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Created June 4, 2024 02:43
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Fleet Management API - Auth
❏ Login
↳ login
POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login [200 OK, 389B, 3s]
✓ /auth/login endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200 if successful
✓ /auth/login responds with an object with accessToken and user if authentication successful
↳ login bad credentials - unknown user
POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login [404 NOT FOUND, 230B, 2.3s]
✓ /login endpoint responds with 404 if credentials do not match
↳ login bad credentials - wrong password
POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login [404 NOT FOUND, 230B, 2.1s]
✓ /login endpoint responds with 404 if credentials do not match
↳ login missing credentials - no email
POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login [400 BAD REQUEST, 219B, 5ms]
✓ /login endpoint responds with 400 if email is missing
↳ login missing credentials - no password
POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login [400 BAD REQUEST, 260B, 5ms]
✓ /login endpoint responds with 400 if email or password are missing
❏ Taxis
↳ taxis
GET http://localhost:5000/taxis [200 OK, 669B, 2.2s]
✓ /taxis endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200
✓ /taxis endpoint responds with default limit 10 if none is specified
✓ /taxis returns an array of taxis with id and plate
↳ taxis?plate=
GET http://localhost:5000/taxis?plate=GH [200 OK, 619B, 2.2s]
✓ /taxis returns an array of taxis with plate that matches
↳ taxis?limit=5
GET http://localhost:5000/taxis?page=2&limit=5 [200 OK, 418B, 1860ms]
✓ /taxis endpoint responds with specified limit
↳ taxis - not authenticated
GET http://localhost:5000/taxis [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 12ms]
✓ /taxis endpoint responds with 401 if no authorization header
❏ Trajectories
↳ trajectories - not authenticated
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?taxiId=6418&date=02-02-2008 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 10ms]
✓ /trajectories responds with 401 if no authentication header
↳ trajectories - not authenticated (invalid token)
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?taxiId=6418&date=02-02-2008 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 3ms]
✓ /trajectories responds with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ trajectories
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?taxiId=6418&date=02-02-2008 [200 OK, 1.32kB, 2.1s]
✓ /trajectories/{{taxiId}}?date={{date}} endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200
✓ /trajectories/{{taxiId}}?date={{date}} responds with data for only the specified taxi id and date
↳ trajectories - taxi not found
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?taxiId=999999&date=02-02-2008 [200 OK, 167B, 2s]
1. /trajectories/{{taxiId}}?date={{date}} responds with 404 if taxi id not found
↳ trajectories - missing date
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?taxiId=6418 [400 BAD REQUEST, 214B, 4ms]
✓ /trajectories/ responds with 400 for missing required parameters (date)
↳ trajectories - missing taxiId
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?date=02-02-2008 [400 BAD REQUEST, 216B, 4ms]
✓ /trajectories/ responds with 400 for missing required parameters (taxiId)
↳ trajectories - badly formatted date
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories?date=0x-31-2222&taxiId=6418 [400 BAD REQUEST, 227B, 5ms]
✓ /trajectories/?taxiId={{taxiId}}&date={{date}} responds with 400 if date badly formatted
↳ latest trajectories - not authenticated (invalid token)
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories/latest [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 4ms]
✓ /trajectories/latest responds with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ latest trajectories - not authenticated
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories/latest [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 4ms]
✓ /trajectories/latest responds with 401 if no authentication header
↳ latest trajectories
GET http://localhost:5000/trajectories/latest [200 OK, 1.56kB, 2s]
✓ /trajectories/latest endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200
✓ /trajectories/latest endpoint responds with an array of trajectory id, latitiude, longiture, plate, timestamp
❏ Users
↳ users - not authenticated
GET http://localhost:5000/users [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 5ms]
✓ /users responds with 401 if no authentication header
↳ users - not authenticated (invalid token)
GET http://localhost:5000/users [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 3ms]
✓ /users responds with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ users
GET http://localhost:5000/users [200 OK, 709B, 2.2s]
✓ /users endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200
