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Created December 25, 2020 11:59
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script which reproduce the memory leak issue
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code. #
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
"""Tests to run with a running daemon."""
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.engine import run, submit
from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client
from aiida.engine.persistence import ObjectLoader
from aiida.manage.caching import enable_caching
from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, load_node, Int, Str, List, Dict, load_code
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, WorkflowFactory
from workchains import (
NestedWorkChain, DynamicNonDbInput, DynamicDbInput, DynamicMixedInput, ListEcho, CalcFunctionRunnerWorkChain,
WorkFunctionRunnerWorkChain, NestedInputNamespace, SerializeWorkChain, ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain
CODENAME_ADD = 'add@localhost'
TIMEOUTSECS = 4 * 60 # 4 minutes
NUMBER_CALCULATIONS = 10 # Number of calculations to submit
NUMBER_WORKCHAINS = 20 # Number of workchains to submit
def print_daemon_log():
"""Print daemon log."""
daemon_client = get_daemon_client()
daemon_log = daemon_client.daemon_log_file
print(f"Output of 'cat {daemon_log}':")
['cat', f'{daemon_log}'],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
print(f'Note: the command failed, message: {exception}')
def jobs_have_finished(pks):
"""Check if jobs with given pks have finished."""
finished_list = [load_node(pk).is_terminated for pk in pks]
node_list = [load_node(pk) for pk in pks]
num_finished = len([_ for _ in finished_list if _])
for node in node_list:
if not node.is_terminated:
print(f'not terminated: {} [{node.process_state}]')
print(f'{num_finished}/{len(finished_list)} finished')
return False not in finished_list
def print_report(pk):
"""Print the process report for given pk."""
print(f"Output of 'verdi process report {pk}':")
['verdi', 'process', 'report', f'{pk}'],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
print(f'Note: the command failed, message: {exception}')
def validate_process_functions(expected_results):
"""Validate the calcfunction and workfunction."""
valid = True
for pk, expected_result in expected_results.items():
calc = load_node(pk)
if not calc.is_finished_ok:
print(f'Calc<{pk}> not finished ok: process_state<{calc.process_state}> exit_status<{calc.exit_status}>')
valid = False
actual_result = calc.outputs.result
except exceptions.NotExistent:
print(f'Could not retrieve `result` output for process<{pk}>')
valid = False
if actual_result != expected_result:
print(f'* UNEXPECTED VALUE {actual_result} for calc pk={pk}: I expected {expected_result}')
valid = False
return valid
def validate_calculations(expected_results):
"""Validate the calculations."""
valid = True
actual_dict = {}
for pk, expected_dict in expected_results.items():
calc = load_node(pk)
if not calc.is_finished_ok:
print(f'Calc<{pk}> not finished ok: process_state<{calc.process_state}> exit_status<{calc.exit_status}>')
valid = False
actual_dict = calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()
except exceptions.NotExistent:
print(f'Could not retrieve `output_parameters` node for Calculation<{pk}>')
valid = False
actual_dict['retrieved_temporary_files'] = dict(actual_dict['retrieved_temporary_files'])
except KeyError:
# If the retrieval fails we simply pass as the following check of the actual value will fail anyway
if actual_dict != expected_dict:
print(f'* UNEXPECTED VALUE {actual_dict} for calc pk={pk}: I expected {expected_dict}')
valid = False
return valid
def validate_workchains(expected_results):
"""Validate the workchains."""
valid = True
for pk, expected_value in expected_results.items():
this_valid = True
calc = load_node(pk)
actual_value = calc.outputs.output
except (exceptions.NotExistent, AttributeError) as exception:
'* UNABLE TO RETRIEVE VALUE for workchain pk={}: I expected {}, I got {}: {}'.format(
pk, expected_value, type(exception), exception
valid = False
this_valid = False
actual_value = None
# I check only if this_valid, otherwise calc could not exist
if this_valid and not calc.is_finished_ok:
'Calculation<{}> not finished ok: process_state<{}> exit_status<{}>'.format(
pk, calc.process_state, calc.exit_status
valid = False
this_valid = False
# I check only if this_valid, otherwise actual_value could be unset
if this_valid and actual_value != expected_value:
'* UNEXPECTED VALUE {}, type {} for workchain pk={}: I expected {}, type {}'.format(
actual_value, type(actual_value), pk, expected_value, type(expected_value)
valid = False
this_valid = False
return valid
def validate_cached(cached_calcs):
Check that the calculations with created with caching are indeed cached.
