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Last active May 11, 2019 10:26
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Tinkering with decimals


(max 8 decimal points) API returns amounts and rates as string Lowest: OMG/BTC 0.00023935 Highest: BTC/USDC 6674.34


(max 8 decimal points) API returns amounts and rates as string Lowest: NPXS/BTC 0.00000001 Highest: BCHABC/BTC 0.044838


(max 8 decimal points) API returns amounts and rates as string Lowest: HYP/BTC 0.00000005 Highest: BTC/THB 219849.95


(max 6 decimal points) API returns amounts and rates as string Lowest: DOGE/BTC 0.00000038 Highest: BTC/JPY 687798.0000

# Take decimal.exs from
IO.puts("----- ASSUMPTIONS -----")
precision = 36
rounding = :half_even
|> Map.put(:precision, precision)
|> Map.put(:rounding, rounding)
|> Decimal.set_context()
IO.puts("Precision is set to #{inspect(precision)}")
IO.puts("Rounding is set to #{inspect(rounding)}")
# Smallest number (18 decimal points, anything smaller is rounded off and represented as exponents
{:ok, smallest} = Decimal.parse("0.111111111111111111")
IO.puts("Assuming the smallest amount possible is #{Decimal.to_string(smallest)}")
# Largest number (18 digits), anything larger is rounded off and represented as exponents
{:ok, largest} = Decimal.parse("111111111111111111.0")
IO.puts("Assuming the largest amount possible is #{Decimal.to_string(largest)}")
IO.puts("\n----- CALCULATIONS -----")
# Smallest -> smallest
# smallest * rate = smallest
# rate = smallest / smallest
|> Decimal.div(smallest)
|> IO.inspect(label: "Rate for smallest -> smallest")
# Largest -> largest
# largest * rate = largest
# rate = largest / largest
|> Decimal.div(smallest)
|> IO.inspect(label: "Rate for largest -> largest")
# Smallest -> largest
# smallest * rate = largest
# rate = largest / smallest
|> Decimal.div(smallest)
|> IO.inspect(label: "Rate for smallest -> largest")
# Largest -> Smallest
# largest * rate = smallest
# rate = smallest / largest
|> Decimal.div(largest)
|> IO.inspect(label: "Rate for largest -> smallest")
$ elixir decimals.exs
----- ASSUMPTIONS -----
Precision is set to 36
Rounding is set to :half_even
Assuming the smallest amount possible is 0.111111111111111111
Assuming the largest amount possible is 111111111111111111.0
----- CALCULATIONS -----
Rate for smallest -> smallest: #Decimal<1>
Rate for largest -> largest: #Decimal<1>
Rate for smallest -> largest: #Decimal<1.0E+18>
Rate for largest -> smallest: #Decimal<1E-18>
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