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unmellow/log.txt Secret

Created September 1, 2021 22:16
(node:817725) ProtocolDeprecateCallback: The callback argument of protocol module APIs is no longer needed.
(node:817725) ProtocolDeprecateCallback: The callback argument of protocol module APIs is no longer needed.
Loading extensions [
Loaded extension {
manifest: {
manifest_version: 2,
name: 'agregore-adblock',
version: '1.0',
description: "Agregore's ad blocking extension",
permissions: [ 'webRequest', 'webRequestBlocking', '<all_urls>' ],
background: { scripts: [Array] },
srcDirectory: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/agregore-adblock',
extensionId: 'agregore-adblock'
alarms: [],
locale: undefined,
id: 'agregore-adblock',
path: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/agregore-adblock',
popupPage: null,
backgroundPage: {
html: <Buffer 3c 68 74 6d 6c 3e 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3c 62 6f 64 79 3e 3c 73 63 72 69 70 74 20 73 72 63 3d 22 75 72 6c 73 2e 6a 73 22 3e 3c 2f 73 63 72 ... 72 more bytes>,
fileName: 'generated.html',
webContents: EventEmitter {
isDestroyed: [Function: isDestroyed],
destroy: [Function: destroy],
getBackgroundThrottling: [Function: getBackgroundThrottling],
setBackgroundThrottling: [Function: setBackgroundThrottling],
getProcessId: [Function: getProcessId],
getOSProcessId: [Function: getOSProcessId],
_getOSProcessIdForFrame: [Function: _getOSProcessIdForFrame],
equal: [Function: equal],
_loadURL: [Function: _loadURL],
downloadURL: [Function: downloadURL],
_getURL: [Function: _getURL],
getTitle: [Function: getTitle],
isLoading: [Function: isLoading],
isLoadingMainFrame: [Function: isLoadingMainFrame],
isWaitingForResponse: [Function: isWaitingForResponse],
_stop: [Function: _stop],
_goBack: [Function: _goBack],
_goForward: [Function: _goForward],
_goToOffset: [Function: _goToOffset],
isCrashed: [Function: isCrashed],
forcefullyCrashRenderer: [Function: forcefullyCrashRenderer],
setUserAgent: [Function: setUserAgent],
getUserAgent: [Function: getUserAgent],
savePage: [Function: savePage],
openDevTools: [Function: openDevTools],
closeDevTools: [Function: closeDevTools],
isDevToolsOpened: [Function: isDevToolsOpened],
isDevToolsFocused: [Function: isDevToolsFocused],
enableDeviceEmulation: [Function: enableDeviceEmulation],
disableDeviceEmulation: [Function: disableDeviceEmulation],
toggleDevTools: [Function: toggleDevTools],
inspectElement: [Function: inspectElement],
setIgnoreMenuShortcuts: [Function: setIgnoreMenuShortcuts],
setAudioMuted: [Function: setAudioMuted],
isAudioMuted: [Function: isAudioMuted],
isCurrentlyAudible: [Function: isCurrentlyAudible],
undo: [Function: undo],
redo: [Function: redo],
cut: [Function: cut],
copy: [Function: copy],
paste: [Function: paste],
pasteAndMatchStyle: [Function: pasteAndMatchStyle],
delete: [Function: delete],
selectAll: [Function: selectAll],
unselect: [Function: unselect],
replace: [Function: replace],
replaceMisspelling: [Function: replaceMisspelling],
findInPage: [Function: findInPage],
stopFindInPage: [Function: stopFindInPage],
focus: [Function: focus],
isFocused: [Function: isFocused],
tabTraverse: [Function: tabTraverse],
_send: [Function: _send],
_postMessage: [Function: _postMessage],
_sendToFrame: [Function: _sendToFrame],
sendInputEvent: [Function: sendInputEvent],
beginFrameSubscription: [Function: beginFrameSubscription],
endFrameSubscription: [Function: endFrameSubscription],
startDrag: [Function: startDrag],
attachToIframe: [Function: attachToIframe],
detachFromOuterFrame: [Function: detachFromOuterFrame],
isOffscreen: [Function: isOffscreen],
startPainting: [Function: startPainting],
stopPainting: [Function: stopPainting],
isPainting: [Function: isPainting],
setFrameRate: [Function: setFrameRate],
getFrameRate: [Function: getFrameRate],
invalidate: [Function: invalidate],
setZoomLevel: [Function: setZoomLevel],
getZoomLevel: [Function: getZoomLevel],
setZoomFactor: [Function: setZoomFactor],
getZoomFactor: [Function: getZoomFactor],
getType: [Function: getType],
_getPreloadPaths: [Function: _getPreloadPaths],
getWebPreferences: [Function: getWebPreferences],
getLastWebPreferences: [Function: getLastWebPreferences],
getOwnerBrowserWindow: [Function: getOwnerBrowserWindow],
inspectServiceWorker: [Function: inspectServiceWorker],
inspectSharedWorker: [Function: inspectSharedWorker],
inspectSharedWorkerById: [Function: inspectSharedWorkerById],
