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Last active December 13, 2015 16:48
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My zsh-theme

GO HERE for theme file

Independent tweaks for zsh (put in .zshrc) follow:

# for oh my zsh plugins that are nice
plugins=(git cp osx zsh-syntax-highlighting) 

# no idea why oh my zsh does not take the existing path. hardcoding this is *bad*
export PATH=~/bin:~/util:$PATH:/usr/local/share/npm/bin
export PAGER=vimpager

# zmodload zsh/complist
# bindkey -M menuselect ' ' accept-and-infer-next-history
# bindkey -M menuselect '^?' undo

bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-search
bindkey '^[[B' down-line-or-search

stty -ixon # for letting Vim see Ctrl+S
stty -ixoff
source $ZSH/plugins/history-substring-search/history-substring-search.plugin.zsh # somehow the other ways to enable this fail
alias g="git-diff-puppet"
echo "Finished loading my .zshrc"
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