valid = True
for calc in cached_calcs:
if not calc.is_finished_ok:
'Cached calculation<{}> not finished ok: process_state<{}> exit_status<{}>'.format(, calc.process_state, calc.exit_status
valid = False
if '_aiida_cached_from' not in calc.extras or calc.get_hash() != calc.get_extra('_aiida_hash'):
print(f'Cached calculation<{}> has invalid hash')
valid = False
if isinstance(calc, CalcJobNode):
original_calc = load_node(calc.get_extra('_aiida_cached_from'))
files_original = original_calc.list_object_names()
files_cached = calc.list_object_names()
if not files_cached:
print(f'Cached calculation <{}> does not have any raw inputs files')
valid = False
if not files_original:
'Original calculation <{}> does not have any raw inputs files after being cached from.'.format(
valid = False
if set(files_original) != set(files_cached):
'different raw input files [{}] vs [{}] for original<{}> and cached<{}> calculation'.format(
set(files_original), set(files_cached),,
valid = False
return valid
def launch_calculation(code, counter, inputval):
Launch calculations to the daemon through the Process layer
process, inputs, expected_result = create_calculation_process(code=code, inputval=inputval)
calc = submit(process, **inputs)
print(f'[{counter}] launched calculation {calc.uuid}, pk={}')
return calc, expected_result
def run_calculation(code, counter, inputval):
Run a calculation through the Process layer.
process, inputs, expected_result = create_calculation_process(code=code, inputval=inputval)
_, calc = run.get_node(process, **inputs)
print(f'[{counter}] ran calculation {calc.uuid}, pk={}')
return calc, expected_result
def create_calculation_process(code, inputval):
Create the process and inputs for a submitting / running a calculation.
TemplatereplacerCalculation = CalculationFactory('templatereplacer')
parameters = Dict(dict={'value': inputval})
template = Dict(
# The following line adds a significant sleep time.
# I set it to 1 second to speed up tests
# I keep it to a non-zero value because I want
# To test the case when AiiDA finds some calcs
# in a queued state
# 'cmdline_params': ["{}".format(counter % 3)], # Sleep time
'cmdline_params': ['1'],
'input_file_template': '{value}', # File just contains the value to double
'input_file_name': 'value_to_double.txt',
'output_file_name': 'output.txt',
'retrieve_temporary_files': ['triple_value.tmp']
options = {
'resources': {
'num_machines': 1
'max_wallclock_seconds': 5 * 60,
'withmpi': False,
'parser_name': 'templatereplacer.doubler',
expected_result = {'value': 2 * inputval, 'retrieved_temporary_files': {'triple_value.tmp': str(inputval * 3)}}
inputs = {
'code': code,
'parameters': parameters,
'template': template,
'metadata': {
'options': options,
return TemplatereplacerCalculation, inputs, expected_result
def run_arithmetic_add():
"""Run the `ArithmeticAddCalculation`."""
ArithmeticAddCalculation = CalculationFactory('arithmetic.add')
code = load_code(CODENAME_ADD)
inputs = {
'x': Int(1),
'y': Int(2),
'code': code,
# Normal inputs should run just fine
results, node = run.get_node(ArithmeticAddCalculation, **inputs)
assert node.is_finished_ok, node.exit_status
assert results['sum'] == 3
def run_base_restart_workchain():
"""Run the `AddArithmeticBaseWorkChain` a few times for various inputs."""
code = load_code(CODENAME_ADD)
inputs = {
'add': {
'x': Int(1),
'y': Int(2),
'code': code,
# Normal inputs should run just fine
results, node = run.get_node(ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain, **inputs)
assert node.is_finished_ok, node.exit_status
assert len(node.called) == 1
assert 'sum' in results
assert results['sum'].value == 3
# With one input negative, the sum will be negative which will fail the calculation, but the error handler should
# fix it, so the second calculation should finish successfully
inputs['add']['y'] = Int(-4)
results, node = run.get_node(ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain, **inputs)
assert node.is_finished_ok, node.exit_status
assert len(node.called) == 2
assert 'sum' in results
assert results['sum'].value == 5
# The silly sanity check aborts the workchain if the sum is bigger than 10
inputs['add']['y'] = Int(10)
results, node = run.get_node(ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain, **inputs)
assert not node.is_finished_ok, node.process_state
assert node.exit_status == ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain.exit_codes.ERROR_TOO_BIG.status, node.exit_status # pylint: disable=no-member
assert len(node.called) == 1
# Check that overriding default handler enabled status works
inputs['add']['y'] = Int(1)
inputs['handler_overrides'] = Dict(dict={'disabled_handler': True})
results, node = run.get_node(ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain, **inputs)
assert not node.is_finished_ok, node.process_state
assert node.exit_status == ArithmeticAddBaseWorkChain.exit_codes.ERROR_ENABLED_DOOM.status, node.exit_status # pylint: disable=no-member
assert len(node.called) == 1
def run_multiply_add_workchain():
"""Run the `MultiplyAddWorkChain`."""
MultiplyAddWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('arithmetic.multiply_add')
code = load_code(CODENAME_ADD)
inputs = {
'x': Int(1),
'y': Int(2),
'z': Int(3),
'code': code,
# Normal inputs should run just fine
results, node = run.get_node(MultiplyAddWorkChain, **inputs)
assert node.is_finished_ok, node.exit_status
assert len(node.called) == 2
assert 'result' in results
assert results['result'].value == 5
def main():
"""Launch a bunch of calculation jobs and workchains."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
expected_results_process_functions = {}
expected_results_calculations = {}
expected_results_workchains = {}
code_doubler = load_code(CODENAME_DOUBLER)
# Submitting the Calculations the new way directly through the launchers
print(f'Submitting {NUMBER_CALCULATIONS} calculations to the daemon')
for counter in range(1, NUMBER_CALCULATIONS + 1):
inputval = counter
calc, expected_result = launch_calculation(code=code_doubler, counter=counter, inputval=inputval)
expected_results_calculations[] = expected_result
# Submitting the Workchains
print(f'Submitting {NUMBER_WORKCHAINS} workchains to the daemon')
for index in range(NUMBER_WORKCHAINS):
inp = Int(index)
submit(NestedWorkChain, inp=inp)
print("Submitting a workchain with 'submit'.")
builder = NestedWorkChain.get_builder()
input_val = 4
builder.inp = Int(input_val)
proc = submit(builder)
expected_results_workchains[] = input_val
print('Submitting a workchain with a nested input namespace.')
value = Int(-12)
pk = submit(NestedInputNamespace, foo={'bar': {'baz': value}}).pk
print('Submitting a workchain with a dynamic non-db input.')
value = [4, 2, 3]
pk = submit(DynamicNonDbInput, namespace={'input': value}).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = value
print('Submitting a workchain with a dynamic db input.')
value = 9
pk = submit(DynamicDbInput, namespace={'input': Int(value)}).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = value
print('Submitting a workchain with a mixed (db / non-db) dynamic input.')
value_non_db = 3
value_db = Int(2)
pk = submit(DynamicMixedInput, namespace={'inputs': {'input_non_db': value_non_db, 'input_db': value_db}}).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = value_non_db + value_db
print('Submitting the serializing workchain')
pk = submit(SerializeWorkChain, test=Int).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = ObjectLoader().identify_object(Int)
print('Submitting the ListEcho workchain.')
list_value = List()
list_value.extend([1, 2, 3])
pk = submit(ListEcho, list=list_value).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = list_value
print('Submitting a WorkChain which contains a workfunction.')
value = Str('workfunction test string')
pk = submit(WorkFunctionRunnerWorkChain, input=value).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = value
print('Submitting a WorkChain which contains a calcfunction.')
value = Int(1)
pk = submit(CalcFunctionRunnerWorkChain, input=value).pk
expected_results_workchains[pk] = Int(2)
calculation_pks = sorted(expected_results_calculations.keys())
workchains_pks = sorted(expected_results_workchains.keys())
process_functions_pks = sorted(expected_results_process_functions.keys())
pks = calculation_pks + workchains_pks + process_functions_pks
print('Wating for end of execution...')
start_time = time.time()
exited_with_timeout = True
while time.time() - start_time < TIMEOUTSECS:
time.sleep(15) # Wait a few seconds
# Print some debug info, both for debugging reasons and to avoid
# that the test machine is shut down because there is no output
print('#' * 78)
print(f'####### TIME ELAPSED: {time.time() - start_time} s')
print('#' * 78)
print("Output of 'verdi process list -a':")
['verdi', 'process', 'list', '-a'],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
print(f'Note: the command failed, message: {exception}')
print("Output of 'verdi daemon status':")
['verdi', 'daemon', 'status'],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
print(f'Note: the command failed, message: {exception}')
if jobs_have_finished(pks):
print('Calculation terminated its execution')
exited_with_timeout = False
if exited_with_timeout:
print(f'Timeout!! Calculation did not complete after {TIMEOUTSECS} seconds')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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