getAllSharedWorkers: [Function: getAllSharedWorkers],
_print: [Function: _print],
_getPrinters: [Function: _getPrinters],
_printToPDF: [Function: _printToPDF],
addWorkSpace: [Function: addWorkSpace],
removeWorkSpace: [Function: removeWorkSpace],
showDefinitionForSelection: [Function: showDefinitionForSelection],
copyImageAt: [Function: copyImageAt],
capturePage: [Function: capturePage],
setEmbedder: [Function: setEmbedder],
setDevToolsWebContents: [Function: setDevToolsWebContents],
getNativeView: [Function: getNativeView],
incrementCapturerCount: [Function: incrementCapturerCount],
decrementCapturerCount: [Function: decrementCapturerCount],
isBeingCaptured: [Function: isBeingCaptured],
setWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy: [Function: setWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy],
getWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy: [Function: getWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy],
_grantOriginAccess: [Function: _grantOriginAccess],
takeHeapSnapshot: [Function: takeHeapSnapshot],
id: 1,
session: [Getter],
hostWebContents: [Getter],
devToolsWebContents: [Getter],
debugger: [Getter],
_initiallyShown: [Getter],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 17,
loadURL: [Function: bound loadURL],
getURL: [Function: bound getURL],
stop: [Function: bound stop],
reload: [Function: bound reload],
reloadIgnoringCache: [Function: bound reloadIgnoringCache],
canGoBack: [Function: bound canGoBack],
canGoForward: [Function: bound canGoForward],
canGoToIndex: [Function: bound canGoToIndex],
canGoToOffset: [Function: bound canGoToOffset],
clearHistory: [Function: bound clearHistory],
goBack: [Function: bound goBack],
goForward: [Function: bound goForward],
goToIndex: [Function: bound goToIndex],
goToOffset: [Function: bound goToOffset],
getActiveIndex: [Function: bound getActiveIndex],
length: [Function: bound length],
_maxListeners: 0
(node:817725) electron: The default of contextIsolation is deprecated and will be changing from false to true in a future release of Electron. See for more information
Loaded extension {
manifest: {
manifest_version: 2,
name: 'agregore-history',
version: '1.0',
description: 'The history tracking functionality for the Agregore Browser',
background: { page: 'background.html' },
srcDirectory: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/agregore-history',
extensionId: 'agregore-history'
alarms: [],
locale: undefined,
id: 'agregore-history',
path: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/agregore-history',
popupPage: null,
backgroundPage: {
html: <Buffer 3c 21 44 4f 43 54 59 50 45 20 68 74 6d 6c 3e 0a 3c 6d 65 74 61 20 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3d 22 75 74 66 2d 38 22 3e 0a 3c 74 69 74 6c 65 3e 41 67 72 65 ... 90 more bytes>,
fileName: 'background.html',
webContents: EventEmitter {
isDestroyed: [Function: isDestroyed],
destroy: [Function: destroy],
getBackgroundThrottling: [Function: getBackgroundThrottling],
setBackgroundThrottling: [Function: setBackgroundThrottling],
getProcessId: [Function: getProcessId],
getOSProcessId: [Function: getOSProcessId],
_getOSProcessIdForFrame: [Function: _getOSProcessIdForFrame],
equal: [Function: equal],
_loadURL: [Function: _loadURL],
downloadURL: [Function: downloadURL],
_getURL: [Function: _getURL],
getTitle: [Function: getTitle],
isLoading: [Function: isLoading],
isLoadingMainFrame: [Function: isLoadingMainFrame],
isWaitingForResponse: [Function: isWaitingForResponse],
_stop: [Function: _stop],
_goBack: [Function: _goBack],
_goForward: [Function: _goForward],
_goToOffset: [Function: _goToOffset],
isCrashed: [Function: isCrashed],
forcefullyCrashRenderer: [Function: forcefullyCrashRenderer],
setUserAgent: [Function: setUserAgent],
getUserAgent: [Function: getUserAgent],
savePage: [Function: savePage],
openDevTools: [Function: openDevTools],
closeDevTools: [Function: closeDevTools],
isDevToolsOpened: [Function: isDevToolsOpened],
isDevToolsFocused: [Function: isDevToolsFocused],
enableDeviceEmulation: [Function: enableDeviceEmulation],
disableDeviceEmulation: [Function: disableDeviceEmulation],
toggleDevTools: [Function: toggleDevTools],
inspectElement: [Function: inspectElement],
setIgnoreMenuShortcuts: [Function: setIgnoreMenuShortcuts],
setAudioMuted: [Function: setAudioMuted],
isAudioMuted: [Function: isAudioMuted],
isCurrentlyAudible: [Function: isCurrentlyAudible],
undo: [Function: undo],
redo: [Function: redo],
cut: [Function: cut],
