'omsk', 'orenburg', 'org', 'oryol', 'oskol', 'palana', 'penza', 'perm', 'pp', 'pskov', 'ptz', 'pyatigorsk', 'rnd', 'rubtsovsk', 'ryazan', 'sakhalin', 'samara', 'saratov', 'simbirsk', 'smolensk', 'snz', 'spb', 'stavropol', 'stv', 'surgut', 'syzran', 'tambov', 'tatarstan', 'test', 'tlt', 'tom', 'tomsk', 'tsaritsyn', 'tsk', 'tula', 'tuva', 'tver', 'tyumen', 'udm', 'udmurtia', 'ulan-ude', 'vdonsk', 'vladikavkaz', 'vladimir', 'vladivostok', 'volgograd', 'vologda', 'voronezh', 'vrn', 'vyatka', 'yakutia', 'yamal', 'yaroslavl', 'yekaterinburg', 'yuzhno-sakhalinsk', 'zgrad'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'sa') {
if (['com', 'edu', 'gov', 'med', 'net', 'org', 'pub', 'sch'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'se') {
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return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'ug') {
if (['co', 'ac', 'sc', 'go', 'ne', 'or'].includes(wa[1])) {
return wa[2] + "." + wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
if (wa[0] == 'uk') {
if (['ac', 'bl', 'british-library', 'co', 'gov', 'jcpc', 'jet', 'judiciary', 'ltd', 'me', 'mod', 'net', 'nhs', 'nic', 'nls', 'org', 'parliament', 'plc', 'police', 'sch', 'supremecourt'].includes(wa[1])) {
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if (['com', 'edu', 'gub', 'net', 'mil', 'org'].includes(wa[1])) {
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if (wa[0] == 'uz') {
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if (wa_l == 4) {
if (/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$/.test(w)) {
return w;
return wa[1] + "." + wa[0];
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<i>Temporary</i> configurations
<b>&#9822; Take Action</b><br>
<label><input type="radio" id="ta0" name="ta" value="0"> Block request immediately <small>(first-party + third-party)</small></label><br>
<label><input type="radio" id="ta1" name="ta" value="1"> Block request immediately <small>(third-party only / ignore first-party)</small></label><br>
<label><input type="radio" id="ta2" name="ta" value="2"> Redirect to Internet Archive(first-party) + Ignore third-party</label> <small>(Default)</small><br>
<label><input type="radio" id="ta3" name="ta" value="3"> Notify only</label><br>
<b>&#9997; Your Cloudflare Domain collection</b> <small>(Last 500)</small><br>
<small>(please share with <a href="" target="_blank">cloudflare-tor@crimeflare</a>)</small><br>
<textarea cols="50" rows="12" id="t" wrap="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Cloudflare domains"></textarea>
<button type="button" id="exp">[ &#8659; Export ]</button>
<button type="button" id="clr">[ &#8634; Clear ]</button><br>
<b>&#9997; Your Cloudflare Ignore list (NOT RECOMMEND!)</b><br>
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" id="g" wrap="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder=""></textarea>
<button type="button" id="ign">[ &#8657; Apply ]</button>
"<i>Welcome to PRISM 2.0</i>"
<script src="mydata.js"></script>
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