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Last active April 5, 2019 17:35
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Jamming buefy into nuxt, the custom way without a module. Personally I found nuxt-buefy module to be useless, and just implemented buefy directly into my own nuxt app.
* Integrates Buefy / Bulma CSS Components
import Vue from 'vue';
// Adds specific buefy components, matching to their name in docs
import Autocomplete from 'buefy/dist/components/autocomplete';
import Checkbox from 'buefy/dist/components/checkbox';
import Dropdown from 'buefy/dist/components/dropdown';
import Field from 'buefy/dist/components/field';
import Input from 'buefy/dist/components/input';
import Pagination from 'buefy/dist/components/pagination';
import Radio from 'buefy/dist/components/radio';
import Select from 'buefy/dist/components/select';
// an example buefy file. In my own project I include this into my global styles.
* Customization for our buefy integration.
* You can see which modules we've included, by checking out vue/frontend/plugins/Buefy.js
// adjust bulma variables, to match our rivalry ones.
// $primary: #8c67ef;
// $primary-invert: findColorInvert($primary);
// $twitter: #4099FF;
// $twitter-invert: findColorInvert($twitter);
$danger: $color-red-dark;
// Needed to get autocomplete form styles
$dropdown-item-color: $color-navy-dark;
$dropdown-item-active-color: $color-navy-dark;
$dropdown-item-hover-background-color: #fafafa;
$dropdown-item-hover-color: darken($color-teal, 5%);
$dropdown-item-active-background-color: rgba($color-orange, 0.35);
// Radio buttons need to match our colors
$radio-active-background-color: $color-teal;
$checkbox-active-background-color: $color-teal;
$checkbox-checkmark-color: $color-white;
// $link color isn't used for a tags,
// however is used to highlight in form elements etc. Changing this to be our orange.
$link: $color-orange;
$link-focus-border: $color-orange;
// set up the Bulma and Buefy core/basics
@import '~bulma/sass/utilities/_all';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/utils/_all';
// Import Bulma styles
// Due to this conflicting with our global button style,
// not introducting it globally until
// @import '~bulma/sass/elements/button';
@import '~bulma/sass/elements/form';
@import '~bulma/sass/components/dropdown';
// Import matching Buefy styles
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_autocomplete';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_checkbox';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_dropdown';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_form';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_radio';
@import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_select';
// Buefy specific fixes here.
// Maybe if they're deeper integrated, this will go to forms.scss?
// more specific than our a tag coloring
.dropdown-content a.dropdown-item {
color: $dropdown-item-color;
&:hover {
color: $dropdown-item-color;
// Form selects should always fill their container
.control .select,
.control .select select {
width: 100%;
plugins: [
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