copy: [Function: copy],
paste: [Function: paste],
pasteAndMatchStyle: [Function: pasteAndMatchStyle],
delete: [Function: delete],
selectAll: [Function: selectAll],
unselect: [Function: unselect],
replace: [Function: replace],
replaceMisspelling: [Function: replaceMisspelling],
findInPage: [Function: findInPage],
stopFindInPage: [Function: stopFindInPage],
focus: [Function: focus],
isFocused: [Function: isFocused],
tabTraverse: [Function: tabTraverse],
_send: [Function: _send],
_postMessage: [Function: _postMessage],
_sendToFrame: [Function: _sendToFrame],
sendInputEvent: [Function: sendInputEvent],
beginFrameSubscription: [Function: beginFrameSubscription],
endFrameSubscription: [Function: endFrameSubscription],
startDrag: [Function: startDrag],
attachToIframe: [Function: attachToIframe],
detachFromOuterFrame: [Function: detachFromOuterFrame],
isOffscreen: [Function: isOffscreen],
startPainting: [Function: startPainting],
stopPainting: [Function: stopPainting],
isPainting: [Function: isPainting],
setFrameRate: [Function: setFrameRate],
getFrameRate: [Function: getFrameRate],
invalidate: [Function: invalidate],
setZoomLevel: [Function: setZoomLevel],
getZoomLevel: [Function: getZoomLevel],
setZoomFactor: [Function: setZoomFactor],
getZoomFactor: [Function: getZoomFactor],
getType: [Function: getType],
_getPreloadPaths: [Function: _getPreloadPaths],
getWebPreferences: [Function: getWebPreferences],
getLastWebPreferences: [Function: getLastWebPreferences],
getOwnerBrowserWindow: [Function: getOwnerBrowserWindow],
inspectServiceWorker: [Function: inspectServiceWorker],
inspectSharedWorker: [Function: inspectSharedWorker],
inspectSharedWorkerById: [Function: inspectSharedWorkerById],
getAllSharedWorkers: [Function: getAllSharedWorkers],
_print: [Function: _print],
_getPrinters: [Function: _getPrinters],
_printToPDF: [Function: _printToPDF],
addWorkSpace: [Function: addWorkSpace],
removeWorkSpace: [Function: removeWorkSpace],
showDefinitionForSelection: [Function: showDefinitionForSelection],
copyImageAt: [Function: copyImageAt],
capturePage: [Function: capturePage],
setEmbedder: [Function: setEmbedder],
setDevToolsWebContents: [Function: setDevToolsWebContents],
getNativeView: [Function: getNativeView],
incrementCapturerCount: [Function: incrementCapturerCount],
decrementCapturerCount: [Function: decrementCapturerCount],
isBeingCaptured: [Function: isBeingCaptured],
setWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy: [Function: setWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy],
getWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy: [Function: getWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy],
_grantOriginAccess: [Function: _grantOriginAccess],
takeHeapSnapshot: [Function: takeHeapSnapshot],
id: 2,
session: [Getter],
hostWebContents: [Getter],
devToolsWebContents: [Getter],
debugger: [Getter],
_initiallyShown: [Getter],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 17,
loadURL: [Function: bound loadURL],
getURL: [Function: bound getURL],
stop: [Function: bound stop],
reload: [Function: bound reload],
reloadIgnoringCache: [Function: bound reloadIgnoringCache],
canGoBack: [Function: bound canGoBack],
canGoForward: [Function: bound canGoForward],
canGoToIndex: [Function: bound canGoToIndex],
canGoToOffset: [Function: bound canGoToOffset],
clearHistory: [Function: bound clearHistory],
goBack: [Function: bound goBack],
goForward: [Function: bound goForward],
goToIndex: [Function: bound goToIndex],
goToOffset: [Function: bound goToOffset],
getActiveIndex: [Function: bound getActiveIndex],
length: [Function: bound length],
_maxListeners: 0
(node:817725) electron: The default of contextIsolation is deprecated and will be changing from false to true in a future release of Electron. See for more information
Loaded extension {
manifest: {
manifest_version: 1,
name: 'agregore-gemini-render',
version: '1.0',
description: 'The gemini rendering functionality for the Agregore Browser',
permissions: [ 'activeTab' ],
content_scripts: [ [Object] ],
srcDirectory: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/extension-agregore-render-gemini',
extensionId: 'extension-agregore-render-gemini'
alarms: [],
locale: undefined,
id: 'extension-agregore-render-gemini',
path: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/extension-agregore-render-gemini',
popupPage: null,
contentScripts: [
{ matches: [Array], js: [Array], css: [], runAt: 'document_idle' }
backgroundPage: null