2. /users endpoint responds with default limit 10 if none is specified
✓ /users endpoint responds with an array
↳ users?limit=5
GET http://localhost:5000/users?limit=5 [200 OK, 557B, 2.1s]
✓ /users endpoint responds to specified limit param
↳ users - invalid page
GET http://localhost:5000/users?page=x [200 OK, 709B, 2.1s]
3. /users endpoint responds with status 400 and error for invalid page
↳ users - invalid limit
GET http://localhost:5000/users?limit=y [200 OK, 709B, 1886ms]
4. /users endpoint responds with status 400 and error for invalid limit
↳ users - not authenticated
POST http://localhost:5000/users [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 3ms]
✓ /users POST endpoint responds with 401 if no authentication header
↳ users - not authenticated (invalid token)
POST http://localhost:5000/users [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 3ms]
✓ /users POST endpoint responds with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ users
POST http://localhost:5000/users [201 CREATED, 242B, 2.5s]
✓ /users POST endpoint exists and responds with status CREATED 201 and id, name, email if successful
↳ users - user exists
POST http://localhost:5000/users [409 CONFLICT, 208B, 2.1s]
✓ /users POST endpoint responds with 409 and error if user with email already exists
↳ users - missing params (email)
POST http://localhost:5000/users [400 BAD REQUEST, 232B, 3ms]
✓ /users POST endpoint responds with 400 and error if no email provided in body
↳ users - missing params (password)
POST http://localhost:5000/users [400 BAD REQUEST, 232B, 5ms]
✓ /users POST endpoint responds with 400 if no password provided in body
↳ users - not authenticated
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/37 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 7ms]
✓ /users PATCH endpoint responds with 401 and error if missing authorization header
↳ users - not authenticated (invalid token)
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/37 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 4ms]
✓ /users PATCH endpoint responds with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ users
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/6 [200 OK, 231B, 2.5s]
✓ /users/{{uid}} PATCH endpoint exists and responds with status OK 200 if successful
✓ /users/{{uid}} PATCH endpoint exists and responds with id, email, name of updated user if successful
↳ users - user does not exist
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/999999 [404 NOT FOUND, 209B, 2.2s]
✓ /users/{{uid}} PATCH endpoint responds with status 404 and error if user does not exist
↳ users - no body
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/37 [400 BAD REQUEST, 212B, 11ms]
✓ /users/{{uid}} PATCH responds with status 400 and error if no request body
↳ users - email or password
PATCH http://localhost:5000/users/37 [400 BAD REQUEST, 250B, 4ms]
✓ /users/{{uid}} PATCH responds with status 400 and error if trying to update email or password
↳ users - not authenticated
DELETE http://localhost:5000/users/37 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 207B, 3ms]
✓ /users/{{uid}} DELETE endpoint to respond with 401 if no authorization header
↳ users - not authenticated (invalid token)
DELETE http://localhost:5000/users/37 [401 UNAUTHORIZED, 206B, 5ms]
✓ /users/{{uid}} DELETE endpoint to respond with 401 and error if invalid token
↳ users
DELETE http://localhost:5000/users/37 [200 OK, 237B, 2.3s]
✓ /users/{{uid}} DELETE endpoint responds with 200 and id, email, name of deleted user if successful
↳ users - user doesn't exist
DELETE http://localhost:5000/users/999999999 [404 NOT FOUND, 209B, 2s]
✓ /users/{{uid}} DELETE endpoint responds with 404 and error if user does not exist
→ non-existent route
GET http://localhost:5000/taxiss/ [404 NOT FOUND, 311B, 3ms]
✓ responds with status 404 for non existent route /taxiss
│ │ executed │ failed │
│ iterations │ 1 │ 0 │
│ requests │ 42 │ 0 │
│ test-scripts │ 84 │ 0 │
│ prerequest-scripts │ 45 │ 0 │
│ assertions │ 50 │ 4 │
│ total run duration: 44s │
│ total data received: 7.47kB (approx) │
│ average response time: 1017ms [min: 3ms, max: 3s, s.d.: 1128ms] │
 #  failure  detail 
1. AssertionError /trajectories/{{taxiId}}?date={{date}} responds with 404 if taxi id not found
expected 200 to equal 404
at assertion:0 in test-script
inside "Trajectories / trajectories - taxi not found"
2. AssertionError /users endpoint responds with default limit 10 if none is specified
expected 7 to equal 10
at assertion:1 in test-script
inside "Users / users"
3. AssertionError /users endpoint responds with status 400 and error for invalid page
expected 200 to equal 400
at assertion:0 in test-script
inside "Users / users - invalid page"
4. AssertionError /users endpoint responds with status 400 and error for invalid limit
expected 200 to equal 400
at assertion:0 in test-script
inside "Users / users - invalid limit"
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