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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Bitmap Average using Accelerate.framework
// main.m
// BitmapAverage
// Created by Alex Nichol on 4/8/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Nichol. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#import "ANImageBitmapRep.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
// load our images
NSImage * img1 = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/Users/alex/Desktop/foobar.png"];
NSImage * img2 = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/Users/alex/Desktop/foobar.jpg"];
ANImageBitmapRep * irep1 = [[ANImageBitmapRep alloc] initWithImage:img1];
ANImageBitmapRep * irep2 = [[ANImageBitmapRep alloc] initWithImage:img2];
// the output bitmap rep is created using a size because we will be outputting raw pixels to it
ANImageBitmapRep * dest = [[ANImageBitmapRep alloc] initWithSize:irep1.bitmapSize];
long pixelCount = irep1.bitmapSize.x * irep1.bitmapSize.y;
// our input buffer needs to have the ARGB (in float from) of BOTH images (thus 8 components per pixel)
float * buffer = malloc(sizeof(float) * (pixelCount * 8));
// our output buffer is an image, so only 4 components per pixel needed
float * result = malloc(sizeof(float) * (pixelCount * 4));
// cast the first bitmap into floats
vDSP_vfltu8(irep1.bitmapData, 1, buffer, 1, pixelCount * 4);
// same for the second
vDSP_vfltu8(irep2.bitmapData, 1, &buffer[pixelCount * 4], 1, pixelCount * 4);
// matrix to average the two vectors
float leftMatrix[] = {
0.5f, 0.5f
vDSP_mmul(leftMatrix, 1, buffer, 1, result, 1, 1, pixelCount * 4, 2);
// use another vectorized cast to get our output back into bytes
vDSP_vfixu8(result, 1, dest.bitmapData, 1, pixelCount * 4);
NSLog(@"done averaging");
// tell the output we modified its buffer
[dest setNeedsUpdate:YES];
[[dest.image TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile:@"/Users/alex/Desktop/merged.tiff" atomically:YES];
NSLog(@"done write to TIFF");
return 0;
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