Loaded extension {
manifest: {
manifest_version: 1,
name: 'agregore-md-render',
version: '1.0',
description: 'The markdown rendering functionality for the Agregore Browser',
permissions: [ 'activeTab' ],
content_scripts: [ [Object] ],
srcDirectory: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/extension-agregore-render-markdown',
extensionId: 'extension-agregore-render-markdown'
alarms: [],
locale: undefined,
id: 'extension-agregore-render-markdown',
path: '/tmp/.mount_Agrego84RwTj/resources/app/app/extensions/extension-agregore-render-markdown',
popupPage: null,
contentScripts: [
{ matches: [Array], js: [Array], css: [], runAt: 'document_idle' }
backgroundPage: null
Loading extensions []
Loading extensions []
created window 3
<- 3 listExtensionActions ( [] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 800, height: 563 } ] )
<- 3 loadURL ( [ 'agregore://welcome' ] )
Navigating agregore://welcome
-> 3 navigating ( [ 'agregore://welcome' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: false, canGoForward: false } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 800, height: 563 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
Navigating agregore://welcome
-> 3 navigating ( [ 'agregore://welcome' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: false, canGoForward: false } ] )
-> 3 page-title-updated ( [ 'Agregore Browser - Welcome' ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 963 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://welcom', 1630534543386 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://welco', 1630534543986 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://welc', 1630534544025 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://wel', 1630534544066 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://we', 1630534544105 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://w', 1630534544145 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore://', 1630534544185 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore:/', 1630534544226 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore:', 1630534544266 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregore', 1630534544306 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agregor', 1630534544346 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agrego', 1630534544387 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agreg', 1630534544426 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agre', 1630534544467 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'agr', 1630534544507 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'ag', 1630534544546 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'a', 1630534544586 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 150, width: 1920, height: 875 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'g', 1630534548749 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 187, width: 1920, height: 838 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'go', 1630534548925 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 113, width: 1920, height: 912 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'goo', 1630534549119 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'goog', 1630534549531 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'googl', 1630534549872 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'google', 1630534550019 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'google.', 1630534550287 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ 'google.c', 1630534550585 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ '', 1630534550680 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 searchHistory ( [ '', 1630534550788 ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 76, width: 1920, height: 949 } ] )
<- 3 getURL ( [] )
<- 3 setBounds ( [ { x: 0, y: 37, width: 1920, height: 988 } ] )
<- 3 loadURL ( [ '' ] )
<- 3 focus ( [] )
-> 3 navigating ( [ '' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: false, canGoForward: false } ] )
-> 3 navigating ( [ '' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: true, canGoForward: false } ] )
-> 3 page-title-updated ( [ 'Google' ] )
-> 3 navigating ( [ '' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: true, canGoForward: false } ] )
-> 3 navigating ( [ '' ] )
-> 3 history-buttons-change ( [ { canGoBack: true, canGoForward: false } ] )
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